Baz Luhrman Essays

  • Baz Luhrman´s Version of Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet

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    Baz Luhrman´s Version of Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet One of the characteristics of Elizabethan and also Jacobean drama is the low number of stage directions and the lack of details they contain. As a logical consequence theatrical representations or film versions of these ages may allow an important quantity of freedom in the performance. In other instances stage directions and other important theatrical elements are consciously left aside in order to create totally different visions of the

  • Comparing Baz Luhrman and Zefferelli's Directing styles of Romeo and Juliet

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    Comparing Baz Luhrman and Zefferelli's Directing styles of Romeo and Juliet Shakespeare wrote Romeo and Juliet in 1598, and since this time the play has been modified to suit many different directors styles and their interpretations of Shakespeares work. In the different versions of Romeo and Juliet that we saw there were 4 main contexts for us the viewer. The first context is n 1998 Baz Luhrman produced the film to appeal to a modern audience, but Zeferelli made his version of Romeo and

  • The Theme of Love in Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet and in the Baz Luhrman and Zeffirelli Film Versions

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    The Theme of Love in Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet and in the Baz Luhrman and Zeffirelli Film Versions Love is one of the main, if the not most important, themes in the play 'Romeo and Juliet'. The aspect of love in the play can be interpreted in many different ways and this is shown in the Zeffirelli and Baz Luhrman film versions. The theme of love is, quite obviously, continued throughout the whole play. When Romeo is first seen in Act One, scene one it is clear that love is one of

  • How Does Baz Luhrman Use Film Techniques In Australian

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    Australia, published in 2008 directed by Baz Luhrrman, is an Australian film starring Nichole Kidman as Lady Sarah Ashely, Hugh Jackson as The Drover and Brandon Walters as Nullah. Set on Faraway Downs, a cattle station in the northern territory of Australia, Lady Ashely and the drover set out to drove Cattle to Darwin to be sold for the army. Featuring events of the era, that is September 1939 through to 1942, including the bombing of Darwin during world war two. Australia is the third highest grossing

  • Cinematic Techniques in Strictly Ballroom

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    Extended Film Response How the film techniques used by Baz Luhrman to influence the portrayal and development of characters in the film Strictly Ballroom? In the film Strictly Ballroom, the director Baz Luhrman uses many different film techniques to influence the portrayal and development of characters. Costume and makeup is used as a vital technique to show the audience the characters’ personalities and also the development of some characters. Camera angles and lighting is another technique

  • Drama and Excitement in the Opening Scene of Romeo and Juliet by Baz Lurhmann

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    Drama and Excitement in the Opening Scene of Romeo and Juliet by Baz Lurhmann Romeo and Juliet is directed by Baz Lurhmann and was produced in 1997 .In the opening scene of the film is set in a petrol station . The Montague boys and the Capulet boys happen to meet each other and a quarrel ensues and this leads to a big gun battle accompanied by western music that adds humour to the scene. The techniques the Luhrmann uses are lighting ,camera angles , setting and different aspects of mis

  • A Comparison of Two Film Versions of William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet

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    have compared two very different versions of the play, by Zefferilli and Baz Luhrman. During the prologue in each film, I noticed many differences and some similarities. There appeared to be more differences, as they were very obvious, many similarities I didn’t notice until the second viewing. They weren’t as common and weren’t as clear as the differences. The most noticeable differenace was a choice made by Baz Luhrman. He chose to repeat the prologue. In his film the prologue was spoken

  • Comparing Zeffirelli and Luhrmann's Versions of Romeo and Juliet

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    the balcony scene displays that romantic notion perfectly. “The most filmed of all plays, ‘Romeo and Juliet’, with its universal themes… remains uniquely adaptable for any time period,” (Botnick, 2002). Directors Franco Zeffirelli (1968) and Baz Luhrman (1996) provide examples of the plays adaption to suit the teenage generation of their time. Identifying the key elements of each version: the directors intentions, time/place, pace, symbols, language and human context is one way to clearly show

  • An Analysis of Baz Luhrmann’s Romeo and Juliet

    4445 Words  | 9 Pages

    An Analysis of Baz Luhrmann’s Romeo and Juliet Baz Luhrmann’s William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet did not get a warm reception from the literary and film critics of today. Many feel that he cut out too much of the words which lessened the character development and original connotation that Shakespeare intended. Even worse, he compromised Shakespeare’s integrity by giving in to the demands of the American teen pop culture. These critics have a point. Luhrmann takes out anything that does

  • Use Of Red Curtain Techniques In The Great Gatsby

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    TASK 1 Baz Luhrman Red Curtain Genre To a large extent Baz Luhrmanns film The Great Gatsby is considered as an example of Red Curtain cinema. Baz Luhrmann is a uniquely talented producer who bases his movies on a Red Curtain Theme. This theme is represented in The Great Gatsby with his use of unrealistic scenarios to captivate his audience and remind them that this is a unique mad up story and has no facts. In the film The Great Gatsby many red curtain techniques are used by Baz Luhrmann as they

  • Zaferelli's Version Differs from Shakespeare's Version of Romeo and Juliet

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    Sex, drugs, and violence are usually a potent combination, and only William Shakespeare could develop them into a masterful, poetic, and elegant story. In the play, "The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet," all these aspects of teenage life absorb the reader or watcher. Romeo & Juliet has various interpretation with different input and similar input, in this essay I am comparing and contrasting how the scene of the ‘first meeting’ of Romeo and Juliet differentiates by the version. The first meeting of

  • Analysis Of Strictly Ballroom

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    1. The title "Strictly Ballroom" gives us the idea & impression of very stern & rules in a very rigid & strict environment with many expectations & restrictions. It also implies the concept of very orthodox textbook ballroom dancing which is very stiff & done exactly in a specific way which it's expected to be done. 2. Billy Elliot is set in north-eastern England during the 1984-1985 coal miners' strike, this is very important to acknowledge because it has a great impact on Billy & his circumstances

  • The Opening of Baz Lurhmann's Film Adaptation of Romeo and Juliet

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    The Opening of Baz Lurhmann's Film Adaptation of Romeo and Juliet In 1997, Baz Lurhmann adapted a modern stylish version of ‘ Romeo and Juliet’ which was originally made in the 16th century. Using certain techniques, Baz Lurhmann has made this modified version thrilling and unforgettable. Throughout this essay I will analyse the different techniques Baz Lurhman has used to make this film adaptation effective. Set in Los Angeles, there are two rivals, the Montague’s and the Capulates.

  • Baz Luhrmann Essay

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    Mark Anthony Luhrmann, most commonly known as ‘Baz Luhrmann’, born in Sydney on September 17, 1962, is an Australia director who is highly credited as one of the greatest and easily depicted actors of Australia. This is shown through the direct use of camera angles, bright distinct colour and fast-paced editing which allows the audience to interpret the film as one directed by Luhrmann. In particular, Luhrmann directed the 1996 re-enactment of Shakespeare’s original ‘Romeo and Juliet’, set in Verona

  • Romeo And Juliet Speech With Relevant Texts

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    reinforced by zefereli’s appropriation if the original text, he stays true to the text by setting it in the renaissance period and using the Elizabethan language he separates the to families by using elaborate costuming. However the violence presented in Baz Lermann’s Romeo and Juliet is vastly different as in the original it portrays tragedy and doom but Lurmann creates an element of humour drawn from common stereotypes of the race of the actors he chose to portray each character, for example in the near

  • Comparing Love in To Dance with the White dog and Moulin Rouge

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    Comparing Love in To Dance with the White dog and Moulin Rouge In the novel, To Dance with the White dog, Terry Kay crafts a love story about Sam Peek and his wife Cora, that seems to extend beyond the grave in the form of a white dog.  At the same time, the film Moulin Rouge is a fast paced, tensely dramatic, love triangle between Christian, the poor writer, Satine, the courtesan that everyone fancies, and the Duke, who has the money to transform the Moulin Rouge into a theatre with real

  • Moulin Rouge Film Analysis

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    Baz Luhrmann’s Moulin Rouge is a timeless, captivating film that incorporates great cinematography and a daring endeavor by Luhrmann to reinvent a musical. Moulin Rouge is about the night club in Paris called The Moulin Rouge, and the journey of a young writer who falls in the love with the star dancer and finds himself caught up in a love triangle. Baz Luhrmann uses different techniques to convey images to his audience. An example of this is mise-en-scene, cinematography, and editing to draw the

  • Directing William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet

    1458 Words  | 3 Pages

    turned it into a unique version of their own; unique in the sense that they changed the tragedy by taking out lines, conversation or even entire scenes to better suit that particular director’s needs. In a more extreme version of the play, directed by Baz Lurhmann, some of the weapons such as swords were replaced by modern day guns, but despite this he still managed to keep it all in context by cleverly placing words, or using other satire. With this paper I hope to produce my own unique version of the

  • Baz Luhrmann's Modern Version Of Romeo and Juliet

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    Baz Lurhmann’s creation of the film Romeo and Juliet has shown that today’s audience can still understand and appreciate William Shakespeare. Typically, when a modern audience think of Shakespeare, they immediately think it will be boring, yet Lurhmann successfully rejuvenates Romeo and Juliet. In his film production he uses a number of different cinematic techniques, costumes and a formidably enjoyable soundtrack; yet changes not one word from Shakespeare’s original play, thus making it appeal to

  • Australia, by Baz Luhrmann

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    film by Baz Luhrmann “Australia”, I cannot but mention the importance of the film-form of it. This epic historical film "Autralia" combines the genres of drama, war, westerns and adventure. The film has such a beautiful attraction, thanks to the magnificent landscapes of Australia, against which events unfold, as well as by the desire to win the director's success with the audience. The film raises important and difficult questions of brutal racial policies of Australian governments. Baz Luhrmann