Batcave Essays

  • Crash Repair Car

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    Darius who recently passed his driving test has asked his close friend Selina, to find a good car and to be specific he did not want a crash repair car. Selina was not a mechanic however she had some familiarity of selling and buying used cars. Selina spotted that Jim was selling a second hand or a used VW Golf car for £5,000 even though the bonnet seemed to be straightened and crumpled and she believed that Jim would not cheat her. She begged Darius to buy the car and guaranteed Darius that the

  • Essay On Being Thankful For

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    In life, people often take their surroundings for granted. Most people have let their surroundings become just another part of their life, and because of this, they forget how great the world around them can be. I believe that from time to time, people should just sit down and think about how nice their life can be and take in their surroundings. A good time of year to do this would be around Thanksgiving. This is a time of peace and a perfect opportunity to thank those that have in some way or another

  • Unmasking Batman: The Intriguing Facts About Bruce Wayne

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    Have you ever wondered who the man is under the dark knight mask? Bruce Wayne, is a wealthy American playboy, philanthropist, and owner of Wayne Enterprises, who after witnessing the murder of his parents Dr. Thomas Wayne and Martha Wayne as a child, he swore vengeance against criminals, an oath tempered by a sense of justice. Bruce Wayne trains himself physically and intellectually and crafts a bat-inspired persona to fight crime. But the man riddle to this amazing “Cape Crusader” is brought along

  • Research Paper On The Joker

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    With the new cover of Empire Magazine featuring new photos of DC's upcoming Suicide Squad movie, I thought it necessary to clear up some rumors about Jared Leto's highly anticipated performance as The Joker. There have been many suspicions about how Leto will play him; will he be more of a mischievous clown or will pay homage to Heath Ledger by turning the psycho-knob up to 11? Between the trailers for Batman v. Superman and Suicide Squad and numerous leaked photos of Jared Leto's Joker, there are

  • Analysis Of Dick Grayson

    1224 Words  | 3 Pages

    We all know that Robin has always played a part as Batman’s faithful sidekick. The most famous one of all the Robins over the years is Dick Grayson who is the original Robin. Known also by the moniker Nightwing, he hung up the Robin cowl, handing it to Jason Todd. Despite having existed for years, how much has Dick grown as a character? How much do we know about him as a character other than him being Batman’s sidekick? Be prepared to delve deeper into Dick’s life before, during and after his time

  • Mr. Freeze Chapter Summaries

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    Later, Barbara finds the Batcave and creates her own crime-fighting persona with the help of a computer simulation of Alfred. The real Alfred is suffering from MacGregor's Syndrome. He is, however, in stage 1, for which Mr. Freeze has developed a cure despite being unable to cure

  • Batman Hero

    679 Words  | 2 Pages

    A great example is batman with his millions, maybe billions of dollars worth of equipment including, but not limited to, his Batcave, Batsuits, and his Batmobile. Batman scouts out every night, inflicting fear and justice across all city scum. With his money though, he can most likely clean up his city without even his fists. A less modest example is Ironman who has hundreds of

  • Creative Writing: Wonder Woman

    642 Words  | 2 Pages

    Diana turned around suddenly at the new voice in the batcave, amazed that someone had managed to sneak up on her. A young man, fully suited as Robin, stood nearby and hesitantly offered information. She smiled shyly, trying to play a part, as Batman introduced her as an alli. She'd heard Cassie talk about Robin and a few of the other Titans, but Wonder Woman had always brushed it off as childish musings. There was nothing childish about the man in front of her and she could see why Cassie constantly

  • Compare And Contrast Batman And Beowulf

    764 Words  | 2 Pages

    technology and weapons in almost every single fight, however, he does use hand-to-hand quite often as well. Batman has his Batmobile which contains built in machine guns, flames, and bombs. He has his own lair, which is a dark and quiet cave known as the Batcave where he stores his suit and weapons. Beowulf does not have a secret identity or a suit to protect him from evil. He goes out with the mindset that he could die in his next battle, but he still risks his life

  • Dark Knight Return Analysis

    818 Words  | 2 Pages

    The “Dark Knight Returns”, by Frank Miller is one of the most influential comic book mini-series in comic book history. Its impact cannot be underrated as this series has changed the way comic books and superhero movies are structured, developed, and their overall meaning. Batman has never possessed any super powers and often faces foes that do. Batman has always had to rely on his superior intellect, human physique, detective skills, and masterful planning. When Bruce Wayne was a child, he witnessed

  • The Ahmanson Ranch Development

    1120 Words  | 3 Pages

    The Ahmanson Ranch Development It all started back in 1989 when Home Savings of America announced to build a giant new community consisting of 3,050 homes, two schools, two hotels, two golf courses and 400,000 square feet of commercial and industrial areas on the 5,400-acre Ahmanson Ranch located at the eastern end of Ventura county, adjacent to Los Angeles County. Even though the Ahmanson Ranch has been owned by Home Savings of America since 1963, the nature remained undisturbed all these past

  • Analysis Of The Batman Movie

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    permission to leave and go fight crime, but because Batman does not trust Dick Batman tells Dick that he and Bruce share custody so he did not need to ask Bruce for permission. Even the Joker thinks that Batman and Bruce Wayne and roommates because the Batcave is under Wayne

  • Archetypes In Batman

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    mastery of all martial arts. Although Batman doesn’t have the Knights of the Round Table, Bruce maintains a fleet of high-tech and high-powered vehicles, chief among the Batmobile, Batcycle, Batboat, Batplane and Batcopter and a supersophisticated Batcave headquarters (The man lives in a cave) which can be compared to the knights; as both aid the hero. Bruce Wayne is commonly referred to as the Prince of Gotham, which is similar to the King of England. Both are powerful and wise men with strong political

  • Similarities Between Superman And Greek Mythology

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    implement completely opposite approach and mentality. Apparently Superman is parallel to Zeus, leader and representative of his “community”, Batman is Hades, who is consistently surrounded by death and darkness, he is also living underground in the Batcave, similar to the king of the underworld. And such similarities conveniently permeating the plot of many comic

  • Batman: Mask of the Phantasm - A Critical Review

    1787 Words  | 4 Pages

    Batman: Mask of the Phantasm This paper will break down the elements of the critical process using the three critical methods that were discussed in class. Also included in the paper will be the notes that were taken from the conversation I overheard at Hardees, about the movie “Batman: Mask of the Phantasm” between Seiter, Thompson, and Meehan. This critique will discuss the several components to each of the three critical methods including cultural codes in the movie, gender roles, and advertisement

  • Tim Burton's Batman: Critical Analysis

    1258 Words  | 3 Pages

    Tim Burton’s Batman received a wide variety of reviews from critics and fans, alike. The majority of viewers enjoyed Burton’s take on the classic tale, while others did not appreciate the slight modifications on the original plot. A major difference Burton incorporated in the film was the overall dark tone, contrasting previous superhero movies. Unfortunately, this decision also brought Burton a lot of criticism; while many fans welcomed his new ideas, some did not like seeing Batman, a comic book

  • Analysis of the Super Hero Series Batman

    1529 Words  | 4 Pages

    The purpose of this paper is to provide the reader with an insight into the Super Hero Series Batman. This crime fighter originally appeared in Detective Comics issue #27 in 1939. It later became a comic book series, a TV series and a movie series. The character Batman is second only to Superman as a Super Hero. Amazingly Batman has no super powers, but he does have a lot of neat crime fighting gadgets. In this paper, we will explore the creation of Batman, his supporting cast of characters

  • Batman Research Info

    1546 Words  | 4 Pages

    Batman Research Info Batman: (Danny Elfman) This was Elfman's breakthrough score, catapulting him into the mainstream scoring business. Many traditionally classical composers may find fault with Elfman's dark and uniquely strange score for Batman (or, for that matter, any of Elfman's scores), but it doesn't change the fact that Batman was one of the highpoints for soundtracks of the 1980's. Even without the same training as many of the other top composers of this era, tributes to such classical

  • Movie Analysis: Batman's Secret Identity

    1962 Words  | 4 Pages

    Justine Wollmuth Superheroes Mrs. Franklin November 12, 2015 Bruce Wayne, Batman’s secret identity, is an American billionaire, playboy, philanthropist, and owner of Wayne Enterprises. Batman is one of the most well-known and well-liked superheroes of all time probably because of all of the comics, TV shows, movies and video games with him in it. Many are interested in Batman mainly because he is human, has no super powers and no special abilities just like a normal person but continues in many

  • Christopher Nolan’s Batman Trilogy

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    The Dark Knight Rises (2012) is a superhero epic of a scope hard to explain in a few short paragraphs. It is the third film in Christopher Nolan’s Batman trilogy. This film takes place over the course several months, primarily in the fictional Gotham City, an American city which had until recently been rife with crime and corruption which had made great progress in these areas due to the events in the previous films. The protagonist is Bruce Wayne (Christian Bale), the eponymous Dark Knight, who