Creative Writing: Wonder Woman

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Diana turned around suddenly at the new voice in the batcave, amazed that someone had managed to sneak up on her. A young man, fully suited as Robin, stood nearby and hesitantly offered information. She smiled shyly, trying to play a part, as Batman introduced her as an alli. She'd heard Cassie talk about Robin and a few of the other Titans, but Wonder Woman had always brushed it off as childish musings. There was nothing childish about the man in front of her and she could see why Cassie constantly talked about Batman's protégé.

She leaned back, giving Robin room to insert the thumb drive and silently cheered her disguise for fooling him. Excitement was short lived as images of other young heroine's slid across the screen and Diana gasped. "Oh no" she said aloud, shaking her head for all of the innocent young women who were being violated. "We have to do something" she said on a whisper, absent mindedly reaching for Batman's shirt sleeve again, tugging the fabric in quiet desperation. She was ready to 'storm the castle' with guns blazing, Goddess stop her if anyone stood in her way. Instead, she squeezed the silky soft fabric and bounced her knee nervously looking every bit the role she was beginning to play. …show more content…

Soap got into heer mouth and up her nose and she winced, still shivering while the other inmates were getting dressed. Felicia realized that she'd made a powerful enemy in DEnnis, but was too late as he had already made her his personal punching bag. Finally, he switched her water off and dragged Felicia, still soaking wet and uncontrollably shaking, into the group of inmates. He gave instructions and when she went for her clothes, Shrek yanked her back by her hair and thrust her into a line away from Slade. She gasped, reaching up to try and pry his fingers off of her scalp, but moved where he roughly

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