Baroque Period Essays

  • The Baroque Period

    1861 Words  | 4 Pages

    The fascination with the concept of light (both physical and metaphysical) is one of the distinguishing features of the Baroque period (1600-1750). Baroque painters from Caravaggio (insert dates) to Rembrandt (insert dates) and Vermeer (insert dates), all found inspiration in the symbolism of light, and relied heavily on light effects to animate their subject matter. In architecture the desire for theatrical effect and illusion was helped and achieving through lighting. Renaissance buildings

  • The Baroque Period

    768 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Baroque Period The Baroque Period (1600-1750) was mainly a period of newly discovered ideas. From major new innovations in science, to vivid changes in geography, people were exploring more of the world around them. The music of the baroque period was just as extreme as the new changes. Newly recognized composers such as Bach, Handel, Vivaldi, and Monteverdi were writing entirely new musical ideas and giving a chance for new voices to be heard that were normally not thought of sounds. Their

  • Baroque Art: The Era Of The Baroque Period

    2247 Words  | 5 Pages

    The 17th century was the era of the baroque style, characterized by energy, drama, and movement. The church in Rome needed art that spoke to its resurgent power even as the conflict between the protestant and Catholics continued. Baroque was basically a counter movement to the rising Protestantism. A visual language was needed to reemphasize and reestablish the catholic belief amongst people. Baroque art was an attempt to gain control over peoples thinking, to basically make them think and feel more

  • Baroque Music And The Baroque Period

    943 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Baroque period, which took place between 1600 and 1750, was an era based on artistic style that spread throughout the majority of Europe. Exaggerated motion and clear, easily understood detail was used largely in this era to produce drama, tension and liveliness in paintings, architecture, literature, dance, theatre and music. The popularity of the Baroque style was encouraged by the Catholic Church even though the church had lost the political control of Europe and was no longer aloud to make

  • Paul Rubens and the Baroque Period

    1047 Words  | 3 Pages

    Paul Rubens and the Baroque Period For this formal analysis paper I would like to talk about a painting done by the artist named Peter Paul Reubens. The piece itself is entitled, "The Apotheosis of Henry IV and the Proclamation of the Regency of Marie de Medicis on May 14, 1610." The painting was completed in the year 1610, and today it is on display at the Louvre in Paris, France. This painting was one of many that I had to choose from when I was deciding on what to write about. Many internet

  • A Comparison Of The Baroque And Neoclassical Periods

    1167 Words  | 3 Pages

    For this task, the two art periods that I have decided to compare are the Baroque and the Neoclassical periods. The discipline within in the humanities that I have choose to focus on for this essay is the aspect of architecture in the respective periods. The earlier period between the two, the Baroque era, took place roughly during the seventeenth century and lasted into the early eighteenth century. Characteristically, the Baroque period with respect to its style is widely known for its typical

  • A Comparison of The Renaissance and Baroque Periods

    1129 Words  | 3 Pages

    of each historical period came new technologies and techniques and were all influenced by the unique style, characteristics, and social conditions of those periods. Even though, each period discovered new forms and unique styles of art most historical periods were influenced by an earlier period of history. In this essay, I will explore the relationship, style, and influences of the Renaissance and Baroque periods and will also compare and contrast a work of art from both periods to further explain

  • Renaisssance versus Baroque Periods

    958 Words  | 2 Pages

    The baroque and renaissance periods are two different periods. The renaissance period rolled into the baroque era. There were changes made over the years from the baroque to the renaissance period. Differences in style accumulated along with views of art and music. Baroque era covers the period between 1600 and 1750 beginning with Monte Verdi (birth of opera) and ended with deaths of Bach and Handel. The term baroque music is borrowed from the art history. It follows the Renaissance era (1400-1600)

  • The Baroque Period: Then or Now?

    1082 Words  | 3 Pages

    must ask ourselves: where did it come from? The Baroque period has had a tremendous impact on modern day music. The Baroque period gave birth to dozens of musical inventions and innovations including an increased reliance on discordance and the institution of 7th chords and inversions. For these reasons and many more, we can agree that the Baroque period has been a strong influence on modern day music and even our lives. Clearly, the Baroque period is not alive back then but living right now. Before

  • The Importance Of The Baroque Period

    1311 Words  | 3 Pages

    The Baroque Period, 1600-1750, marked another unique era of musical experimentation and evolvement. Titled after the trendy ornate architectural style during this period, the Baroque period, 1600 to 1750, witnessed a widespread change in the composer’s musical desires as they widely rebelled against the traditional styles that were prevalent during the Renaissance. With this era stained with monarchs attempting to outperform one another with pride and pageantry the development and grandeur of music

  • The Baroque Period And The Baroque From 1580-1750

    525 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Baroque period, traversing from 1580- 1750, was a period in which numerous styles were formed. Affected by progressions in religious deduction also moves in political mentality, the florid music is rich in differentiations and disagreements, and the imaginative beliefs to which one arranger aimed would not so much be the same as an alternate's goals. Be that as it may, there all were steady values imparted by inventive brains, and vital to the reasoning of a Baroque craftsman, whether it was

  • The Baroque Period and Famous Composers

    1240 Words  | 3 Pages

    The Baroque Period and Famous Composers The baroque period was characterized by a heroic, dramatic and emotional theme. With well know names like Rembrant, Bach, Pennini, Caravaggio, Bernini, Tintoretto, Velasques, Poussin, Handel, and Rubens, the period produced many popular pieces of music and art. The art of the period was filled with movement, light versus shadow, and the use of the whole surface. The composers incorporated new ideas into their music such as different major and minor

  • Genre Analysis: The Baroque and Rococo Periods

    1550 Words  | 4 Pages

    The following is a comparative analysis of Caravaggio’s The Musicians from the Italian Baroque period, and Watteau’s Mezzetin from the Rococo Period. Although both paintings depict a scene or event from everyday life, or a genre scene, the latter was painted more recently during the modern era and it differs immensely. The major differences become evident in the style of the painters as well as their personal representations of the subject matter. The works illustrate the evolvement of a certain

  • Baroque Music In The Baroque Period From 1600-1750

    1058 Words  | 3 Pages

    Baroque was a period from 1600- 1750. In this period, people in different classes and different religion, they were fought for interests, and then baroque style was created. “Baroque”- this word has variety explanations. One of the explanation is from Spain – “Barroco”, it means Imperfect pearl. One is from an Italian – Charles de Brosses. He said barroco was from the ‘’ Logic’’, it means the description of Syllogism. In this era, baroque architecture means sumptuous and exaggerating. Generally

  • Baroque and Classical Periods in Music

    813 Words  | 2 Pages

    emotion is expressed, has changed over time. Throughout the Baroque period (c. 1600 – 1750) musicians attempted to cause a specific extreme emotion in the listener, while during the Classical period (c. 1750-1825) composers sought to produce a balance of emotions. Due to philosophical and artistic movements that occurred, emotion, a critical element of music, was conveyed differently between the Baroque and Classical periods. Baroque music is characterized by its development of tonality, elaborate

  • A New Form of Music: The Baroque Period

    1174 Words  | 3 Pages

    The Baroque period was “one of the most brilliant periods in history, standing squarely at the crossroads between medieval and modern times, this was an age of real achievement, strong hope, and vigorous actuality” (McKinney 270). The term Baroque comes from the Portuguese word barroco, meaning a pearl of irregular shape (Smith 31). Beginning in Italy, the Baroque period was known for its “grandiose concepts” and “magnificent effects”. The grandiose concepts were basically concepts that were grand

  • Art From Baroque Period Through The Postmodern Era

    1462 Words  | 3 Pages

    Art from Baroque Period through the Postmodern Era Renaissance art history began as civic history; it was an expression of civic pride. The first such history was Filippo Villani's De origine civitatis Florentiae et eiusdem famosis civibus, written about 1381-82. Florentine artists revived an art that was almost dead, Villani asserts, just as Dante had restored poetry after its decline in the Middle Ages. The revival was begun by Cimabue and completed by Giotto, who equalled the ancient painters

  • Georg Phillip Telemann: The Culture Of The Baroque Period

    1311 Words  | 3 Pages

    From the concrete structure of the Baroque period to the free-form structure of the Modern period each composer brings forth a new understanding and value to their time period. Within these pieces that they creatively compose it brings new light and displays the culture of the time period. The composers each have story to tell and has each creatively constructed their own works within the diameters of their era. The music of the Baroque period was focused on having music be a tool of communication

  • Conflicts Between the Catholics and the Protestants During The Baroque Period

    1281 Words  | 3 Pages

    The Baroque period began in the 17th century, right after the Reformation period. The definition for Baroque in Italian is another word for “barocco,” or an irregular shaped pearl, as jeweler would define it. There were many important artists throughout this period, but before the Baroque period began, it all started with Martin Luther and his movement. Conflicts between the Catholics and the Protestants began when Martin Luther attached the 95 Theses in 1517. He protested when the Catholic Church

  • Compare and contrast the music of the Medieval, Rennaissance, and Baroque periods

    576 Words  | 2 Pages

    Music throughout the ages has changed dramatically. Starting in the Medieval period, from 400-1475, music was in the form of what is called the Gregorian chant. Instruments were very rarely used at this time. Since songs during this period were either troubadour or trouvere these chants had no real harmony. One example of this type of medieval composition is “Viderunt Omnes” by Leoninus. Like most Gregorian chants the texture of this piece is monophonic and polyphonic. “Viderunt Omnes” is a typical