Bananafish Essays

  • A Perfect Day for Bananafish

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    A Perfect Day for Bananafish Picture walking into a hotel room  and finding a  man dead on a bed.  Upon  closer inspection it becomes obvious that he has supposedly taken his own life with the gun that lay beside him.  In  talking to his wife who was asleep on the bed next to him when this incident occurred, it is learned that he just walked in the door and shot  himself late the previous night.  Out of the many questions that could be asked from this story, I believe that it is probably extremely

  • A Perfect Day For Bananafish By J.D. Salinger

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    A Perfect Day For Bananafish By J.D. Salinger A Perfect Day For Bananafish was written in 1948 by the American writer Jerome David Salinger. This was just three years after the ending of World War II, where Salinger was stationed in Berlin, Germany. From further analysis of the short-story I have come to the conclusion that Seymour is Salinger’s role model. Seymour has just returned from World War II, as well as Salinger had when he wrote the story. Seymour returns to his native country very confused

  • J.D. Salinger's story A Perfect Day for Bananafish

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    suffering from post-traumatic stress syndrome because of the war. He recently has tried to commit suicide twice. Once by driving his father-in-law's car into a tree and again by trying to jump out a window. J.D. Salinger's story, "A Perfect Day for Bananafish," seems to be a simple story about a couple on vacation in Florida and his encounter with a child named Sybil on the beach. Seymour's relationship with Sybil after further examination allows one to see that what really is taking place is Seymour's

  • Perfect Day For Bananafish

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    An Evaluation of The Trauma on the Psyche from War from Seymour’s Perspective and An Analyzation of The Themes. ‘’A Perfect Day For Bananafish’’ by J. D. Salinger. A war scarred veteran comes back to his country after having served in either the European, African, or south pacific theatre in World War II in what must have been hell. He comes back, to what he perceives, a vapid and shallow society focused on fashion, T.V. gossip, and being socialites. He only seems to be able to connect with children

  • J.D. Salinger's A Perfect Day for Bananafish versus Edgar Allan Poe's The Black Cat

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    Throughout J.D. Salinger’s “A Perfect Day for Bananafish” and Edgar Allan Poe’s “The Black Cat” many different themes are used to reveal how the protagonist is lead to his ultimate demise. In the stories, there are many themes that are used such as the fall from innocence into despair and ruin, split personality casing the character’s ruin, and deterioration into madness and obsession. This paper’s intention is to offer a clear presentation on how the two author’s works are similar and different

  • Analysis: A Perfect Day For Bananafish

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    There are sights caused by the evils of humanity that one cannot forget in the acts of war and terrorism. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is common among war veterans, leaving them detached from society. Seymour Glass in A Perfect Day for Bananafish shows signs of PTSD and depression through his poor relationship with Muriel and her family, his inclination

  • Symbolism In A Perfect Day For Bananafish

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    and what is trending. In a society where vanity and materialism go hand in hand, it is easy to forget other people in your life; thus, leading to neglecting those around you. In the story “A Perfect Day For Bananafish,” J. D. Salinger employs the devices of symbolism using the Bananafish suggesting mental illness and consumerism, a restricted third-person narration showing miscommunication, and contrasting characterization exemplifying vanity versus being pure. Salinger asserts how this materialistic

  • Comparing the Hero in Uncle Wiggily in Connecticut and A Perfect Day for Bananafish

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    The Misfit Hero in Uncle Wiggily in Connecticut and A Perfect Day for Bananafish The "Misfit Hero" is a common trait of J.D. Salinger's short stories. The "Misfit Hero" is a character who is in conflict with him or herself and has good qualities and bad qualities. This hero is usually isolated and is attempting to break out of his darkness because he craves and requires love and warmth. These protagonists are unable to function effectively in society because they are so overcome with experience

  • A Perfect Day For Bananafish by J.D. Salinger

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    tell you what we'll do. We'll see if we can catch a bananafish" (Salinger 7). A bananafish is a fictional creature created in the mind of Seymour Glass, a character in J.D Salinger's "A Perfect Day For Bananafish." They are much like any other fish but they swim into holes where bananas grow, and eat so many bananas that they cannot escape. "A Perfect Day For Bananafish" was published in 1948 in the New York Magazine ("A Perfect Day For Bananafish"). The story is set on the sunny beaches of Florida

  • A Perfect Day For Bananafish Comparison Essay

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    After reading "A Perfect Day for Bananafish" and "For Esme--with Love and Squalor", I found the two short stories to be similar, with only a few small differences. For example, the themes are very much alike due to the war and how it affects the people in each character's lives which shows to be the main conflict in both of the following stories. In Bananafish, Seymour the main character, is suffering from PTSD after being involved in the war, which similar to Sergeant X, who is the narrator in For

  • A Perfect Day For Bananafish Character Analysis

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    Day for Bananafish”, by J.D. Salinger, the main character is Seymour Glass, a man that has a disease from the war that affects his mental health. Another important character is Muriel Glass, Seymour’s wife. She is materialistic, and seems not to care that much for Seymour's illness. The story opens with Muriel talking to her mom on the phone, while Seymour is outside on the beach. Seymour says hi to a little child, Sybil. He talks with Sybil for a while about an animal called a bananafish. After talking

  • What Is The Loss Of Innocence In A Perfect Day For Bananafish

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    In the short story, “A Perfect Day for BananaFish” from the collection, Nine Stories, by JD Salinger, Salinger makes the claim that Seymour Glass, a World War II Veteran, is deeply disturbed from his war experiences. Salinger shows the extent of Glass’s disturbance through his interactions with other people, and his view of the world around him. Seymour Glass has lost his innocence in the war. He suffered through tragedy and death and has lost his purity. And this loss of innocence has led him

  • Characters in A Perfect Day for Bananafish by J.D. Salinger

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    Characters in A Perfect Day for Bananafish by J.D. Salinger The characters in Salinger?s ?A Perfect Day for Bananafish? seem to exist in opposite worlds. On one hand, Salinger creates Muriel to represent materialism and superficiality and on the other hand, he creates Sybil to provide justification of the child-like innocence rarely found in society. Salinger?s main character, Seymour, is aware of the superficiality expressed in Muriel?s world and chooses not to be apart of it. Seymour wants

  • Searching for Innocence: A Perfect Day for Bananafish by J.D. Salinger

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    story, "A Perfect Day for Bananafish." Distinct similarities appear between the main character, Seymour Glass, and Salinger including the World War II experience and attraction for younger, more innocent people (Salerno). Salinger conveys this through Seymour’s preference of a young girl’s company over his own wife's company. Throughout the story, “Salinger constantly draws attention to himself and his precocious intellect” (Daniel Moran). “A Perfect Day for Bananafish” revolves around an army veteran

  • Suicide in A Perfect Day for Bananafish by J. D. Salinger

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    A Perfect Day for Bananafish follows the events leading up to the eventual suicide of Seymour Glass. In the story, Seymour is described as a lost spirit who sees himself as being fundamentally different from his social environment following his wartime experience; he leaves the war “seeing-more” and as a result, awakens to find that he has lost touch with the material world. Salinger uses the story’s dialog as the medium for conveying Seymour’s struggle; he establishes the shallow nature of the environment

  • Buildup of Emotions and Lack of Communication: A Perfect Day for Bananafish by J.D. Sallinger

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    lead to devastation, the eruption of the mind’s volcano. American twentieth century author, J.D. Salinger, illustrates the devastating consequences caused by a buildup of emotions and a lack of communication in his short story, “A Perfect Day for Bananafish.” Salinger “has become, in biographer Ian Hamilton's phrase, ‘famous for not wanting to be famous’ ” (Stevick). In this short story, Salinger details the interactions of the main character, Seymour Glass, with Sybil Carpenter, a young girl. Through

  • A Perfect Day for Bananafish

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    novel Fight Club, Chuck Palahniuk remarks, “The things you own end up owning you. It's only after you lose everything that you're free to do anything.” Jerome David Salinger expanded on this idea through writing the short story, "A Perfect Day for Bananafish". The literary genius was born on January 1, 1919 in New York City. He earned his education from public schools in the West Side of Manhattan and after moving, from McBurney School where he wrote for the school's newspaper and was manager of the

  • A Perfect Day for Bananafish

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    Perfect Day for Bananafish" only three years later. Salinger's personal post-war struggle is evident in the story’s theme: loneliness and uncertainty in following a difficult situation. The story’s main character, Seymour, and Salinger share the burden of feeling outcast and alone upon returning from War. Both the author and his created character search for the innocence they lost in the war. Seymour, in particular, seems to see it in the youth of children. "A Perfect Day for Bananafish" is set during

  • J.D. Salinger's A Perfect Day for Ortgies

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    J.D. Salinger's A Perfect Day for Bananafish At first glance, J.D. Salinger's short story 'A Perfect Day for Bananafish' is the story of a psychically-torn war veteran whose post-traumatic stress moves him to take his own life while on a second honeymoon with his wife. Indeed, that is the story, but that first glance does not reveal the inner motives and symbolic pathways Seymour Glass takes to reach the final decision to end his life. The carefully placed details and minute innuendoes are deliberate

  • A Perfect Day For Bananafish Summary

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    Tyler McKee Dr. Andrew Pisano English 104-09 29 March, 2016 Themes of “A Perfect Day for Bananafish” and “Soldiers Home” Ernest Hemingway and J.D. Salinger both had their respective pieces of literature published after a great war. Hemingway’s In Our Time is a collection of short stories that was published after World War I in 1925. “Soldiers Home” is one of the short stories that is within In Our Time. It is about a former Marine named Harold Krebs who has returned home from World War I. Krebs