Bachelor of Science Essays

  • Importance Of Bachelor Of Science In Nursing

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    Completing my Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) has been one of my goals after I graduated from my Associate Degree in Nursing, and I said one of my goals because my ultimate goal is to become an Advance Practice Registered Nurse. It is the first time I am taking classes online and all my efforts will be in turn this journey into a positive experience to achieve my goals. One of the biggest challenge is to overcome the lack of time between my family and my work, but it is essential for my career

  • Bachelor Of Science In Healthcare Administration

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    facilities (Bachelor of Science in Health Care Administration,

  • Importance Of Bachelors Of Science In Nursing

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    fascinated and I have had the passion to always help others. I remember, growing up, I was the kind of kid who would focus on “fixing” people when they got hurt while playing. For this reason, my greatest desire has been to pursue a Bachelor’s of Science in Nursing (Adult) in a bid to make my dream a reality. I love to describe myself as a zealous individual who always strives towards being the best in what I do. Therefore, I am a hardworking, determined, dedicated, and resilient individual who has

  • Creating the Professional Nurse

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    these levels has been debated, primarily between the differentiation of the Associates degree in Nursing (ADN) and the Bachelors of Science degree in Nursing (BSN). The associate’s degree, which began with the intention of creating a technical nurse, has developed into being “equivalent” to a bachelors degree (Hess, 1996). The two degrees however are not equivalent, the bachelors educated nurse receives two years education beyond the associate, in the liberal arts and upper division nursing courses

  • Watson's Theory Of Human Caring

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    exhibits that a nurse has gone the extra mile in the nursing profession to better take care of patients. This also means that by being bachelor prepared, the nurse is able to better understand the medical dilemmas presented while being a nurse. The nurse that achieves a Bachelors of Science Degree is highly educated and carries a broad role in the lives of patients. A Bachelors Degree requires the Nurse to be of upmost professional quality because there is a lot of responsibility and commitment behind the

  • Educational Preparation for Nurses

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    today’s world, but they are not differentiated in the workplace. Hospitals have stopped hiring Licensed Practical Nurses altogether, and Registered Nurses with an Associates Degree in Nursing (ADN) are doing many of the same jobs as nurses with a Bachelors of Science Degree in Nursing (BSN) in the hospital and clinical setting. While the Registered Nurse with the higher level of education may have more opportunity for advancement, their roles are not clearly differentiated in everyday practice. It appears

  • Pursuing A Degree In The Entertainment Industry

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    give a Licenciatura en Negocios Internacionales, with the accreditation required for its legitimacy in Mexico. This will provide an opportunity to attend an institution in Mexico, while simultaneously taking online classes to receive a Bachelor of Science in the United States. Having a double degree program in my resume could be the key for success. This will allow me to be situated in Mexico and in the United States, to generate international connections. In conclusion, Walden University

  • Progress Report Of My Educational and Career Goals

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    Education is extremely important part of my past, present, and future goals. I currently hold an Associate of Applied Science in Graphic Design Media. I have found that an A.A.S Degree does not go as far al I originally intended in the Rochester, MN area and furthering my education will be a necessity for my future career goals. Over the past 2 years I have been working on my Bachelor of Science in Business Administration at the Minnesota School of Business Rochester campus. I am currently a senior with

  • The Importance Of Chemical Engineering

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    Chemical engineering is one of the oldest and core fields of engineering. You might be wondering what exactly chemical engineering is all about. “Chemical engineering is a branch of engineering that applies physical sciences, physics, chemistry, life sciences, microbiology and biochemistry, together with applied mathematics and economics to produce, transform, transport, and properly use chemicals, materials and energy. “Chemical engineers work to improve the quality of people 's lives. Most items

  • M. S. Global Fashion Enterprise Degree

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    Fashion Enterprise degree. When asked how this program at Philadelphia University would benefit me, I will begin by giving a background on my previous education. I started my undergraduate degree at Buffalo State College in upstate New York pursuing a Bachelor degree in Fashion Merchandising. After being in the program for a year I was confident in knowing I needed a change. My journey changed drastically when I moved down to sunny Fort Lauderdale, Florida where I transferred to the Art Institute under

  • Reflection Essay On Cultural Diversity

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    discussions that our culture, values, and morals are key components in how we interact with each other and what we view as acceptable. In the article “Deprivations and Privileges We All Have” I found it fascinating how the author was able to get her Bachelor of Science of Psychology degree and Master of Arts degree in Child and Family Psychology in the Philippines and her teaching methods were not questioned but once she acquired her Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology at the State University of New York in Albany

  • Pediatric Nurses Are Needed

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    either an associates or bachelor's degree in nursing. An associates degree typically takes two years to complete while a bachelors degree takes up to four years. Nurses can expect good job prospects regardless of their degree, but a bachelor's degree offers the best opportunites for advancement and pay. "In order to obtain your RN license, you must obtain an associates or bachelors degree in nursing from an accredited nursing program"(Pearson 2005). Then you must contact the Board of Nursinf in the

  • What I Want to be When I Grow Up

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    in a job and will have 12 jobs in as many as five career fields during his or her working life.” (para. 1) My first career was marriage and motherhood followed by a surprising healthcare career. What the future holds waits to be seen. With a bachelor of science degree in information technology the options are wide open. Childhood Career Choices Most children seem to have ideas of what they would like to be when they grow up. The average person walking into any kindergarten class today would find future

  • Baccalaureate Degree in Nursing Renders Well Rounded and Educated Nurses

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    are many different levels of education that produce entry level licensed nurses. These range from degree programs such Associate Degree in Nursing to a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN). However the level of education differs from program to program. Nursing programs offering the diploma option, Associate-Degree in Nursing (ADN) and the Bachelor Degree in Nursing (BSN), all have different educational requirements. However, it is important to consider that although different levels of nursing education

  • Reflection on Studies at the University

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    a position in banking. My education goals on additional degrees that I might pursue, will probably depend on if it is needed or something that might be required to continue to advance within my workplace. It has taken me 5 years to complete my bachelors and right now I have no plan to continue with my master’s. I think if I give myself at least a year and truly doing a little critical thinking in the matter, that I will be able to finalize that decision. I would like to continue my lifelong learning

  • Louis Pasteur

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    finished secondary school in nearby Besanon. He earned his bachelor of arts degree in 1840, and subsequently his bachelor of science degree in 1842 at the Royal College of Besanon. In 1843, Pasteur was admitted to the cole Normale Supérieure, a college especially focused towards producing teachers. Pasteur obtained his master of science degree in 1845 and then acquired an advanced degree in physical sciences, later earning his doctorate in sciences in 1847. Ready to conduct research and make contributions

  • A Career As A Game Warden Vs. Nursing Career

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    different in several ways, such as education, salary and benefits also the environment. For instance,the nursing program is a two year degree with the option of transferring to a four year degree. This way you will get your bachelor 's degree, which is a (BSN) bachelors of science in nursing. On the other hand, in order to become a game warden this will require a different path. In the past, in order to fulfill the dream of being a game warden, one would need to have two years related experience plus

  • My Plans as They Relate to My Educational and Career Objectives and Future Goals

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    grade student, I took a science course because it was required. At first I was scared about how well I would do and if I would get a good grade throughout the year. When the school year started, I met my teacher and he seemed really nice and he turned out to be an awesome teacher. I excelled in my science seven class and overthrew my fear of getting poor grades. My seventh grade year was the year I determined what I wanted to go to college for and that would be life science education. As I moved up

  • What Is My Career Vision

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    dealing with individuals and organizations And this also should help you learn more about yourself. understanding psychological and behavior issues of people will also help me know more about myself. My Career Vision When obtaining my Bachelor 's of science degree in Healthcare Management in 2016,

  • Essay On Engineering Student

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    degree is one of the most pursued academic paths at a university level around the globe. There are many steps and procedures to become a good student, planning, monitoring, and evaluating are the best way to become a good student. Graduating with a bachelor degree in biomedical engineering is currently my major goal. I choose this field of engineering because I would like to work with people and computers. I also want to help the world to be a better place. I am confident I can reach my goal. There