Assistive Technology Essays

  • Assistive Technology

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    present society places technology on a high pedestal. This pedestal contains all of the hi-tech, yet sophisticated gadgets, gizmos, and all of the other novel items that are inundating our households. Items such as computers and cell phones enable us to communicate via e-mail, text message, and video (Stodden, Roberts, Picklesimer, Jackson & Chang, 2006). Innovative items may be taken for granted but if we understand their significance and how they help us live in a technology driven and dependent

  • Assistive Technology Essay

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    Introduction Assistive technology serves to help people with disabilities obtain, maintain, and advance in employment. Assistive technology is a generic term for devices that increase a person’s function, independence, participation and productivity in society or to perform activities that would otherwise be labeled as difficult, dangerous or impossible. Providing effective technology services is essential to increase positive employment outcomes. Due to a lack of information about assistive technology there

  • Cognitive Assistive Technology

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    Cognitive Technology Options Incorporating technology in the classroom can be accomplished via any technology that is utilized to enable any student the opportunity to enhance or sustain the educational learning environment with any student necessitated by impairment (Guder, 2012). Dove ... ... middle of paper ..., E. C., Shurr, J. C., Tom, K., Jasper, A. D., Bassette, L., Miller, B., & Flanagan, S. M. (2012). Fix it with TAPE: Repurposing technology to be assistive technology for students

  • Assistive Technology Essay

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    student who has trouble listening and understanding instructions. Sometimes, just an adjustment of where the child sits fixes the problem or eliminates the barrier. Other times, assistive technology is needed. Today, the options for assistive technology are endless. In Samanthas case there were many options of assistive technology I could provide her with to help her be successful in the classroom. 1. Classroom Amplifier System: This system is installed in a classroom to provide stereo sound. The teacher

  • Assistive Technology Essay

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    Assistive technology (AT) is any device, piece of equipment or system that helps a person with a disability work around his challenges so he can learn, communicate or simply function better. Though the word “technology,” is used many AT tools are low-tech. AT tools range from simple adaptive tools like highlighters and organizers to high-tech tools like text-to-speech software for those with sight challenging concerns.(Ref: Assistive Technology: What It Is and How It Works By The Understood Team)

  • Assistive Technology Essay

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    Assistive Technology (AT) is technology that an individual with a disability uses to help them to perform functions that may be challenging for him/herself to complete. Assistive technology may be any item, equipment, software, or t system that is used to improve, maintain, or advance the functional capabilities of individuals with disabilities. Assistive Technology is changing the way special education classrooms work and has provided many new opportunities to persons with disabilities. It provides

  • Advantages Of Assistive Technology

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    gradual and start with the low tech and transition to the higher tech, if necessary. Starting with low assistive technology is cost effective and easier to implement. Intricate, advance tools should be used if the student lacks improvement in their area of need after using the simple to moderate aids. When and where the tools are implemented is another factor to consider. Generally, assistive technology should be used where the student is most frequently present, the general ed classroom or resource

  • Assistive Technology Essay

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    The use of assistive technologies has become an important rehabilitation strategy to support functioning in adults and children with physical impairments and their participation in everyday life. [6] Adults who suffer from motor impairments due to severe brain damages, may lose their mobility, coordination, leisure skills, and vocational skills. In order to address these issues, many technologies designed to support and help physically impaired individuals to achieve their mobility and restore their

  • Assistive Technology In Special Education

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    special education sector has always been a landscape for new technology and innovation. From innovative teaching materials to advance helping aid and even video games, it has been proven that technology have help children with special needs to improve their physically challenged lives. The development of assistive technology for the special education could be seen in mega countries such as Japan, United State of America and China. Technology such as the pc for the visually impaired, optical implantation

  • Assistive Technology

    2100 Words  | 5 Pages

    Assistive Technology Abstract: Assistive technology is one way that individuals with learning disabilities have been able to overcome the difficulties with comprehension that they possess. This form of technology comes in many forms, ranging from low to high technology devices. These devices, some as simple as a highlighter, help to organize and keep on track the individual with a learning disability. Assistive technology has many benefits to a student and helps individuals to compensate in their

  • Assistive Technology

    1071 Words  | 3 Pages

    Assistive Technology The use of technology in educating children with special needs has widely grown in the past few decades. Individuals with special needs are unique and all have different areas in which they need assistance. Due to the advancements in assistive technology, computer programs, software, and other technology tools, it has become much easier for people to find useful and easier ways to become educated. Because of this, “technology has changed the way people with disabilities

  • Importance Of Assistive Technology Devices And Services

    756 Words  | 2 Pages

    items that could be considered AT and describe how those devices could support a student with a disability in the classroom. Assistive technology is used to improve functional capabilities for an individual. With that being said there is a wide range of different technologies that could be used to assist an individual. Examples of AT found on (Page 1: Assistive Technology Devices) consist of brail books, book scanners, magnifiers, grabbers, pencil grips, and highlighters. It is obvious that the range

  • assistive technology for deaf or hard-of-hearing

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    The purpose of this research paper is to examine how assistive technology can be fully utilized to enhance the learning experiences of the educational environment for children who are deaf or hard-of-hearing. Presently, there are major issues within our educational system when it comes to finding ways to produce, fund, and implement assistive educational technologies that will “level the playing field” for deaf and hard-of-hearing students and provide them with equal access to a reasonable education

  • Bilingual Education for Migrant Students and Assistive Technology

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    Bilingual Education for Migrant Students and Assistive Technology “In recent years the Hispanic population in America has achieved status as the largest minority group in the United States surpassing African-Americans (Baker, p.438).” This sudden increase in the Hispanic-American population is monumental when looking at the past few hundred years when African-Americans held the spot as the largest minority group in the United States. Across the United States this sudden and unprecedented influx

  • Assistive Technology for Individuals with Disabilities

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    Assistive Technology for Individuals with Disabilities Assistive technology plays an important role in the learning process for individuals with disabilities. Assistive technology is defined as "any item, piece of equipment or product system, whether acquired commercially off the shelf, modified, or customized, that is used to increase, maintain, or improve functional capabilities of individuals with disabilities." (Maushak, Kelley & Blodgett, 2001, p. 419) Assistive technology is very beneficial

  • Assistive Technology and Special Needs Children

    1513 Words  | 4 Pages

    Title Portfolio Activity One: Assistive Technologies Assistive Technology or “AT” is a term used in this context to describe an item or technique used to make the navigation of a home, school or play environment more accessible for a child with special needs (Lowenthal & Egan, 2003). This paper is written to explore some of the assistive technology (AT) options available to serve two children with special needs in separate circumstances. Low, mid and high tech options will be addressed with

  • Assistive Technology Vs Assistive Technology

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    Assignment 1: Caitriona Walsh (13416572) According to Cook and Hussey (2002, p.5) Assistive Technology refers to “a broad range of devices, services, strategies and practices that are conceived and applied to ameliorate the problems faced by individuals who have disabilities”. The main focus of Assistive Technology is to enable people with disabilities and illnesses to carry out everyday activities that, without this technology they would be unable to do. It involves carefully choosing an appropriate device

  • Assistive Technology

    1153 Words  | 3 Pages

    Effects and Outcomes of Assistive Technology for Students with Learning Disabilities Introduction: The conversation I hear among some teachers and parents regarding the use of assistive technology include the following complaints on limitations and disadvantages; The negative affects using technology has on students' attention span, seeing technology as entertainment and not as a tool to learn, the cost of technology, students relying too heavily on it, worries about regression in other skills, and

  • Assistive Technology And Autism

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    daily writing requirements. Assistive technology allows for greater independence by allowing people to perform tasks they were once able to do, or have great difficulty accomplishing. IDEA 2004 defines assistive technology as any item, piece of equipment, or specific product that can be obtained commercially, modified, or customized, in order to increase, maintain or improve functional capabilities of a child with a disability. This paper will focus on assistive technology tools to enable students

  • Assistive Technology In Dyslexia

    1003 Words  | 3 Pages

    met with certain assistive technology that can make learning to read easier for the students. A type of assistive technology that helps reading disabilities is an audio book that allows students to hear the book read to them with the option of following along (Raskind & Stanberry, 2010). Audio books allow the students to focus on the purpose of the book; rather than struggling to read the book and focus on what the book is trying to explain. Since this type of assistive technology reads out loud to