Asian Financial Crisis Essays

  • The Asian Financial Crisis

    1675 Words  | 4 Pages

    The Asian Financial Crisis In the 1980s and for most of the 1990s, the entire Asian marketplace was seen as nothing less than a miracle. Business was booming, and economies in the region enjoyed GDP growth rates nearing 10% per year—4 to 5 times the growth rate of the US economy at the time. It began in the ‘80s when foreign investment in Asian countries began to increase. Foreign investors lured by stable governments, the promise of high returns, and currencies that were tightly pegged to the

  • Trade in China and the Success of its Economy

    4758 Words  | 10 Pages

    finance scene following the East Asian financial crisis for two reasons. First, the post reform Chinese economy closely resembles the other East Asian countries. China experienced significant levels of growth led by exports, with a rapid expansion in labor-intensive exports in its early stage of development. Rapid growth was accompanied by a rapid increase in domestic savings and massive inflows of foreign capital (Perkins, 1986). The banking sector dominated financial intermediation and the ratio of

  • The WTO IMF and World Bank

    750 Words  | 2 Pages

    countries strict financial policies that are designed to rein in inflation and stabilize their economies. The IMF was heavily influenced by worldwide financial collapse, competitive devaluation, trade wars, high unemployment, hyperinflation in Germany and elsewhere, and general economic disintegration that occurred between the two world wars. The IMF also helped several Asian countries deal with the dramatic decline in the value of their currencies that occurred during the Asian financial crisis that started

  • Inflation in Thailand and Indonesia and the Asian Financial Crisis

    522 Words  | 2 Pages

    purchasing power of the people of a particular country. From 1997 to1998, both countries : Thailand and Indonesia reached their highest peak of inflation, which is 9.24% and 75.27% respectively. It is caused by the Asian financial crisis which hit most of the asian countries. The crisis is started in Thailand as its currency, Baht is attacked by the currency traders, and eventually devalued after they found out that the market is unstaintable. For Indonesia, the nation belived that It is triggered

  • The Return of Depression Economics

    1209 Words  | 3 Pages

    economy-related books available I read The Return of Depression Economics by Paul Krugman. This book was written during the Asian financial crisis of the late 1990’s. Many say that Krugman wrote this book much too quickly to be fully correct on every issue that he wrote about in this book. Krugman mainly focuses on financial crises of the 1990’s and mostly on the Asian financial crisis. This book was very interesting to read even though I did not fully understand every issue he covered. In this book Krugman

  • Daewoo Group and Financial Business

    1504 Words  | 4 Pages

    Daewoo Group and Financial Business Problem Definition Daewoo group started as a small textile company and in just 20 years developed into second largest Korean chaebol ( family owned conglomerate). It had over 250000 employers worldwide, over 30 domestic companies and 300 overseas subsidiaries, generating sales of more than 100 billion dollars annually. However, in 1999 it seemed that the ‘golden days’ of Daewoo were over as it was faced with over 50 billion dollars dept and had to decide

  • Development Comparison of Corporate Governance in Malaysia and Singapore

    1114 Words  | 3 Pages

    The Asian Financial Crisis which exposed the corporate governance weaknesses was a wake-up call for all the policymakers, standard setters as well as the companies (OECD, 2014). The parties that involved and affected from the crisis started to realize the importance of having strong corporate governance practices in their countries. Consequently, the Asian economies along with the OECD established the Asian Roundtable on Corporate Governance in 1999, in order to support the enhancement of corporate

  • The Rise of Asian Women in the Context of Globalization

    857 Words  | 2 Pages

    are presented to us. On the other hand, instead of spreading wealth around, globalization and its current macro-economic policies have brought Asian countries a strong negative impact, such as the financial crisis and unemployment. The Asian woman is the most direct victim. Before many people overcome their "future shock" aroused by globalization, some Asian women have already risen to the positive and negative challenges of globalization, and they have become role models for a new generation in the

  • The Bleak Future of Globalization

    2422 Words  | 5 Pages

    exchange of goods globally is built upon importers receiving cheaper prices than what they would pay at home, but the cheaper price o... ... middle of paper ... ...ue University, 1995. Web. 13 Dec. 2013. . Prasad, Eswar S., et al. “Effects of Financial Globalization on Developing Countries: Some Empirical Evidence.” The National Bureau of Economic Research. National Bureau of Economic Research, 2003. Web. 10 Dec. 2013. . Radelet, Steven, and Jeffrey D. Sachs. “Currency Crises.” The National Bureau

  • Pest Analysis Of The Mexican Peso Crisis In Mexico

    972 Words  | 2 Pages

    WTO and the process of entering GATT. The economic crisis forced Mexico to attract foreign investment, and the crash weakened the state-led, nationwide focused model that had developed in Mexico in the previous years. The Mexican Peso Crisis of 1994 raised concern in the world and it came with many issues about the sustainability of the market oriented restructuring process in Latin America and other regions. In July 1997, the Asian financial crisis raised uncertainties of a worldwide economic meltdown

  • A South Korean Company that Operates in China

    2435 Words  | 5 Pages

    making it easy to export abroad and to major locations in China. The original focus of producing low cost products resulted in a cheap image of Samsung in China and led to a loss of US$210,000 in 1998 for its Suzhou division. The 1997 Asian economic crisis led to Samsung shifting its focus towards higher quality products. Samsung realised they could not compete with the Chinese manufacturers in terms of low priced products. In order to remain competitive in China, Samsung shifted its marketing

  • 2008 Global Financial Crisis

    989 Words  | 2 Pages

    Introduction A financial crisis is a period of monetary capital shortages where an individual, corporation or nation cannot get enough money to finance necessary spending. The world has seen a number of financial crises hit different regions of the world. Examples of these include the Mexican financial crisis, the Asian financial crisis of 1997 and the most recent global financial crisis of 2008. In all these crises, lessons are learnt. Economists try their best to analyze the crises so as to find

  • The IMF’s Role in Financial Crisis

    2219 Words  | 5 Pages

    The IMF’s role in financial crisis Introduction In this age of change, the international financial is progressing promptly on various fronts, such as the International Monetary Fund (IMF) play a pivotal role in international financial system. Yet at the same time, many criticisms point out that IMF are not efficient enough to react to settle the problems that have accompanied with this trend. This issue has drawn widespread attention in recent decades. This essay will give an overview about what

  • The Japanese Bureaucracy

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    began to take a government ruling position again since 1996 when Hashimoto became a Prime Minister of Japan until the resignation during this summer due to incapable deal with Asian economic crisis. In "In Defense of Japanese Bureaucracy", Peter F. Drucker argued that American policy towards Japan during Asian economic crisis are dubious even though intelligent people such as American policy makers, Japanese scholars are made with their knowledge that are related to the nature of Japanese government

  • Korean Economic Crisis

    2327 Words  | 5 Pages

    Korean Economic Crisis problems with format The Korean economy did an important role in the remarkable economic growth, which was so called ¡°East Asia¡¯s miracle¡±. At the end of 1997, however, the Korean economy fell into a crisis of default and finally received IMF¡¯s relief aid. After that, Korea has been struggling not only to reform its monetary system but also to promote drastic reforms in its economic structure in order to improve the productivity of the Korean industry. Given

  • International Financial Crisis

    2029 Words  | 5 Pages

    INTRODUCTION The term of financial crisis means that the situation happen when some of financial assets going loss and crashed a large amount of the nominal value. It would effects to the financial institutions when investors take out or withdraw all of their assets in the banks. This is because those of investor expect that the value of the assets would fell down if them saving in that institution. Besides that, the financial crisis also can be defined when the assets in financial institution is over

  • The Impact of Globalization in Poverty

    521 Words  | 2 Pages

    like labor market standards and sustainability. Countries like Africa have not achieved macro-economic stability that is vital for growth and poverty alleviation. The assistance from developed countries in the form of foreign direct investments, financial aids, debt relief and more is not constant and does not guarantee poverty reduction. Besides, globalization will upset the local markets because of the increased in foreign consumption. Consumers in developing or third world countries will tend to

  • Malaysia's Alternative Strategy

    1944 Words  | 4 Pages

    [MALAYSIA’S ALTERNATIVE STRATEGY] Introduction The 1997 Asian Financial Crisis drew attention to just how fragile our global economic system can become either when overexposed to foreign market intervention, or when underperformance remains unchecked. Prior to June 1997, The Republic of Korea encountered issues as 10 of its 30 top performing chaebol (Conglomerate) collapsed underneath debt which far exceeded their respective equities. Korean steel production giant Hanbo faced additional stress

  • Speech On Importance Of College Education

    1029 Words  | 3 Pages

    The Importance of a College Education By not attending college, you may get a year 's rest and a chance to think your decisions through, but if you ever do decide to attend college, you will miss out on a lot of opportunities as well. I think you should consider going to college rather than driving the open road after High School. The information you 've learned in High School will be more fresh in your mind now than 1 year from now. You have passed 12 years of schooling, yet now you may

  • Japan's Economic Problems

    3967 Words  | 8 Pages

    largest economy in the world. Japan managed to successfully enact an economic system wholly different than that of the United States and because of it Japan experienced incredibly rapid growth over a period of roughly 30 years. During that period of financial power, exports were booming, the standard of living was rising, and technology was thriving. This period of growth however, did not last; in the late 1980s the bubble burst. In 1991 and again in 1997, Japan’s stock index, the Nikkei, plummeted causing