Arkansas Essays

  • Arkansas: A Different State

    2448 Words  | 5 Pages

    Arkansas: A Different State For many people the very mention of the word “Arkansas” conjures up images that are unflattering and certainly not very complimentary. To suggest that Arkansas is “a different state” is to guarantee almost immediate agreement from any given audience, but such agreement is usually about the negative aspects of the state instead of the ones making for actual difference. Those negative aspects extend back to the early days of the territory. When Cephas Washburn was

  • Hispanics in Northwest Arkansas

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    Hispanics in Northwest Arkansas Imagine having to leave your hometown, where you have lived all of your life, in search of another job. You do not want to move, but at the same time you want to provide food and a decent lifestyle for you and your family. News arrives that an abundance of jobs are available in another part of the country. Hoping for the best, you pack your bags and head for employment. Your kids are saddened about the situation, but they understand the need for relocation

  • Symbolism and Allusion in Maya Angelou's My Arkansas

    808 Words  | 2 Pages

    Symbolism and Allusion in Maya Angelou's "My Arkansas" "There is a deep brooding/ in Arkansas." Arkansas is stuck in the past, its memories of hatred and crime from ante-bellum days hindering the progression towards Civil Rights. Maya Angelou's poem of the struggle to a new wave of equality uses both general symbolism and historical allusion to make its theme clear to the reader. The poem uses general symbolism in nature, in time, and historical allusion to make the theme clear in a concise but

  • The Integration of Central High School Little Rock, Arkansas

    697 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Integration of Central High School Little Rock, Arkansas The desegregation of public facilities began with the decision of Brown vs Board of Education in 1954, where the Supreme Court of the United States deemed segregation unlawful and unconstitutional. The country was told that desegregation was to take place "with all deliberate speed". This angered the white community. Violent retaliation was the means used to prevent the integration of blacks into various public facilities. In fact

  • History of Arkansas Tech University

    2673 Words  | 6 Pages

    History of Arkansas Tech University Est. 1909 Arkansas ranked 42nd out of the 46 states in annual per capita school funds at a mere $4.97 per student. Citizens started to feel the need for secondary education for their children most ardently. The Washington County Farmers’ Union started the concept of agricultural boarding schools. H.S. Mobley was one of the most fluent spokesman for the Union. He believed in vocational education, and he pleaded for schools where students might learn partly by working

  • Melba Patillo and the Arkansas Nine

    704 Words  | 2 Pages

    High, which is located in Little Rock, Arkansas. They not only tried to socialize and study, they had to go to press conferences concerning integration and were forced to ride in a car driven by soldiers. They had to be alert every second for the entire year in order to survive. These nine kids, also known as the Arkansas Nine, have showed the world that they can beat segregation. Nineteen hundred fifty seven was a horrible time in Little Rock, Arkansas. Segregationists were opposed to the blacks

  • Integration and Segregation

    631 Words  | 2 Pages

    In the book “Redefining the Color Line”, the author John A. Kirk gives an in depth look into what life was like for people of Arkansas before and during the integration process. The book also discusses the “Little Rock Nine” and their trials and tribulations leading up and during the integration into Central High School. Kirk has three main points that he wants his readers to understand. The first being how important the black activists’ roles were from 1940-1970, the second is how the black activists

  • Alternatives to Building More Dams

    2311 Words  | 5 Pages

    run Sunshine Falls...the largest rapid on the Royal Gorge section of the Arkansas River. When would I make it back to Colorado to run this river? I considered the the portage again; it's an impressive drop with no shame in walking. But what if they dam the Arkansas? I had the pleasure of kayaking about fifteen miles of the Arkansas river, in Colorado, this summer. Flowing from its headwaters near Buena Vista, the Arkansas is a virgin river. Only a trickle during the winter, "The Ark," is reborn

  • Lum and Abner

    2613 Words  | 6 Pages

    fun trying to make something of them selves. They became two of the most famous people from Polk and Montgomery counties: Chet Lauck- Lum, Norris Goff- Abner, and the history of Lum and Abner. Chester Lauck was born in Alleene, Arkansas, February 2, 1902. (Alleene, Arkansas)( His parents were W.J. and Cora Lauck. (Cate, Micheal, 190) Chet moved to Mena in 1911, where he met Norris Goff. They became very good friends. Chet lived on Port Arthur Avenue in Mena. His father

  • Wal-Mart

    659 Words  | 2 Pages

    Wal-Mart Wal-Mart started out as a five and dime store by Sam Walton back in the 1950’s in Rogers, Arkansas. From those humble beginnings, Wal-Mart is now the world’s largest corporation passing the likes of U.S. Steel & GM with over $256 Billion in sales for one year announced at an annual stockholders meeting. What makes Wal-Mart so successful? The rise of technology and the explosion of the global economy, coupled with the effort of keeping prices as low as possible has propelled the conglomerate

  • My Earliest Memory

    755 Words  | 2 Pages

    including a song that, for whatever reason, I recall describing the downward flow of sap within the trees in preparation for winter. I also remember ultimately missing the performance because of a family vacation, to go camping in the Ozark mountains of Arkansas to a favorite campground named Gunner's Pool (adjacent to a much inferior campground, Barkshed, that my parents h...

  • The Real Purpose of a University Education

    2214 Words  | 5 Pages

    other option available as far as I knew. I never really stopped to think about whether or not it was necessary for me, or why it was so important; I was just funneled into the college curriculum in high school. I have attended the University of Arkansas for three years now, and have heard two main arguments over the purpose of a college education. One is that college is a place to train for a job, and the other is that college should be an institute of higher learning with no real focus on a future

  • Alcohol Policy Done Wrong

    1183 Words  | 3 Pages

    Council Treasurer in December of 1997 I knew I was in for a long semester, but I never knew what might evolve. I was elected in the wake of alcohol problems across the country. The only alcohol problem I knew of that had happened at the University of Arkansas involved a fraternity on bid day (the day when new freshman receive their invitation to a fraternity house). It involved two students that drank so much alcohol that they had to be rushed to the hospital. Both students were released from the hospital

  • The Civil Rights Movement In The Warriors Don T Cry

    1939 Words  | 4 Pages

    The Civil Rights Movement was one of the most defining and revolutionary times in our country. It was a movement of change, it was built off of the struggle of African Americans 100 years after the Emancipation Proclamation. African Americans in the South were still being treated unequally to white Americans at that time. They found themselves in a world of unfair treatment, disenfranchisement, segregation and other various forms of oppression. With this in mind, assuming the role of a high school

  • John H. Johnson

    673 Words  | 2 Pages

    John H. Johnson was born January 19, 1918 in rural Arkansas City, Arkansas. His parents were Leroy Johnson and Gertrude Jenkins Johnson. His father was killed in a sawmill accident when little John was eight years old. He attended the community's overcrowded, segregated elementary school. In the early 1930s, there was no public high school for African-Americans in Arkansas. His mother heard of better opportunities for African-Americans in Chicago and saved her meager earnings as a washerwoman and

  • Warriors Don T Cry By Melba Pattillo Beals

    617 Words  | 2 Pages

    that her, her family, and other African Americans had to go through in the South during the time of segregation and the Civil Rights Movement. Melba begins her story talking about her early childhood and the prejudice she experienced in Little Rock, Arkansas. On May 17, 1954, when she was twelve, the Supreme Court ruled in the Brown v. The Board of Education of Topeka Kansas case. This made it illegal to have separate schools for blacks and whites. Three years later, in 1957, Melba and eight other black

  • Cause and Effect Essay - Christianity Causes Divorce

    724 Words  | 2 Pages

    the Times, the number of unmarried cohabitating couples in Oklahoma increased 97 percent in the past ten years. It increased 125 percent in Arkansas and 123 percent in Tennessee. The average national increase in unmarried couples for the same period was 72 percent. Statistics like these are deeply troubling to God-fearing social conservatives like Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee, who declared a “marital emergency” in his state; and Oklahoma Governor Frank Keating, who has initiated a multimillion

  • The Presidency of Bill Clinton

    3548 Words  | 8 Pages

    The Clinton Presidency William Jefferson Clinton?s eight-year term as president of the United States of America was one of the most corrupt, and possibly the most damaging ever. There is evidence connecting him to hundreds of deaths, injuries, and explosions. He, along with his administration, made a number of ?Faustian bargains and policy blunders? (Timperlake) that allowed a malicious, rancorous government to gain more power in Washington. He acted dangerously and impulsively, and befriended

  • Comparison Of Target And Wal-Bazaar

    526 Words  | 2 Pages

    Rogers, Arkansas. It is currently the biggest staple retailer in the Unified States. There are more than 8,800 Wal-Shop stores situated in 15 nations. There are 2.1 million workers around the world. In 1983, the principal Sam's Club stockroom was opened. The primary supercenter opened in 1988. After ten years, Wal-Shop presented the area showcase. The first stores are currently known as rebate retail establishments. The central station and conveyance focus are situated in Bentonville, Arkansas. In

  • I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings: Movie and Book

    1050 Words  | 3 Pages

    Angelou is the first series of five autobiographical novels. This novel tells about her life in rural Stamps, Arkansas with her religious grandmother and St. Louis, Missouri, where her worldly and glamorous mother resides. At the age of three Maya and her four-year old brother, Bailey, are turned over to the care of their paternal grandmother in Stamps, Arkansas. Southern life in Stamps, Arkansas was filled with humiliation, violation, and displacement. These actions were exemplified for blacks by the