Antonio Meucci Essays

  • Antonio Meucci: The History And Story Of Antonio Meucci

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    4/30/14 Antonio Meucci Throughout history there have been many tragedies and many successes, the history of Antonio Meucci was both a tragedy and a success. It was a tragedy that he died broke and had his invention stolen (expanded upon) from him by Alexander Graham Bell, however it is a success because he helped create the great American invention called the telephone (and now has the recognition he deserves). In this research paper I will give a history/story of Antonio Meucci, what he created

  • Alexander's Informative Speech

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    What do you have in your hands, purse, or pocket? You probably have a phone with you. This report is here to talk with you about the man that created the telephone. This man was born in 1847. He created the telephone at age twenty-nine. The telephone has changed the world, and it is now accessible to almost all human beings. This man is Alexander Graham Bell. Alexander was born on March 3, 1847. He was born in Edinburg, Scotland. Mr. Bell received an education in two places, Edinburg and London

  • Macbeth: How Money Killed Essay

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    just because he didn't show up at his party where he was being blundersome any way.  Shylock's greed goes from being a problem for Antonio to being a problem for himself.  As Antonio's ships failed to arrive on time, Shylock wants his part of the agreement fulfilled -- one pound of flesh from Antonio's body is the agreement.  Although Antonio pleads for his life, Shylock's greed is persistent and eventually they go to court to settle.  The tide turns when Portia shows up

  • Free Merchant of Venice Essays: Secular and Religious Views

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    both, Antonio and Shylock,  were portrayed very bluntly. The religious opinions of both characters  were that their religion was superior to infidels and also very  stereotypical. In the business world, Antonio owned ships with  valuable goods and was extremely generous. He always relied on their  return to shore and expressed his faith in this book. On the other  hand, Shylock was a greedy man and used the Bible for sources of  interest to collect more money. Relating to religious views Antonio  and

  • Michele Cliff, Sidney Mintz and Antonio Benitez-Rojo's Writings

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    Michele Cliff, Sidney Mintz and Antonio Benitez-Rojo's Writings With a focus on articles written by Michele Cliff, Antonio Benitez-Rojo, and Sidney Mintz. Michelle Cliff, "If I Could Write This on Fire, I Would Write This on Fire," and Abeng Antonio Benitz-Rojo, "From plantation to Plantation"; Sidney Mintz, "The Caribbean: A Sociocultural Area"; On this island of Black and Brown, she had inherited her father’s green eyes—which all agreed were her "finest feature." Visibly, she was the family’s

  • Theme Of Justice In Merchant Of Venice

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    people think of justice, it commonly brings forward the words positivity, fairness, law, order, and other familiar words. However, in the Merchant of Venice, this is not the case. Justice is used negatively in a court case that reverses from putting Antonio, the convicted Christian merchant, on trial to Shylock, the Jewish money loaner asking for justice, to be put on trial. In the play, both mercy and justice are rejected because of the obvious influential bias that the character’s actions portray.

  • Reflection Of The Scene In Shakespeare's Merchant Of Venice

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    Merchants of Venice Diorama For my diorama, I chose the scene when Antonio goes to the court, and Shylock is preparing to cut the one pound of flesh out of Antonio, closest to his heart. I chose this scene because it was the climax in the play of Merchants of Venice, and that it holds most of the characters in the play in the same scene, all together. I also chose this scene because there were many details that I could add into my diorama that would make it more entertaining. The symbols I chose

  • Merchant of Venice Essay

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    Venice shows that love conquers all and that you can always defeat the enemy. Even if a pound of flesh is the difference between life and death, or if one wrong person chooses the casket that decides your fate. For example, The Merchant of Venice, Antonio, not only survives the fate of having a pound of his flesh taken from his body on account of his friend that could not repay the bond to a man who is seen as the devil, but gets thrice his money back and the villain is taken down. Not to mention that

  • Shylock Trial Scene Essay

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    of flesh, to be by him cut off nearest the merchant's heart. Be merciful.” (IV. 1. 231-233). Throughout the trial scene, despite the heavy tension in the air, a subtle, reoccurring idea floated in and lingered. It was the idea for Shylock to show Antonio mercy. However, the Jew disregarded it. Yet, Portia managed was to show the court that Shylock fiercely wanted the Law upheld. The intent of the Law and the grace of Mercy clashes as the course of the trial progresses. Consumed by determination to

  • William Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice

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    would seem that the bond was made between Antonio the merchant and Shylock the Jew, for 3,000 ducats to be repaid within three months. This bond seems out of character of a Christian, as they believe it is immoral to lend money and charge a usance rate. It is also strange that this Jew accepted the proposal, as it is plain to see that they are enemies. I have looked at all the evidence and have learned why the bond became apparent. Antonio the Merchants friend, Bassanio, was in need

  • merchant of venice

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    Belmont, a city which houses a rich, happy society of beautiful people. Belmont is a fairy-tale world of music and love. In this play, it is evident that, good things happen in Belmont and not so pleasant events happen in Venice. The play begins with Antonio, a rich merchant of Venice is depressed, which shows that money and wealth did not bring happiness to this man. Shylock, a wealthy businessman who lives in Venice is not happy because he is an outsider and he is treated badly because of his Jewish

  • Prejudice in William Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice

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    Prejudice in William Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice The main theme of the Merchant of Venice is of Shylock, a Jew, and Antonio, a Christian taking part in a deal involving the Jew lending the Christian a sum of money. The bond they make is that if Antonio cannot pay Shylock back, Shylock can take legally a pound of Antonio's flesh as payment. The other plots in the play consist of Jessica, Shylock's daughter eloping with Lorenzo, another Christian and Antonio's friend Bassanio, who

  • Act 4 Scene 1 of William Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice

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    Scene 1. This scene is set in the courtroom and its four main characters are Shylock, Antonio, Portia and Bassanio. Shylock is a wealthy Jew who demands a pound of flesh. Antonio is who Shylock is demanding a pound of flesh from. Portia is dressed as a Doctor of Laws and is defending Antonio. Bassanio borrowed money from Shylock so he could marry Portia. Shylock leant him the money under the condition that Antonio would be bound. Bassanio borrowed three thousand ducats from the Jew and in the

  • Differences Between Poria and Jessica in Shakespeare's Merchant of Venice

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    There are many similarities and differences between Portia and Jessica. For starters, they are both of the same gender. Back during the Shakespearean time, sexism was very common. So they were both treated equally amongst society for being women. Portia and Jessica both struggle with romance in the play. Jessica, a jewish girl, has fallen in love with a Christian. Portia, a Christian woman, has no control over who she will have to marry, and love, for the rest of her life. Jessica hates her father

  • The Importance of the Letter in Merchant of Venice

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    main features of the play's conflicts. Antonio does not waste any time in communicating bad news, "my ships have all miscarried"(314) he writes, meaning he is broke, but he does not want to press this point too forcibly, as he probably fears that his wealth is the only cause of Bassanio's friendship. The use of the word miscarried is interesting, as it suggests aborted pregnancy as well as failed investments. It thus becomes a metaphor for what Antonio is unable to provide Bassanio with. Male bonding

  • Manipulative Portia in Merchant of Venice

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    I would love to write a critical essay about the role of Portia in Shakespeare's Merchant of Venice, hailing her as one of Shakespeare's  greatest contributions to the society of the sane; however, I find this  impossible after studying the text.  At first, I hung on her every word and was amazed at her wit, but later I found her to be just  another Shakespearean psycho. Basically, I understood Portia to be nothing less than an obedient daughter obeying the whims of her dead, over-protective father

  • Imperfect Faith in The Merchant of Venice

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    He means he expects Shylock to show the mercy of a gentile, more specifically a Christian, who would show mercy to Antonio and waive the bond. In the very same scene, when the table turns and Antonio controls the fate of Shylock, Antonio releases the Jew. As for Judaism being portrayed correctly, throughout the play Shylock makes countless references to his religion. When Antonio and Shylock argue the exact teachings of the Bible concerning loans and collecting interest, Shylock refers the story

  • The Merchant Of Venice

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    What They Cannot See In this world, there are many aspects of blindness whether it is mentally or physically. Either way, each blindness brings out the disability in each person. Such portrayal was shown throughout the play The Merchant of Venice. Shakespeare presents more than one form of blindness, which complicates the social order of the society, and I feel that the blindness, being their imperfection, creates tension between characters, which is weakened by blindness. When the characters are

  • Child Observation Report

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    explain its relativity to the text Observation #1 I observed a set of dizygotic or fraternal twins, Antonio and James, that had walked in, which were both males. I noticed that they were attached to their mother, which I had considered “normal” when thinking back to when my 15 year old daughter was that age. Even now she is like that when she comes into contact with strangers. Finally when Antonio and James received an invitation to come play, Antonia stood holding onto his mother’s leg when James

  • Revenge Through Fraudulent Justice

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    Specifically, Antonio and Shylock’s different ideas of justice is what fuels their animosity towards each other and how it compares to the concept of justice of the Venetian court.. Antonio”s quest for “justice” is fueled by anti Semitism and hate, while Shylock’s is fueled by the need for revenge. Antonio’s concept of justice is the more barbaric because he robs the Jew of his basic identity, although Shakespeare makes out Shylock’s concept of justice to appear inhuman. Although Antonio and Shylock