Antitrust Case Essays

  • Monopolies

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    allowing such companies an even greater power. Incomplete Information. Often, once a company gains control of a particular market, that company does not disclose complete information in regard to their products. Such is the case in the current Microsoft antitrust case. Microsoft not only does not disclose complete information on their software products, but also goes one step further by making their software products incompatible with other operating systems. As a result, the consumer has no

  • Business Ethics in Today's Corporate World

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    company, which are equally important because they own part of the corporation. That is why we are seeing all of these corporate scandals on the news today! Ask yourself if you think what Microsoft did was ethical. When you think about Microsoft’s antitrust case it reminds you of a corporate giant that makes decisions in their self-interest. They didn’t care if they were hurting another company. The company that was most hurt from these illegal business practices was Netscape. Microsoft wanted to eliminate

  • The Second Sex by Simone De Beauvoir

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    treat equally as men in all aspects of life. We as women have come a long way since the early 1900s, but really how far have we come? There are still very few women in high positions as me, there still has never been a woman president, and in some cases men are earning higher wages than men even if they hold the same position. However, women have shown that we can do whatever a man can do and we can do it just as good as a man. We no longer have to even consider accepting the fact that we have our

  • Antitrust Law Case Study

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    Antitrust Law Suit, Union and Conspiracy allegations Uber Technologies Inc. continues to battle with law suits regarding several issues in violation of the antitrust law. The question “who are Uber’s drivers (Gersham, 2016)?” have yet to be answered (Gersham, 2016). In California the class action suit on Uber’s driver status is still in question, “employees or independent contractors (Gersham, 2016). While in Manhattan there is an unusual antitrust case where the federal court is trying to answer

  • My Definition of Success

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    “Success is the peace that comes with knowing your accomplishments have purpose.” – Hutch Putnam – Success is a word that really hard to define, because everyone will have a different definition for this word. In fact, there no exact definition for the word "success". For a student, maybe the success means to pass all courses of the semester; for a business man, signing a importance contract and get a lot of money are successes; and for a president, leading the country to develop and make the

  • Microsoft and Antitrust law

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    Microsoft and Antitrust law America's century-old antitrust law is increasingly irrelevant to our current worldwide information technology market. This law is outdated, in accordance to the modern Microsoft situation, because in the past there wasn't technology as there is now. Recently the government has been accusing Microsoft as being a monopoly. "Techno-Optimists" claim that "efforts by government to promote competition by restraining high-tech firms that acquire market power will only stifle

  • De Beers And U.S. Antitrust Law

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    1. Briefly explain why some governments are concerned with monopolies. Monopoly, means that a firm is sole seller of a product without any close substitutes, controls over the prices the firms charge. Government sometime grants a monopoly because doing so is viewed not only to be in the public interest, but also to encourage it with price incentives. However, monopolies fail to meet their resource allocation efficiently, producing less than the socially desirable quantities of output and charging

  • Business Law Antitirust

    6871 Words  | 14 Pages

    that of antitrust action. Specifically, as it is applied to Microsoft, antitrust litigation is raising eyebrows in both the legal and business worlds. There is a hue and cry that antitrust laws as they exist today have outlived their usefulness when applied to cyber commodities and artificial intelligence. This paper will present those opposing viewpoints and attempt to answer the question: are laws wrought in the industrial age applicable to today’s technology? And if so, is the antitrust challenge

  • Powers of a Monopolistic Anarchy

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    business seems almost mind-boggling to Microsoft’s competing corporations, as well as the entire economic community, legal and commercial. Why is monopoly such an undesirable practice? Why does the Microsoft Monopoly, in particular, violate the antitrust laws, and how far ought the government go in its efforts to regulate and fight such monopoly. What are the economic crimes that Microsoft is guilty of? Is it, in fact, true when the critics argue that, “Microsoft gained its dominance over 20 years

  • Making Utilities for MS-DOS

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    the documentation for that system is confidential and available only to the company that developed it? Obviously, only the company that has developed that operating system will be able to develop software for it. And this is a violation of the Antitrust Law. And now I start having a suspicion that this is happening with Microsoft's operating systems. It should be no secret to anyone that MS-DOS contains a lot of undocumented system calls, data structures and other features. Numerous books

  • AntiTrust Laws

    4451 Words  | 9 Pages

    AntiTrust Laws Introduction Competition in economics is rivalry in supplying or acquiring an economic service or good. Sellers compete with other sellers, and buyers with other buyers. In its perfect form, there is competition among many small buyers and sellers, none of whom is too large to affect the market as a whole; in practice, competition is often reduced by a great variety of limitations, including monopolies. The monopoly, a limit on competition, is an example of market failure. Competition

  • Elena Case Study

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    the PS need in a case, because of her background and experience; she can also pick up on underlying issues that may not be present in the initial report. Elena has never had to complete any actions pertaining to in-home services, but she is familiar with the programs that the department offers. She has in this past year, helped many clients complete Medicaid applications and referred them to the assessment team for potential in-home services. An example of this would be the cases of Rosie W., Craig

  • Case-Based Environmental Ethics

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    Case-Based Environmental Ethics Cases have been widely used in medical ethics and law. In both fields, numerous books and articles about cases have appeared, including book-length catalogs of cases. I argue that pluralistic casuistry provides an adequate approach to environmental ethics. It retains the strengths while avoiding the weaknesses of the other approaches. Importantly, it resolves some broader theoretical issues and provides a clear, explicit methodology for education and praxis.

  • The Procurement Process and Specifications

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    ensuring effective planning. The most appropriate process for generating and reviewing procurement specifications would include defining the outcome, defining specifications, identifying risks, researching the procurement market, and preparing a business case (“Guidance on the Mandatory Procurement Procedures”, 2005). Defining the outcome is the first important step in generating and reviewing procurement requirements and specifications because it provides clear and precise description of what needs to

  • Hemophilia

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    longer period of time. Virtually all people who have hemophilia A or B are born with it. The majority of people with hemophilia have a family history (it is a hereditary disorder). In as many as 30% of cases, there is no family history of hemophilia. In these cases, the mother may not be aware that she carries the gene for hemophilia, or a gene mutation may have occurred spontaneously. A long history Hemophilia was identified as early as biblical times. Doctors in medieval

  • The Antitrust Laws

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    “The Antitrust Laws” Research Paper There once was a time where dinosaurs roamed the earth. Some dinosaurs were stronger than others, making them the superior creatures. The Tyrannosaurus Rex is not that different from a corporate empire; both T-Rexes and monopolies ruled the land with little to no competition. They devoured the weak, crushed the opposition, and made sure they were king, but then, all of a sudden, they were extinct. The giants that once were predators became prey, whether it be

  • American's Overuse of Cell Phones

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    From alarm clocks to step counters, price checkers to language teachers, smart phones these days have it all. Add instant connectivity to people across the globe, and it’s no wonder young adults are using their phones almost eight hours a day (qtd. in Spend Your Hour). Ironically, excessive cell phone use has neither increased productivity nor created stronger relationships—quite the contrary, actually. University of Maryland researchers are studying whether cell phones cause selfishness

  • Instrumental Rationality and the Instrumental Doctrine

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    itself: means to ends cannot be rational unless the ends are rational. First, I explore cases-involving ‘proximate’ ends (that is, ends whose achievement is instrumental to the pursuit of some more fundamental end) — where even instrumentalists must concede that the rationality of a strategy presupposes the rationality of the end it serves. Second, I draw attention to the counter-intuitive consequences — in cases involving ‘non-proximate’ ends — of substituting (allegedly more manageable) questions

  • The Two Different Cases Regarding Capital Punishment

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    The Two Different Cases Regarding Capital Punishment Thesis : In principle a case can be made on moral grounds both supporting and opposing capital punishment. Two different cases can be made. One is based on justice and the nature of a moral community. This leads to a defense of capital punishment. The second is based on love and the nature of an ideal spiritual community. This leads to a rejection of capital punishment. JUSTICE AND THE NATURE OF MORAL COMMUNITY A central principal

  • Investigation of Falling Cake Cases

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    Investigation of Falling Cake Cases Planning and Introduction: To begin I will explain the term terminal velocity. Terminal velocity is the maximum speed that a given fallen object can obtain. Terminal velocity is obtained in this way; when an object first starts falling, it accelerates for some while after starting. Eventually the force upwards due to the air flowing over the objects body is equal to the weight acting downwards, and it no longer accelerates. We can also obtain by