Anti-Machiavel Essays

  • Machiavellian Rulers Are Focused on War in Machiavelli’s The Prince

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    Machiavelli’s “The Prince” brought up some controversial characteristics on what a Machiavellian ruler is. The characteristic that was most stressed was that “A prince must have no other objective, no other thought, nor take up any profession but that of war.”(Machiavelli 37). With a main focus on the art of war a ruler can protect the state he governs from attacks against him and his state. Machiavelli offers us an analogy to prove the importance of war. He speaks of two men: one armed and one unarmed

  • Comparing The Prince and Measure for Measure

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    Parallels Between The Prince and Measure for Measure The parallels between Machiavelli's Prince and Shakespeare's Measure for Measure are significant.  The great majority of characters in Measure for Measure - the Duke, Angelo, Claudio, Pompey and even Isabella - display Machiavellian qualities. A comparison of key passages, both of The Prince and Measure for Measure, will establish this clearly. A study of kingship, arguably the entire premise for Measure for Measure, is immediately

  • Canterbury Tales Essay - Anti-Feminist Rhetoric in The Wife Of Bath

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    Anti-Feminist Rhetoric in The Wife Of Bath In Geoffrey Chaucer's The Canterbury Tales, The Wife of Bath is a strong woman who loudly states her opinions about the antifeminist sentiments popular at the time. Chaucer, however, frequently discredits her arguments by making them unfounded and generally compromising her character. This brings into question Chaucer's political intent with the Wife of Bath. Is he supportive of her views, or is he making a mockery of woman who challenge the patriarchal

  • The Quarrel About Historical Explanation

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    seldom able to stick to his procedure and at best can only make an explanation sketch. Hempel seems to be saying then, that the majority of explanations surrounding historical events are inadequate and incomplete. There are three main divisions of anti-Hempelians. There are those that agree with Hempel to the point that there are rules and general laws that can be followed, but a historian's explanation is adequate if all he can provide is a sketch. The second group states that the general laws are

  • Analgesics

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    pains themselves, such as toothache or headache pain. To treat these types of symptoms, OTC's are used. There are three main types of OTC drugs. They are as follows: ·Aspirin (salicylic acid acetate) is an anti-inflammatory (decreases swelling and inflammation), anti-pyretic (fever reducing), and anti-platelet (decreases platelets in the body to thin blood). Many heart treatment patients take an aspirin a day to prevent blood clotting. However, if aspirin is taken in large quantities over long periods

  • Anti-Dumping

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    Antidumping law and practice- USA and China. Among the trilogy of trade remedy regimes- countervailing duty, safeguard and antidumping actions- antidumping actions are by far the remedy of choice. It’s a measure internationally adopted to stop unfair competition, regulate international market order and protect the security of the national industries. It’s adopted by an increasing number of countries as it’s playing an increasingly important role in international trade. It’s perhaps the most controversial

  • Sex In Ezra Pound's Coitus

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    Anti-traditional Conception of Sex in Pound's "Coitus"   Critics have been fascinated and often baffled by Ezra Pound's shifting poetic style, which ranges from the profound simplicity of "In a Station of the Metro" to the complex intertextuality of the "Cantos." Pound's significance derives largely from his constant resolve to break traditional form and ideology, both literary and poetic. What is particularly unique about Pound, however, is that as he continually establishes precedence, he

  • The End Of The World

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    world war III. Imagine if another Hitler came along, with the weapons that he could get a hold of biological, nuclear and chemical warfare, think how devastating it would be if that happened. People like Hitler are called anti-Christ. Nostradamas also predicted that the third anti-Christ (there have already been 2)would be born in 1970, his name unreleased to the public. Supposedly he will start world war III in Asia some where. "Millinnialism sells, and that's an indisputable fact. There's money

  • Defending Organized Religion and Kierkegaard’s Anti-Climacus

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    Kierkegaard’s Anti-Climacus Practice in Christianity, written by the pseudonym[1] of Anti-Climacus, describes the ideal Christian life from the perspective of the ideal Christian. ‘Anti-’ in the sense of ‘Anti-Climacus’ is not an indication of opposition (to Climacus, the ‘devoutly non-Christian’ ethicist and editor of Either/Or whose esthetic sense was particularly keen). Rather, “Anti-” is an older form of “ante”, meaning ‘before’ both in the sense of time and in the sense of rank. Anti-Climacus

  • Chaucer's Canterbury Tales - Wife of Bath - Feminist or Anti-feminist?

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    behaving by the anti-feminist writers, it is not impossible that the Wife of Bath's Prologue could be considered a vehicle for the anti-feminist message under the guise of a seeming "feminist" exterior, since her confession is frequently self-incriminating (e.g. her treatment of her husbands, her tendency to "swere and lyen") and demonstrates the truth of the claims made by the anti-feminists even while she is disparaging them and making them look bad -- as in her claim that anti-feminist writers

  • Anti-Transcendentalists

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    Antitranscendentalists Do you know anyone who is destroying themselves and others by their actions? If so this person is an antitranscendentalist. Antitranscendentalism is a literary term to describe a character’s potential to do harm to themselves. Along with bringing harm to himself or killing himself, he usually brings harm to others in one form or another. Another characteristic of an antitranscendentalist character is that there is usually signs or clues that tell the character that he is destroying

  • Anti-Crime Programs

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    way of justice to shift from jail sentencing to more ‘help’ type programs. This has paved the road for Anti-crime legislation and other ‘help’ programs. These programs were created for people with a wide variety of problems. However, I am going to concentrate on sex crimes and violent crimes programs and laws. A sex crime program that attacks the core of child pornography is the programs ACPO (Anti-Child Pornography Organization). This program was set up to rid the Internet of loose links. By loose

  • Does the movie THE PASSION bring about anti semitism

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    any demographic of people get hurt from the movie? A Catholic teacher from California was fired for offering students extra credit to see the Passion. (It is a rated “R” movie) There are many other problems too. Does The Passion bring about acts of anti-semitism? This will be the purpose of this paper. To answer this question, I conducted a simple experiment with different variable. The first variable is age. The second is location. I interviewed sixteen people, (eight women and eight men) and asked

  • Is The Merchant of Venice an Anti-Semitic Play?

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    Is The Merchant of Venice an Anti-Semitic Play? The Merchant of Venice features a Jewish character that is abused and slandered by nearly every character in the play. Throughout the play the behavior of these characters seems justified. In this way, The Merchant of Venice appears to be an anti-Semitic play. However, The Merchant of Venice contains several key instances, which can be portrayed in a way that criticizes anti-Semitism. The first instance occurs in Act 1, scene 3 when the audience

  • The Anxiety of Anti-Anxiety Medications

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    The Anxiety of Anti-Anxiety Medications 19 million Americans (approximately one in eight) aged 18-54 suffer from anxiety disorders. (1) When I heard this statistic, I realized how important the discussion of such disorders was to the sciences. 1/8th of the most productive portion of the US population suffers from an anxiety disorder. The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), a division of the Institutes of Health for the Federal Government, is committed to research causes and treatment

  • The Impact of the Media on anti-Communist Sentiment and the Palmer Raids

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    likely was prompted by being a target of one of the infamous 1919 bombings (Dumenil 220). Palmer wanted to be known as the embodiment of Americanism, fighting all that threatened our society. He also had future hopes of running for the Presidency. With anti-communistic attitudes building throughout the country, Palmer rounded up 500 federal agents on the night of January 2nd, 1920 to sweep through various towns in America capturing “reds”. These were called the Palmer Raids. Thousands of immigrants were

  • What Anti-Individualists Cannot Know A Priori

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    What Anti-Individualists Cannot Know A Priori ABSTRACT: The attempt to hold both anti-individualism and privileged self-knowledge may have the absurd consequence that someone could know a priori propositions that are knowable only empirically. This would be so if such an attempt entailed that one could know a priori both the contents of one’s own thoughts and the anti-individualistic entailments from those thought-contents to the world. For then one could also come to know a priori (by simple

  • George W. Bush as the Anti-Christ

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    George W. Bush as the Anti-Christ To really grasp the significance of the symbol of the anti-Christ we must first posit politics as itself symbolic. Politics is the semiotics of a nation's will: it becomes the People just as the People become it by being elected into office and participating in the political process, or in dictatorships, by following the rules and not forming underground movements. But in a democracy, it is an especially tight symbolic relationship, thus the clear relationship

  • Anti-Chinese Riots Happening in Washington State

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    Anti-Chinese Riots Happening in Washington State In the last decades of the 19th century, anti-Asian backlash fueled by high unemployment which increased resentment against Asian settlers, anti-Asian legislation, and growing nativism, erupted into violent riots in Washington State. Throughout the 1880s, thousands of Chinese laborers were especially targeted for murder, assault, and forced evacuation all across the state. The reasoning behind and the implications of these acts of violence

  • Anti-Nepotism and the Loss of Privacy

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    Anti-Nepotism and the Loss of Privacy Introduction When employees bring their personal problems to work and it affects their performance or the performance of others, clearly you can coach, counsel, warn, and ultimately terminate their employment. In cases where employees did not cause a problem at work but were fired merely because of an anti-nepotism policy, courts in some states found the employees had been discriminated against on the basis of marital status. Such policies penalize