Anthony Trollope Essays

  • Feminism in Jane Austen

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    determined to act for herself -- and then it is all over with her" -- the character of Mrs. Stanhope in chapter 6 of Maria Edgeworth's Belinda [Here basically "friends"="family"] Jane Austen a feminist? That has not been the traditional view (in 1870, Anthony Trollope declared that "Throughout all her works, a sweet lesson of homely household womanly virtue is ever being taught"), but once the question has been asked (which it was not, until relatively recently), it is not hard to see some feminist tendencies

  • Analysis Of Returning Home By Anthony Trollope

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    Anthony Trollope is a man whom has since the late 1800 's released many fictions and short stories. In one particular story, "Returning Home". A man known as Mr. Arkwright and a women known as Mrs. Arkwright left home many years ago. Now the couple has received an opportunity to return home but is faced with many issues along the way. The dedication that both individuals express, illustrates Trollope 's message throughout the story where he believes that people who are farthest away from home or

  • Justice And Injustice In The Warden By Anthony Trollope

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    Anthony Trollope’s “The Warden” is a classic piece of literature which depicts a very popular and interesting theme: “justice” and “injustice” aren’t always necessarily separate things. The preconceived notions of these two ideas that we have as individuals, do not present a clear and transparent definition of “justice” and “injustice”, as our own subjective beliefs have the potential to influence our opinion more than the truth itself. On top of this, actions taken in the name of justice don’t always

  • Anti-Semitism in Anthony Trollope's Palliser Novels

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    Anti-Semitism in Anthony Trollope's Palliser Novels Because Anthony Trollope belonged to the Liberal party, one would assume that he would be less concerned with the glorification of a specific social class to the neglect of any other. Yet, of the major novelists of the Victorian period, none was more infatuated with the code of the gentleman than Trollope. His political beliefs, which might seem to conflict with those of a Liberal, are best defined by his own description of himself as "an advanced

  • Free College Essays - The Use of Time in Antony and Cleopatra

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    Use of Time in Anthony and Cleopatra Shakespeare's use of time in Anthony and Cleopatra is seemingly [1] quite erratic.  However, it is important to note that Shakespeare was a playwright and his job was to write interesting drama, not to accurately record details of history. It therefore seems quite unfair to expect him to use time in a precise manner.  However, to dismiss Shakespeare's use of time as merely a mistake or the by product of his dramatisation of history [2]is to do it injustice. 

  • Final Shot

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    first half I was on a roll I had 20 points but Anthony the star of the other team had 25 points and the lead of the game as the score at half time was 45 to 40. In the final quarter of the game it was time for me to take over the game as I went head to head against Anthony each of scoring one after the other trying to see who would give up first. It was 95 to 94 10 seconds left in the fourth quarter I had the ball in my hand while Anthony played defense on me i took him to the right

  • Anthony and Cleopatra

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    Shakespeare Uses As His Source For The Play Plutarch’s Lives Of The Noble Grecians And Romans. Plutarch, Along With Other Greek And Roman Authors, Saw An Opposition Between The Conquering West Standing For Moral And Political Virtue And The Conquered East Representing Luxury And Decadence. How Does Shakespeare’s Play Present These Positions? Throughout William Shakespeare’s Antony and Cleopatra, there is the dichotomy of the hard-working political life of Rome and the luxury and pleasures of

  • Free Will in Anthony Burgess' A Clockwork Orange

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    Free Will versus Predestination in A Clockwork Orange Burgess raises the oppositions of free will and predestination in various of his novel, A Clockwork Orange.  The author describes his own faith as alternating between residues of Pelagianism and Augustinianism.  Pelagianism denies that God has predestined, or pre-ordained, or planned, our lives. A consequence of this is that salvation is effectively within human power (as God hasn't set it down for each of us, it's within our control), which

  • Football is Life

    1008 Words  | 3 Pages

    Football is Life It all started when I was about three years old when my good friend Anthony Williams and I became friends when he ran his bike into my sand box. Football has been an event in my life since I was three years old and it still is today. “The key to life is not what life gives to you but what you take from life. It’s not how life treats you but how you treat life. You have a choice in life. You can either thrive or survive.”_ Coach London. Football has made me into the person I

  • Importance of Spiritual Freedom in Anthony Burgess' A Clockwork Orange

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    Clockwork Orange Anthony Burgess is one of the greatest British writers of the twentieth century. His masterpiece, A Clockwork Orange, is unrivalled in depth, insight, and innovation. The novel is a work of high quality - almost perfection. The novel's main theme deals with free choice and spiritual freedom. More specifically, "[The ethical promise that 'A man who cannot choose ceases to be man'] can be taken as both the explicit and implicit themes of the novel" (Morgan 104). Anthony Burgess expresses

  • Anthony Burgess' A Clockwork Orange

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    Anthony Burgess' A Clockwork Orange Choice and free will are necessary to maintain humanity, both individually and communally; without them, man is no longer human but a “clockwork orange”, a mechanical toy, as demonstrated in Anthony Burgess’ novel, “A Clockwork Orange”. The choice between good and evil is a decision every man must make throughout his life in order to guide his actions and control his future. Forcing someone to be good is not as important as the act of someone choosing to be

  • The Long, Bitter Trail: Andrew Jackson and the Indians by Anthony F.C. Wallace

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    The Long, Bitter Trail: Andrew Jackson and the Indians by Anthony F.C. Wallace The Long, Bitter Trail: Andrew Jackson and the Indians was written by Anthony F.C. Wallace. In his book, the main argument was how Andrew Jackson had a direct affect on the mistreatment and removal of the native Americans from their homelands to Indian Territory. It was a trail of blood, a trail of death, but ultimately it was known as the "Trail of Tears". Throughout Jackson's two terms as President, Jackson used

  • alexclo Metamorphosis of Alex in Anthony Burgess' A Clockwork Orange

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    The Metamorphosis of Alex in A Clockwork Orange As both the protagonist and narrator of Anthony Burgess' A Clockwork Orange, the character of Alex is an intriguing study from start to finish. Specifically, in comparing part one and part three of the novel, Alex's world, internally and externally, his characterization and travails are shown to be mirror images of each other, both identical and reversed. Where Alex was the soulless victimizer in part one, he finds himself repeatedly a victim in

  • Free Essays - Anthony Burgess' A Clockwork Orange

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    Clockwork Orange In Anthony Burgess’s A Clockwork Orange, Burgess creates a gloomy future full of violence, rape and destruction. In this dystopian novel, Burgess does a fantastic job of constantly changing the readers’ allegiance toward the books narrator and main character, Alex. Writing in a foreign language, Burgess makes the reader feel like an outsider. As the novel begins, the reader has no emotional connection to Alex. This non-emotional state comes to a sudden halt when Alex and his droogs

  • Music, Violence, and Identity in Anthony Burgess’ A Clockwork Orange

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    Music, Violence, and Identity in Anthony Burgess’ A Clockwork Orange Linking the fundamental conflict between individual identity and societal identity with musical imagery in Anthony Burgess’ A Clockwork Orange creates a lens through which one can recognize the tendency that violence has to destroy an individual’s identity. Although Alex clearly associates violence with his own individual identity and sense of self, he consistently reveals the impossibility of remaining an individual in the

  • Triumph of Free Will in Anthony Burgess' A Clockwork Orange

    2649 Words  | 6 Pages

    capacity to understand morality and deny its practice. When society attempts to force goodness upon Alex, he becomes the victim. Through his innovative style, manifested by both the use of original language and satirical structure, British author Anthony Burgess presents in his novella A Clockwork Orange, the moral triumph of free will within the controlling hands of a totalitarian society. With the intention to install order and justice to protect human rights, society contrarily threatens human

  • Free Essays - Anthony Burgess' A Clockwork Orange

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    Banned for social reasons in many conditions and in many school systems, Anthony Burgess’s A Clockwork Orange  first seems to pierce the mind with its bizarre linguistic orgy of debauchery, brutality, and sex, and for some, refuses to affect them above the level of pure voyeurism and bloodlust (either for reveling in it or despising it).  Sadism seems to twist the male protagonist; his mind becomes alive with brutal fantasies whilst listening to seemingly innocuous classical music ( “There were vecks

  • alexclo Psychological Analysis of Alex in Anthony Burgess' A Clockwork Orange

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    A Psychological Analysis of Alex in A Clockwork Orange In A Clockwork Orange, Alex is portrayed as two different people living within the same body. As a mischievous child raping the world, he as seen as filth. His actions and blatant disrespect towards society are categorized under that of the common street bum. However, when he is away from his evening attire, he is that of suave. His clothing, his words, his overall attitude. The distinction between the two is triggered by the gentle

  • Anthony Comstock – The Father of American Censorship

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    Anthony Comstock – The Father of American Censorship Anthony Comstock was the most prominent American advocate of censorship in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.  Born in Connecticut in 1844, Comstock fought with the Union in the Civil War and upon release became an influential member of the Young Men’s Christian Association.  His personal quest to rid America of indecent and immoral literature made his name synonymous with the epithet “Comstockery” or the excessive pursuit

  • Stormbreaker by Anthony Horowitz

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    Stormbreaker by Anthony Horowitz The book, Stormbreaker, by Anthony Horowitz is about a boy named Alex, whose uncle had just died in a car crash (or so they say). He finds out that his uncle was really shot by a man named Yassen Gregorovich. Alex’s uncle, Ian Rider, really worked for MI6. He was a spy that was hired by MI6 to figure out the secret behind Herod Sayle and his Stormbreaker computers that he was donating to every school in England. Ian Rider had figured out the secret, but before