American Scholar Essays

  • The Degradation of Women in American Scholar

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    The Degradation of Women in American Scholar In "The American Scholar," Ralph Waldo Emerson characterizes the nature of the American scholar in three categories: nature, books, and action.  The scholar is one who nature mystifies, because one must be engrossed with nature before he can appreciate it.  In nature, man learns to tie things together; trees sprout from roots, leaves grow on trees, and so on.  Man learns how to classify the things in nature, which simplifies things in his mind (section

  • Oneness in Walden, Nature and American Scholar

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    Oneness in Walden, Nature and American Scholar Some of the most prominent works which express a relationship between the individual and nature are undoubtedly Walden by Henry David Thoreau and the essays written by Ralph Waldo Emerson, specifically Nature and The American Scholar. In each of these works, an idea of wholeness, "oneness," with nature is expressed. Thoreau and Emerson both believe that man, in order to live a full, happy life, must live in harmony with nature. Both writers share

  • Edification or False Idolatry in Emerson's The American Scholar

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    Edification or False Idolatry in Emerson's The American Scholar Commencement speeches are customarily routine, pedantic, platitude filled, mildly inspiring lectures.  This description, however, was never applied to Ralph Waldo Emerson's oration, "The American Scholar," delivered to the Phi Beta Kappa Society at Harvard in 1837.  Oliver Wendell Holmes called this speech America's "Intellectual Declaration of Independence."  In addition to being a call for literary independence from Europe and

  • Does ‘The American Scholar’ Reflect the Values of the Declaration of Independence and the American Constitution? 4

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    In an address to the scholars in the Phi Beta Kappa society at Cambridge in Massachusetts Ralph Waldo Emerson in 1837 delivered a speech in which he stated that the literature during the European influence required scholars to memorize texts written by other writers. The speech was titled The American Scholar and the main idea of his speech was that the literature in America should be completely different from the European literature. Basically the scholars should have the freedom to write in any

  • Does ‘The American Scholar’ Reflect the Values of the Declaration of Independence and the American Constitution? 1

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    British would. In 1837 Ralph Waldo Emerson delivered a speech called The American Scholar at Cambridge, Massachusetts to criticize how the Americans still kept alive what they had learned from the British and to remind people the real American culture in every aspect of their lives. Emerson stated that every citizen in America has the right to freedom and to display their own culture. In literature he suggested that scholars can form a new way of writing through nature than memorizing the writings

  • Analysis Of Emerson's The American Scholar

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    and also adds to Emerson’s idea of an American scholar, who has to be someone who “take(s) up into himself all the ability of the time, all the contribution of the past, all the hopes of the future” and becomes “a university of knowledges”. Emerson therefore claim that the American scholars should refuse the “courtly muses of Europe” and “walk on [their] own feet; … work with [their] own hands; … speak out [their] own minds”. Emerson’s “The American Scholar” has been widely regarded as America’s

  • The American Scholar

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    To what extent does ‘The American scholar’ reflect the values of the Declaration of Independence and the American Constitution? After enduring the domination from England’s rules and power for many years, America finally fetched the liberty from England. That was the day when the Americans enjoyed the Independence Day on 4th of July in 1776. During the declaration of independence the main priority of America was the human rights. By then the literature came to an existence in America and people started

  • Rhetorical Analysis: The American Scholar

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    The American Scholar: In this speech although primarily addressed to the extraordinarily intelligent members of Phi Beta Kappa society in Harvard College, speaker Ralph Waldo Emerson later published this speech to share his thoughts on an abstract concept of ‘The American Scholar’. Considered as one of the original American intellectuals, Emerson calls for an all American scholar, independent from America’s European ties, seeking the intellect from the sources of America. Emerson discusses this

  • The Irish American Scholar Program

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    The Irish American Scholar Program will significantly enhance my educational goals for school as well as my life experiences. The unique opportunity this program offers coincides with a family value of expanding one’s knowledge beyond the small bubble of the everyday and exploring the world. The value of embracing new opportunities started with my grandfather when he broke away from the norm of his family and expanded his boundaries. His family, traditionally, lived and moved together, but when his

  • The American Scholar: Quote Analysis

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    In 1837, in a speech given by Ralph Waldo Emerson called the “ American Scholar “ he made a remark about books. He stated, “ Books are the best of things, well used; abused among the worst.” Within this quote, he stated the importance of book within a society, about its use and impact. However, he spoke about the subject in a very distinct manner, causing the rise of many ideas and interpretation of the quote. To a certain extent this quote is true, books are one of the best tools that one can utilize

  • Man And Nature In Emerson And Thoreau

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    ENGL 204 American Literature Name: Amrita Rai Enrollment number: 100903 Essay question: Compare and contrast the relationship between man and nature in Emerson and Thoreau. Compare and contrast the relationship between man and nature in Emerson and Thoreau. i. Emerson's view in ‘The American Scholar’ encourages his idea of an intellectual power of a common man in an open approach, liberated from the literary and materialistic ties of Europe, supporting Emerson's ideas through his

  • Emerson

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    relationship introduced Thoreau to the literary world, as well as to the art of lecturing, as performed by Emerson. One such lecture, delivered by Emerson in 1837 to a Harvard audience, spoke about the past, present, and future of “The American Scholar.'; Twenty-five years later, in 1862, shortly after his death, a monthly periodical published an article constructed from Thoreau’s journals, entitled simply “Walking.'; Though very different in general subject matter, both pieces

  • The Importance Of Transcendentalism In Uncle Tom's Cabin

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    middle-aged slave and his strong spiritual beliefs. This novel was a driving force towards the Civil War. The spiritual theme of this novel has led many literary historians to associate this with the Transcendentalist literary movement. However, other scholars view the novel as part of the Realist movement due to the actuality of events. Tom’s unwavering belief in the existence of his individual situation and the novel’s theme of antislavery are the only reasons why this novel is believed to be an example

  • Transcendentalism: Ralph Waldo Emerson and Christopher McCandless

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    “Everyman, I will go with thee and by thy guide, in thy most need to go by thy side,” said Randolf Hayes while talking about Ralph Waldo Emerson. One of Ralph Waldo Emerson’s pieces of literature is The American Scholar. This connects to Jon Krakuaer’s novel, Into the Wild. All of these pieces connect because they all show transcendentalism. I think that McCandless has a great deal of respect for Franz. In the letter McCandless writes to Franz, he talks about how beautiful life is. I connected this

  • The Transcendental Movement: Positive And Feminist Movement

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    to complete and excel in. The Transcendental movement that flourished through the 1820s and the 1830s provided a beginning to breaking the boundaries imposed by unnamed social figures. Transcendentalists had a profound effect on every facet of American culture; this being said, undoubtedly the most influenced aspects of culture, has consistently remained literature. Moreover, literature has an unparalleled history of affecting and catalyzing societal changes of the time. Providing individuals

  • compare and contrast the relationship between man and nature in Emerson and Thoreau.

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    Emerson is a transcendentalist who drew inspiration from nature. Emerson’s thought motivated most of the American writers and also most of the poet got inspired by Emerson’s words. He also spoke against slavery and even helped runaway slaves. Thoreau is also an American transcendentalist and also he is interested in studying about nature. He inspired countless people and also he was jailed for not accepting tax system. Later, Thoreau went to wood so that he can concentrate on his work. He was so

  • A Common Thread

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    answer my own question. These four authors of varying expertise tied together a common thread called culture. Clifford Geertz in his essay “Deep Play” brought us the world of cockfighting in Bali. In this essay he portrays the culture of our present American society through the use of the Balinese cockfight. Amazingly enough Geertz used what some would call a primitive culture to show us the aspects of our culture and the role these aspects play in our culture. Social structure, family, tradition, and

  • presentation for billy collins

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    edited two anthologies of contemporary poetry: Poetry 180: A Turning Back to Poetry and 180 More: Extraordinary Poems for Every Day. His work has also appeared in such periodicals as The New Yorker, The Paris Review, The Atlantic Monthly, and The American Scholar. Critical Essay on ¡§The Afterlife¡¨ by Chris Semansky Chris Semansky claims that Billy Collins serio-comic book Questions about Angels, addresses religious questions without being religious. Semansky evaluates Collins¡¦ poem ¡§The Afterlife¡¨

  • Ralph Waldo Emerson's The American Scholar

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    The American Scholar is one of the speeches given by Ralph Waldo Emerson on August 31, 1837 to the Phi Beta Kappa Society at Cambridge (World Largest Essay, 2014). People are not born with perfection, everyone learns through trials and errors. Mistakes are lessons not yet learnt. Therefore, you should try and make use of the knowledge and wisdom. Emerson’s speech tries to determine the real American culture and ask his citizen to prevent the essence of the real American culture. Sixty years after

  • Henry-David Thoreau's The American Scholar

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    gave his famous “American Scholar” address in front of the Phi Beta Kappa Society in Cambridge, it just so happened that the young Henry-David Thoreau was sitting in the graduating class, being sprinkled with all of Emerson’s wisdom and influence. It was in this very oration that Emerson spoke about the three most important characteristics of the true American Scholar, the final of which was action. When Emerson referred to action, he spoke of it thus, “action is with the scholar subordinate, but