American Quilt Essays

  • Whitney Otto's How to Make an American Quilt and Norman Maclean's A River Runs Through It

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    Whitney Otto's How to Make an American Quilt and Norman Maclean's A River Runs Through It Many times when I write it is difficult to locate a general theme, or even a clear and precise point. Too often, my papers seem to deviate from the intentional purpose stated in the introduction. The topic and primary idea need to be effectively introduced at the beginning so that the reader knows what to look for and what to expect. Many times, my writing consists of a solid introduction with a good idea

  • What Heritage Really Means and What it May be Portrayed As

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    and what it may be portrayed as. Dee is a well-educated African-American woman who is embarrassed by her mother and sister who are not as knowledgeable as her. On the other hand, Mama and Maggie understand their heritage and embrace it, while Dee believes her heritage is the African culture. In “Everyday Use,” there is symbolism in the quilts, the handicrafts, and the change in Dee’s name and new appearance. In “Everyday Use,” the quilts play an important role in depicting symbolism of heritage because

  • Quilts In The 1800s

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    arrived in the New World. A quilt is a sandwich type cloth with a layers of fabric, padding, you sew two or more materials together. The word “quilt” comes from the latin word “culcita” which means stuffed sack, According to Johnson “but it came into the English language from the French word cuilte.” (Johnson, 2016). Quilting can be traced back to ancient egypt and china, later in the eleventh century and in the eighteenth century. Quilts were first brought to the American colonies during this century

  • A Stitch in Time

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    Quilting has different meanings for different people, but all quilts have a unique appearance and tradition. “What makes art is its life – pulsing and shining with the energy and intentions of its creator. The art of quilting glows with a respect for all generations that have come before – putting thread, needle, and cloth together with vision and love” (Wilson 7). Starting out in antiquity as a necessity and a work of art, quilting has changed over time, but it is still practiced in a myriad

  • Everyday Use Culture Analysis

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    Culture is strongly demonstrated in “Everyday Use,” a short story by Alice Walker. The representation of African –American culture, heritage, and struggles powerfully takes over the story. “Everyday Use” was published in 1973. The story is focusing about a mother and her two daughters. The author shows their different identities and their ideas about heritage. In the story, Mama who is also the narrator shows how tradition and education in her family causes conflicts between both her daughters, Dee

  • Trifles and Symbolism Solve the Mystery

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    evidence. Symbolism in this play acts as a precursor to predestined events that take place. It can be observed by looking at anything that has specific significance to a scene, which Mrs. Hale and Mrs. Peters methodically point out. The unfinished quilt, the strangled bird, and fruit are the symbols that give insight what really happened between Mr. and Mrs. Wright, and what went wrong during their marriage to result in such a dreadful end. There are a few deliberately placed props that really depict

  • Alice Walker's Everyday Use

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    who stays back with her roots and makes the most out of the surroundings that she has been placed in. Through the use of symbolism, the tangible object of a family heirloom quilt brings out these issues relating to heritage to Mama, and she is able to reasonably decide which of her daughters has a real appreciation for the quilt, and can pass it on to her. Dee and Maggie shed a new light on the actual meaning of heritage through their personality traits, lifestyle decisions, and relationships with

  • Philosophy of Education

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    among educators, and it should be the goal of aspiring teachers to analyze themselves to become the best teachers as possible. Imagine a patchwork quilt full of variation in size, color, texture, and detail in every different piece. This picture is what surfaces in my mind when I think of the nature of students in today’s world. If the quilt represents a classroom, each piece represents a student with different inter-weavings, but similar ties among themselves. My job, as teacher, is to recognize

  • Isolation In Minnie Wright's Isolation

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    Minnie Wright was isolated from almost everyone throughout the course of her marriage. The main time Minnie was isolated is during the day while her husband was working. “‘Not having children makes less work,’ mused Mrs. Hale, after a silence, ‘but it makes a quiet house-and Wright out to work all day’” (Glaspell 511). Being the only person ever inside of a house is very lonely, and it was rare for a woman to ever even leave the house. “Furthermore, [John] refuses to have a telephone; and, as we

  • Symbolism Of An Unfinished Quilt In Trifles By Susan Glaspell

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    irony of an unfinished quilt, the women believe it is symbolic for Mrs. Wright’s complex character, while the men view it as nothing more than a trifle. Paying attention to detail is what allows the audience to form their own opinion on what they believe is significant. The unfinished quilt in this play is referenced to more than any other “trifle” in this play. This is due to the fact it is an artifact that both men and women find useful. The women in this play relate to the quilt in a maternal sense

  • Grandmother’s Quilt (Grandpa's Love)

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    Grandmother’s Quilt The inside of my body resembles that of a sieve. The biggest whole is buried deep beneath my aching soul. The rhythm of my heart seems to skip a beat with each breath that my lungs consume. As I stand at the front of the church entrance, I can feel the weight of my body shift from side to side. At any moment my legs may give way and buckle beneath my emotionally tired body. The warmth of the bodies from the room brushes past my face sending a flash of heat down my spinal

  • Maggie's Everyday Use

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    of giving her daughter, Maggie, the family quilts. Dee (Wangero), her older sister was qualified for the quilts as well, but in my opinion Maggie is more deserving. Throughout the story, the differences between the narrator’s two daughters are shown in different ways. The older daughter, Dee (Wangero), is educated and outgoing, whereas Maggie is shy and a homebody. I agree with the narrator’s decision because of Maggie’s good intentions for the quilts and her innocent behavior. In my opinion

  • The Danger in Susan Glaspell's Trifles

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    symbolism to help bring it to a close. It is easy to see that Mr. and Mrs. Wright live in a society that is cut off from the outside world and also strongly separated by gender. Three of the key symbols in Glaspell's play are a simple bird cage, a quilt, and isolationism. Anna Uong of Virginia Tech and Karen Shelton of JSRCC share these same ideas on symbolism. These three symbols are the main clues that help the reader decide who killed Mr. Wright. The bird cage that was found is one of the

  • The Sound and the Fury

    6984 Words  | 14 Pages

    The Sound and the Fury: Chronology of Despair Three little boys watch wearily and fearfully as their sister shimmies quickly up a tree to peer through the window of a dilapidated Southern farmhouse. Our attention focuses neither on her reaction to the festivities commencing in the house, nor on the danger suspended nervously in the dusky air as the tiny image worms up the tree trunk. Sensing the distress apparent in the boys’ words and actions, our eyes rivet to the same thing that fills their

  • Definition of Heritage in "Everyday Use"

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    Heritage includes a legacy of physical attributes of the past. Heritage may be inherited and maintained in the present for future generations. Some symbols of heritage can be meaningful to some people, while for others they are meaningless. Traditional heritage plays an important part of everyone’s life. Some people follow a traditional heritage so deeply imbedded in their everyday lives that they do not even recognize them as so. In “Everyday Use” the strenuous effort to preserve the family name

  • The Meaning And Value Of The Quilts In Everyday Use By Alice Walker

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    and the quilts shows the distinction of how one can interpret their heritage. As told in the story, it is known that dee is far more educated than mama and Maggie. Mama was denied an education but made sure that dee had an education. Dees education is the reason for her constructing herself a new heritage. Her education is the reason why she is uneducated about her heritage. It has separated dee from her true heritage because she was away from her family and couldn’t get family

  • Everyday Use Essay: Lost Heritage

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    Lost Heritage in Everyday Use By contrasting the family characters in "Everyday Use," Walker illustrates the mistake by some of placing the significance of heritage solely in material objects. Walker presents Mama and Maggie, the younger daughter, as an example that heritage in both knowledge and form passes from one generation to another through a learning and experience connection. However, by a broken connection, Dee, the older daughter, represents a misconception of

  • How To Clean A Quilt

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    Quilts and linens should be treated delicately if you want them to remain in excellent condition. A handmade quilt and some linens are often expensive. You might even have the ones your grandmother made. Whether they are heirlooms or brand-new always handle them with care. Most of the time quilts and linens will suffer extensive damage due to the owner's lack of knowledge on how to take care of the item. The most common forms of damage include staining, creasing and fabric deterioration. Exposure

  • Quilting Persuasive Speech

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    Quilts have been there for years, with quilting being passed from one generation to another. And now more than the recent years, more and more people are getting onto quilting. They are either doing it as a hobby, to learn a new craft, to use the quits as a gift for friends and family. However more and more people are also looking for ways to sell their quilts online to make money. Some people are already professional quilters and have a large consignment of quilts they would like to sell. Traditionally

  • Essay on Male Prejudices in Susan Glaspell's Trifles

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    male investigators need to find, as Mrs. Peters puts it, "'a motive; something to show anger, or--sudden feeling'" (357). Yet the men never see the uneven sewing on a quilt Minnie Wright was working on before the murder. The quilt is a symbol of Minnie's agitation--her anger. The men, though, laugh at the women's wonderings about the quilt. To them it is of little importance. Likewise, the bird and its cage are easily dismissed. In fact, the men just as easily believe a lie about this bird and cage