American Poetry Essays

  • Shaping American Poetry

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    findings. The two can be blamed for the shaping of American poetry. You can clearly see the differences in American poetry and British poetry shortly after their writings. They were very inspiring to writers all across America, and wrote about bold topics. Dickinson questioned God in an unheard of way, and Whitman wrote that you don’t have to be a church to be with God. Both were very inspired by nature, and made connections to it in their poetry. When it comes to style, the two obviously clashed

  • Nature in American Poetry

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    not separate from nature. No nature, no human beings. As far as poetry is concerned, nature plays a great important role on it, for uncountable poets have been writing lots and lots of great poems on it along the history of human beings. America is not an exceptional. My paper is right to deal with nature in American poetry. Ralph Waldo Emerson(1803-1882), the leader of the Transcendentalism in New England, is the first American who wrote prose and poem on nature and the relationship between

  • A Look at American Poetry

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    Many may consider poetry to be a language of its own: full of feelings, emotions, and perceptions. All of us have our own experiences & sentiments; therefore we all have the ability to write our own poetry from our background without even realizing it. In my opinion, I do not think that the importance of American poetry should be stressed just to college students; I believe that our society as a whole should care about American poetry. Throughout history, poetry has been considered to be important

  • The Works Of Poet Carl Sandburg And His Effect On American Poetry

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    The Works of Poet Carl Sandburg and His Effect on American Poetry The beloved poet, Carl Sandburg, changed the course of American poetry. He was a poet, novelist, journalist, and songwriter, yet the influence of his works have not always been acknowledged. Carl Sandburg's evocations of American urban and rural life, compassion for people, and his love of nature, through his works have made an enormous contribution to the American literary scene. Carl Sandburg was born on January 6, 1878

  • Dark Tone In Latin American Poetry

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    on causing them to not make important decisions. Authors such as Ángel González show examples like this in his four poems. All of Latin America literature shows examples like González's, showing the reader many tones in the poetry. Authors use many themes throughout their poetry to create a recurring dark tone. Certain authors use specific themes for each of their poems, some being person vs self, person vs society, and antithesis. We can see a reoccurring dark tone in the theme of person vs self

  • The Rebels of Dharma Bums, Takin' it to the Streets and New American Poetry

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    Rebels of Dharma Bums, Takin' it to the Streets and New American Poetry You don't need a destination to run away. All you have to know is what you are leaving behind. In the 1960's, young men and women in the United States, especially on the west coast, made a mad dash away from almost two centuries of American tradition. They ran to so many different places that it would be impossible to generalize about their aims and philosophies. What they had in common was the running itself. America

  • Modernist Poets E.E. Cummings, Wallace Stevens, and T.S. Eliot Change the Face of American Poetry

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    Face of American Poetry Modernist poets such as E.E. Cummings, Wallace Stevens, and T.S. Eliot changed the face of American poetry by destroying the notion that American culture is far inferior to European culture. These and other American poets accomplished the feat of defining an American poetic style in the Modern Era by means of a truly American idea. That idea is the melting pot. Just as American culture exists as a mixture of races, beliefs, and ideas, the new American style of poetry exists

  • Out of the kitchen: An Examination of the American Dream in the Poetry of Langston Hughes

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    Out of the Kitchen: An Examination of the American Dream in the poetry of Langston Hughes The Harlem Renaissance gave a voice to many gifted artists, writers, and poets. Perhaps, for the first time, people were using the arts on a broad scale to give national and international voice to the long-silenced personal and political struggles of America’s ethnic other, specifically the African-American. Among the many gifted poets of the movement, Langston Hughes is, easily, one of the most recognizable

  • Langston Hughes Impact On African American Poetry

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    twentieth century, African Americans came to upper Manhattan to celebrate the awakening of a new African American consciousness, which was due to many talented black citizens giving their rich contribution to American poetry. This time period of American poetry gave African Americans the ability to further their self-expression even so far as to let them express the aftereffects of slavery. However, James Weldon Johnson believed that, “The sooner they are able to write American poetry spontaneously, the

  • Stressing African American Importance Through Poetry

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    Lucille Clifton, realized how notable African Americans were. However, throughout her lifetime, Clifton has encountered discrimination against her race on multiple occasions, but her poetry, for both adults and children, show resilience against any racist remarks made. With a heavy influence from growing up in an African-American household and experiencing the Civil Rights Movement, Lucille Clifton’s writings focus on the importance of African Americans, especially women, in communities (Hine 1-3)

  • Colonialism In The American Poetry Of Daddy By Sylvia Plath

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    America, a country founded by the few for the millions as it stands today, following the ideals of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness as coined from the Declaration of Independence. Just like other national literatures, American literature was shaped by its historical and cultural aspect which roots back to the times of the natives, but the writing tradition begun with the arrival of colonialist so called English adventurous in the New World and evolved throughout centuries till today and

  • Native American Poetry: Joy Jarjo

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    Joy Harjo is a Native American poet who uses her heritage as an influence in her writing. She also uses her Native American background to bring awareness to the adversities that they encounter in the society, especially from a feminist point of view. The poem, written in the style of a Native American chant, “She Had Some Horses” gives a voice to a voiceless woman which gives her the opportunity to tell her story and provides her with a sense of worth. In the poem “She Had Some Horses” we can identify

  • The Culture of and Prejudice Against African Americans as Depicted in Gwendolyn Brooks' Poetry and Stories

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    African Americans have seen and been through it all. Author and renowned poet Gwendolyn Elizabeth Brooks discuses and describes many of the cruel and unfair treatment that African Americans have faced throughout our civilization. Brooks’ not only speaks on the racial prejudice of African Americans, but she also discusses the heartaches, the life, and the growth of African Americans as a people. Brooks’ poetry and stories are very similar to her own experience growing up as an African American woman

  • Whitman's Interpretation of Emerson

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    Whitman's Interpretation of Emerson Walt Whitman was able to take the spark of an idea from Ralph Waldo Emerson and tend, nurture, and support it until the spark grew into a huge flame of something surprising and original - new American poetry. Whitman did not only learn from Emerson, but he also took Emerson's ideas and expanded them into something much more encompassing. Whitman was able to use Emerson's principles that are outlined in "The Poet" to springboard into something more expansive

  • The Impact of the Great Depression

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    sent the nation spiraling into a state of economic paralysis that became known as the Great Depression. As industries shrank and businesses collapsed or cut back, up to 25% of Americans were left unemployed. At the same time, the financial crisis destroyed the life savings of countless Americans (Modern American Poetry). Food, housing and other consumable goods were in short supply for most people (Zinn 282). This widespread state of poverty had serious social repercussions for the country.

  • Emily Dickinson's Death Poems

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    as a recluse. Dickinson's lack of rhyme and regular meter and her use of ellipsis and compression were unimportant as long as her poetry was encouraged by it. Although some find her poetry to be incomprehensible, illiterate, and uneducated, most find that her irregular poetic form are her original attempts at liberating American poetry from a stale heritage. Her poetry was the precursor to the modern spirit with the influence of transcendentalism not puritanism. Her treatment of Death and profound

  • Poe's Fall of The House of Usher Essay: Biographical Contexts

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    publishing opportunities and opened the doors to success (Quinn 268). He found this success editing Burton's Gentleman's Magazine from 1839-1840 and then Graham's Magazine from 1841-1842 (Peeples 74). During this time, Poe delivered lectures on American poetry, published thirty-six tales including "William Wilson," "The Masque of the Red Death," and "The Murders in the Rue Morgue," and also released a collection of stories in 1840 entitled Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque (Peoples 74). It was during

  • Dissecting Inequality in American Democracy: A Poetry Analysis

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    Poetry Analysis Essay The United States of America is known for the equality that is provided, on the surface, however not every person is actually equal to another. In Two Scavengers in a Truck, Two Beautiful People in a Mercedes written by Lawrence Ferlinghetti, Ferlinghetti describes a scenario that seamlessly displays the differences between people in American societies. There are two scavengers which are garbage men that are on their way home, and two beautiful people, on their way to their

  • A Defense of Whitman

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    A Defense of Whitman Whether they have loved or loathed his poetry, each writer or critic who has encountered "Leaves of Grass" has had to come to some sort of reckoning with Walt Whitman. The Good Gray Poet, the grandfather of American poetry, has been deified by some and labeled a cultural and artistic barbarian by others. While Whitman freely admitted in his preface to the final publication of "Leaves of Grass" that the work was faulty and far from perfect, some critics see no redeeming qualities

  • Paul Valéry's Le Situation de Baudelaire

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    ultimately concerned about the place of contemporary poetry, what takes place there and how I place myself in relation to it. But a place(less place) is for me less a place without place, or a place that is nowhere, a no-place or utopia; rather, a place less place, place with its placeness subtracted and leaving as the remainder: a situation, a situating. This then would be the place of contemporary poetry, its situation. But to speak of contemporary poetry is already to demarcate too vast a place. You