American Museum Essays

  • Progressive American Museum

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    While Museums changed their approach during this progressive turn, academic historians were not actively involved in the beginning. John Cotton Dana, founder and curator of the Newark Museum, called for a change in focus for all museums in his 1920 book A Plan for a New Museum: The Kind of Museum It Will Profit a City to Maintain. He stated, “A museum is good only in so far as it is of use.” A museum’s value did not lay in beautiful, rare, and objects from long ago and far away places, but in

  • National Museum Of American Culture

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    When people visit museums, they are presumably touring the attraction for the sense of enjoyment and entertainment. These buildings of historical valuables have become a destination for those who wish to fulfill their curiosity of knowing what has been rescued and refurbished from the past, and individuals who simply want to pass time. There are a number of items and antiquities which are admired on a daily basis, but is the work and selection process taken into consideration as well? The art may

  • Museum Observations: Whitney Museum Of American Art

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    Museum Observations: Whitney Museum of American Art When visiting a museum, most of the times the viewer will not stop to consider what the museum itself is doing for the art that it is housing, but it is something very important to consider because it can greatly shape the art experience. For instance, in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, its colosseum feel with intricate details and exhibits dedicated to different countries and decades of art, it sets the visitor up for a more traditional, classic

  • Black American West Museum Analysis

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    The Institute of Museum and Library Services is an independent government agency that tallies the number and type of museums in this country. By their count, there are 35,000 active museums, this represents a doubling of the number estimated in the 1990s (Ingraham 2014). Colorado has around 200 museums and five dedicated to African Americans (Visit Denver, 2016). The Black American West Museum started in the barbershop of the founder, Paul W. Stewart, out of his love childhood love for “Cowboys

  • African American Museum Essay

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    When walking into a modern American museum, many of the artworks are from the white American perspective, only leaving a small space for artworks done from the perspective of people of colour. For African-American art, mainstream museums seem to either do one of these two things: 1) passively ignore them or 2) actively excluded them from exhibitions. However, over the past few decades, museums have sporadically added African-American artwork to their collection and made exhibitions that echoed the

  • Native American Museums

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    peoples can be based on false stereotypes and notions. Museums have always been based on displaying things, educating the public through exhibiting materials and the false notions from the public are one thing that museums refuse to propagate.15 However, refusing to display these well-known, popular yet false data sometimes can hinder the feedback on a specific exhibit, displaying accurate but not the popular expectation of the specific subject. Museums carry a great impact on society’s understanding of

  • African American Firefighter Museum

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    The African American Firefighter museum is now considered the only African American Firefighter museum in the whole United States. That really got my attention to write my essay about this unique museum. As I used to live in Egypt before living here, I visited a lot of museums there, and I really liked them. That made me curious to know more about museums here. When I searched the internet for the museums, the African American Firefighter museum was one of the most standing ones in the United States

  • Native American Museum

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    Smithsonian's National Museum of the American Indian is a fascinating building at the Bowling Green area of Lower Manhattan. It’s close to Battery Park that displays an elegant view of the water. You can see ferries floating by headed towards Staten Island, since South Ferry Terminal is nearby. It allows you to appreciate the hidden gems of the city located in the outskirts Manhattan. One of those very treasures is the museum mentioned previously. The Museum of the American Indian is directly in

  • Reflection On The Museum Of The American Indian

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    visited the Museum of the American Indian in D.C. Saturday the 7th. I had not visited the museum or any part of the Smithsonian since seventh grade, so I was looking forward to taking in American history now that I was older and more interested, and especially connecting what I had learned from my history courses to what I saw at the Smithsonian. Compared to the other Smithsonian institutions, such as the Museum of Natural History and the Air and Space Museum, the Museum of the American Indian’s exterior

  • Interpreting the American Revolution: Politics, History, and Museums

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    their society and their country, Andrew Schocket’s Fighting Over the Founders examines how Americans have interpreted the American Revolution and the past through politics, historical writing, and museums over the years. Despite their overt differences, these three fields share a common ground which is brought to light in Andrew Schocket’s work. The commonalities between politicians, historians, and museum curators all focus on the same contemporary ideological divide and how all three use this to

  • Reflective Essay: The African American History Museum

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    one of the races of people that helped build and shape America as we know it. Being overlooked for centuries. IN 2003 Bush signed a law creating the African American history museum. It was one of the most educational and invigorating experiences of my life. Not many The museum is not only enlighten but enriching by capturing African American history in its entirety. Standing in line at 9:13am the first person there all alone. But I did not feel alone. The glow of the pool illuminated by the first

  • African American Stereotypes In Wolfe's The Colored Museum

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    In The Colored Museum, Wolfe suggests that people should claim and honor their cultural baggage. However, de does it while disclosing how difficult that may be for an African American through a series of characters. I believe Wolfe exhibits this with characters struggling with stereotypes, susceptibility, and acceptance. Characters such as Janine, LaWanda, and Aunt Ethel show the struggle of African Americans dealing with stereotypes and how those false identities influence whether they claim or

  • The Museum Of African American History

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    This research paper will discuss the exhibits of both Detroit Historical Museum (DHM) and the Wright Museum of African American History (WM) and interpret the experience as a first time visitor (myself but with some knowledge from the course) with no prior knowledge of Underground Railroad (UGRR). This critical analysis will evaluate the DHM and WM programs and displays with respect to their intent as well as their ability to present facts and materials in understandable manner to a first time visitor

  • Analyzing Native American History Through Museum Artifacts

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    The museum I attended was “National Museum of the American Indian” (The George Gustav Heye Center.) This historical center offered a superlative perspective of the social legacy of the Native Americas. There were displays that present famous items chose for their aesthetic quality and power as emblems of Native beliefs. My experience in this museum was very quiet and lonely, but I made the best out of it. When first entering the museum, I was lost as to how I would be able to connect any of the information

  • Buffalo Bill, The Pawn Shop, And The Museum Of Native American Culture

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    Buffalo Bill, the pawn shop, and the museum of Native American Culture are three central images in Alexie’s poem, “Evolution.” In the poem Evolution, the author Sherman Alexie demonstrated methodical dilapidation of the Native American population as well as indecent exploitation of their ways of life. Alexie’s use of Buffalo Bill is important because it exemplifies metaphors and responses from both White Americans and Native Americans. Buffalo Bill starts a pawn shop close to the boundary of an Indian

  • The American Museum Of Natural History: Anthropology

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    The American Museum of Natural History has many exhibits that demonstrate many aspects of anthropology. The Museum is located on Central Park West between W81st and W77nd streets. The museum is an excellent place to open oneself to many new ideas and cultures. When looking through the museum the exhibits that are anthropological could enhance ones understanding of a culture. The museum is very big and a lot of time is needed to get the most out of it. The following exhibits that demonstrate

  • What It Takes to be a Museum Curator

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    Nature of the Work Being a museum curator involves time, dedication, and good management skills. A museum curator is responsible for items in a museum that belong to the museum or are being borrowed. They decide when an object is sold/,lent, exchanged, or bought. Aside from managing objects and displays, curators are also in charge of planning public outreach events and programs, such as lectures or tours at the museum. They are also in charge of arranging workshops and classes, finding and hiring

  • Considerations for Finding Art Pieces or Artifacts for a Museum- Historical Importance Versus Revenue

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    It is challenging to decide which is of greater importance when finding art pieces or artifacts for a museum: the historical import or the profit margin. For some, cost-effectiveness or revenue produced in future by marketing replicas will be a priority, but for others historical importance and representativeness of the real historical article will be more important. The discernment between buying the work of a young artist with great promise at the expense of a classic art piece being put away

  • Modern Art DBQ Essay

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    or a piece of art, several considerations come into mind. The MoMA, or the Museum of Modern Art, suffered a great financial crisis. This financial hiccup differentiated the ways in which the selection of new art and artifacts was to be chosen. The art or artifacts, for the MoMA, were to be financially aiding for the museum in order to keep it running (Source A). However, there are those in which the sole purpose for a museum is for educational purpose, in which the only consideration for choosing art

  • Historical Society's Mission Analysis

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    Reserve Historical Society’s Mission is “To inspire people to discover the American experience by exploring the tangible history of Northeast Ohio.” To achieve this mission, the Historical Society (WRHS) focuses on four core principles: integrity, stewardship, connectivity, and innovation. Danielle Peck has been a registrar at WRHS for 17 years. Beginning with a position as an administrator for the National Cowgirl Museum, culminating with her position at WRHS, Peck has been tasked with overseeing