American film directors Essays

  • Analysis Of The Movie Argo

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    Argo Film Critique Ben Affleck, director, does an excellent job with the movie Argo. Being able to find the fear and suspension in every scene is difficult to do, yet Affleck does so seamlessly. Based off a true historical event that happened in 1979, Affleck choses to pick the Iranian Hostage Crisis. He starts out the movie with some background information, so that viewers are able to have some understanding of what has happened and why this is happening. He then merges into a heartbreaking scene

  • Film Analysis and Different Viewpoints on A Woman Under the Influence, and Wanda

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    I. Introduction Beginning in the late 1960’s, a new film movement known as New Hollywood began, rapidly replacing the Classical method of filmmaking. This era was unique because many popular films of the time were produced outside of the studio system, shot on-location, and with non-professional actors and actresses. These “art films” were brash, irreverent, and full of anger. While directors during this time used drastically different methods to achieve their final product, the meaning they

  • Auteur Theory

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    only the validity of the theory of auteurism but also the theory’s value within the study of film. Many notable critics have weighed in on the concept of the auteur such as Andrew Sarris in 1962, who developed the notion of the auteur into a theory that could then be applied to the study of film. Although, it must be noted that Sarris’ theory had no scientific elements that could benefit the study of film from a scientific viewpoint and is based on personal opinions and preferences. The theory was

  • Alfred Hitchcock As An Auteur

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    Some directors like John Ford, Alfred Hitchcock and Tim Burton are all well known artistic directors. Each having their own specific style, an example of this would be Alfred Hitchcock, and his style is Horror, he however not only uses his well-known genre, but also includes his individual personality in his work. These directors who have their own distinctive identification are known as auteurs. Auteurs all have a specific style when it comes to creating their films, just like an artist or a musician

  • Auter Theory: The Meaning of the Word Auteur in Movies

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    The concept of "Auteur" is deriding and damaging to the screenwriter and to the director, according to William Goldman because Goldman understands that there are many independent parts working together to create a movie. Screenwriter, such as Goldman, have a very difficult task to adapt the script and the storyline in such a way that the whole story can be told with themes and symbolism without losing the viewer and without giving the viewer too much to take in and grapple with. Screenwriters such

  • American Independent Cinema Analysis

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    second generation American Independent cinema directors there is a fine line separating the two generations. This line usually lies somewhere in the early 80’s when the term ‘American Independent Cinema’ first began to emerge. Many other things that were pertinent to the American Independent Cinema movement also arose such as the emergence of video as a media form. There is a strong distinction in the change of dynamics between film school in the first and second generation of American Independent filmmakers

  • Spike Lee

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    Lee is considered to be one of the underrated directors of our time. He was born on March 20, 1957 in Atlanta. He grew up with a supportive family. He started making amateur films at the age of 20.After graduating NYU film school he was ready for the world. He already overcame the fact that African-American filmmakers were narrow. His big break started when he earned seven million in box office for a movie which priced at $175,000 to make. Also, the film was only shot in two weeks. This was only the

  • Auteur Theory Research Paper

    3172 Words  | 7 Pages

    to New Hollywood Cinema Introduction The Auteur theory was born in France and first mentioned by François Truffaut. When it traveled to United States and was summarized by Andrew Sarris, it inspired a new generation of Film Academy graduated directors to create a new mode of film making which became what we call New Hollywood Cinema. The following essay will be divided into two main parts. Firstly, there will be a brief introduction of the Auteur Theory in France and United States. This includes

  • French Influence On American Films

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    Lumiere Brothers and their first film showing in Paris in 1985 and influencing works of George Melies, French cinematography developed in parallel with and equally fast as the American industry (CITE). For many years, native films from such big companies as Gaumont and Pathe Freres dominated all French screens with great success (CITE). But the beginning of the World War I in 1918 weakened not only the country’s position and economy but also the position of France in the film industry. Big amounts of small

  • Comparing Films Independence Day and Close Encounters

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    Comparing Films Independence Day and Close Encounters Both films are of a sci-fi genre but they are very different in terms of mise-en-scene, audience and message. Throughout this essay Independence Day will be referred to as ID and Close Encounters will be referred to as CE. Both films use the setting of a secret base, in ID it had the 'SETI' (search for extra terrestrial investigation institute) as the films setting and in CE the setting was Devils Mountain which again is a secret military

  • Comparing Auteurism In Jaws And Star Wars

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    is the idea that a director puts so much of himself (his style, personal experiences, etc) into a film that he is basically it’s author. “Film should ideally be a means of personal artistic expression for it’s director bearing the signature of his or her personal style.”(Lewis, page 11) For a film to be “auteuristic” for lack of a better word, it should clearly be a product of its director. Early auteurs include Orson Welles, Alfred Hitchcock and other well known directors. Orson Welles, known

  • Investigation of Techniques used by Gary Sininse to Interest His Audience in His Screen Adaptation of Of Mice and Men

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    Adaptation of Of Mice and Men When film makers adapt a novel for the screen, the director has to make some decisions. The director doesn't always follow the exact order of events from the adapted novel. For instance the director may modify the setting of the movie to generate a different mood which will capture the viewers mind and make them want to carry on watching the movie. In this film, 'Of Mice and Men' at the start the director applies a mid western American style theme, with the sun shining

  • Tim Burton Research Paper

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    Burton: Director, producer and screenwriter Tim Burton is known for such films as Beetlejuice and Edward Scissorhands, which blend themes of fantasy and horror. Born and raised in Burbank, California on August 25, 1958. He was majoring in animation at the California Institute of Arts, worked as a Disney animator for less than a year before he started filming on his own. He became known for " visually striking films that blend themes of fantasy and horror". Tim Burton is a great leader in the film industry

  • The French New Wave Movement

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    Responding to the lackluster film industry following WWII, critics and directors saw the New Wave aesthetic as an opportunity to revolutionize the world of film by challenging the mainstream film industry and its unquestionable influence. France during World War II was a dark place for a film industry that had once experienced such successes. As a result of Nazi Germany’s occupation, the selection of films available in France was severely limited. With Hollywood films strictly banned, theatres during

  • Ava Duvernay Essay

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    DuVernay: A Female Director Making History Nominated for two Academy Awards and four Golden Globes, Ava DuVernay’s is an African-American director, writer, and filmmaker. DuVernay’s is best known for her film “Selma” about Dr. Martin Luther King Jr’s leadership in the struggle for voting rights and current directorial feature-length documentary the 13TH. DuVernay grew up in Los Angeles and graduated from University of California Los Angeles in 1995, with a degree in African-American Studies and English

  • The History Of Mexican-American Cinema

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    Being a Mexican-American has guaranteed struggles in America, throughout history. Using film was a way to show the injustices of Mexican-American people and the way they were being treated. Also, cinematography is used in a way to humor others and it is something that everyone can enjoy together; however, it started with theater. In Mexican-American Cinema there are many great cinematographers that came to be known to this day. With a rough start in building a name for themselves to Hollywood demanding

  • The Vanishing Film Analysis

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    the films are very straight forward with the idea or messages that the director is trying to reveal in order to keep American viewers hooked on to the film. Whenever a foreign film is Americanized, there are always significant changes in the character’s love life between one another, and the organization of the plot; from the symbolism of the film with the theme of the films are altered. This method is very effective because American audiences want to understand the whole concept of the film, where

  • Film Analysis of King Kong Produced by Merian C. Cooper

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    Film Analysis of King Kong Produced by Merian C. Cooper A classic adventure-fantasy film in the earlier talking films is King Kong (1933). King Kong was conceived by director/producer Merian C. Cooper. Cooper tells the story of an attractive blonde woman and a frightening gigantic ape-monster who are immersed in a Beauty and the Beast type tale. A major section of the film is the struggle on Skull Island between the filmmakers, the islanders, and the other resident of the island. The other

  • The Influence Of The Auteur Theory In America

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    filmmaking, directors were not given the importance they deserved. They were not seen as critical or imperative to the creation and process of filmmaking. Additionally, they were not famous or well-known. Obviously, the actors stole the show. They were forced to follow certain rules of filmmaking in order to create films and not be blacklisted by the filmmaking industry. Essentially, they were not given the credit or freedom they deserved. However, with the introduction of "auteurism," directors began

  • Lois Weber Research Paper

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    famously known as the most successful female director of the 1910s. Her influence as a director was compared to D.W. Griffith’s, another very powerful director of that time. Lois Weber had two main devotions in life: her films and her moral ideals came through her commitment to her craft, using her films as tools, and brought her ahead of her time. Throughout her life she was credited with directing 135 films, writing 114, and acting in 100. She made her first film, A Heroine of '76, in 1911 at the age