American Culture Essays

  • American Food: The Cultures Of The American Culture

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    Around the world there are many common factors that link cultures to one another, but one of the main factors that separates cultures is the food they eat. People travel the world specifically to taste the intricate cuisine from each culture around the globe. Its importance lies within the fact that all living things need it to survive, and in particular humans need a wide range of nutrients and vitamins to survive and the culture that it derives from makes it special. From China to Mexico, the wide

  • Seinfeld's Impact on American Culture

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    Seinfeld's Impact on American Culture Jerry Seinfeld's television sitcom, "Seinfeld," which went off the air in 1999, is still one of the most culturally pertinent shows today. The show dealt with little nuances of American society. A puffy shirt, for example, could be the main subject for an entire show. This show, which was derived from Jerry Seinfeld's observational humor, was voted as the "Greatest Show of All Time" by TV Guide in 2002. According to the show's official website, the ratings

  • Teenage Pregnancy in American Culture

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    lifetime in poverty, poor achievement, and susceptibility to suicide, likelihood of committing crimes and being arrested, and other issues. When children grow, some tend to live through the society their parents grew, obtaining their social setting, culture, a way of thinking. If troubled kids had babies in their teens, then their child will grow up in the same troubled path their parents were in, it’s like a cycle. The parents still only teach them what they know, and if they were taught to steal, fight

  • Cultures, And Anglo-American Culture

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    that one culture has apart from another culture. Although Americans do not see very many cultures other than their own there are many different cultures around the world that differ in their traditions and beliefs. Cultures vary from the language they speak to the clothes that they wear. One culture that is different than Anglo-American culture is the Moldovan culture. Moldovans have different traditions, beliefs, and diets that differ from the Anglo-American culture. The Moldovan culture has distinct

  • Culture Influence On American Culture

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    ancestors, or heroes. Fairy Tales are fantasy tales with legendary being and creators. American folklores are used to refer to American traditional beliefs and folk knowledge and culture are mostly legends. There are many very famous/ well known stories that many children are familiar with. American values are reflected in the culture’s folklore by including myths, legends, and fairy tales that use the “American Dream” as a reference in the stories. The significance of oral tradition is stories that

  • Latin American Culture

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    Latin American Culture Latin America represents 1/10 of the world's population, and geographically can be located from the land extensions of Mexico, until the Patagonia at Argentina. Some of the most relevant elements of today's culture in Latin America are; Religion, Values, Attitudes, Social structure, Social stratification, Language and Gift-giving hospitality. The predominant religion throughout history in Latin America has been Catholicism. From big cities to small villages, churches, basilicas

  • Impact of Pulp Magazines on American Culture

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    Impact of Pulp Magazines on American Culture “The story is worth more than the paper it is printed on.” Frank Munsey’s words symbolized the history of the pulp magazine. Frank Munsey started the pulp magazine craze with his first magazine, the Argosy, in 1896. The Argosy was a revamping of his children’s magazine, the Golden Argosy, shifting its focus from children to adults. The Argosy offered large amounts of fiction for a low price, because these stories would be printed on cheap pulpwood

  • Running: An Integral Part of American Culture

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    Running: An Integral Part of American Culture The running phenomenon has blended into society in many different aspects of our lives. This does not only include track and field, but also cross country, road-racing, and jogging for health and leisure. Many Americans make running an essential part of their day. Running is not only good for your heart and lungs, but it is very beneficial for relieving stress, keeping your metabolism high, and keeping you trim and muscular. Another expanding

  • Comparing the Culture of Cambodia and American Culture

    545 Words  | 2 Pages

    Comparing the Culture of Cambodia and American Culture After reading the novel Children of the River, I have learned some customs that people in Cambodia practice in their country. In this essay, I shall describe some examples of their traditions and contrast them with the American culture as shown in the novel and Honduran culture of which I am most familiar. One good example of this contrast is when Sundara, the main character of the novel, explains to Jonathan (Pg 23) that in Cambodia

  • Definition Of American Culture

    551 Words  | 2 Pages

    Culture is defined as the ways of thinking, acting, and material objects that together form a people's way of life. With our melting pot status, American culture is constantly changing as new people, new ideas, and new technology make their way into our society and change the way we think and feel. The ebb and flow of our culture can be easily seen by walking our streets and seeing how different age groups and races act similarly and differently to stimulus. This essay will discuss how even though

  • Indian Culture Vs American Culture

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    Culture is the treasury of knowledge. Culture preserves knowledge and helps its transmission from generation to generation through its means that is language helps not only the transmission of knowledge but also its preservation. Understanding culture in terms of human lives it can also be defined as the body of human customary beliefs, social forms, and material traits constituting a distinct complex of tradition of a racial, religious, or social group. According to me ,Culture also defines our

  • American Culture Essay

    1395 Words  | 3 Pages

    Culture can simply be defined as ‘way of life’ of a group of people. It is about the way groups do things. There can be several ways of thinking about and studying culture. Gail McDonald studied the culture of America through four concepts that include “big, rich, new and free”. (McDonald)For this essay, I would like to define and analyze the American culture in terms of ‘freedom’. I selected this dimension because it has been one of the most distinct dimensions of American culture and it has contributed

  • The Globalization Of American Culture

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    People of one culture tend to see the flaws in their own culture and pick up values that are more correct or in tune with the times from another. Societies have become larger as they have welcomed people of other civilizations and backgrounds and created a whole new culture of their own. Food choices, languages, and cultural customs have spread all due to globalization. In New York City, there are many different sections of town that represent different cultures like: China Town, Little

  • Materialism In American Culture

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    The Soviets have fallen. Only quixotic French intellectuals and anxious Islamic fundamentalists are trying to stand up to it. By no means am I sanguine about such a material culture. It has many problems that I have glossed over. Consumerism is wasteful, it is devoid of otherworldly concerns, it lives for today and celebrates the body, and it overindulges and spoils the young with impossible promises. "Getting and spending"

  • The American Culture And Nonverbal Communication And Culture

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    American culture needs no excuse to gather in small or large groups for nearly any occasions. It could be a simple gathering of friends to discuss books, watch a movie or even just relax and enjoy ones company. Although, the American culture is formed on informal encounters, we tend to be time conscientious; therefore appointments are expected to be kept and timely. For that reason, if I were invited to a gathering, my promptness would be expected. Furthermore, time is of the essence. Thus, once

  • Hmong-American Culture

    703 Words  | 2 Pages

    journey as she migrates to America. Most of the readings in class do not capture the importance of culture, but instead, they focused on the United States’ introduction and implementation of policies. The United States

  • Native American Culture

    1490 Words  | 3 Pages

    Culture can be described as a set of ideas along with a pattern of behaviors that are taught, learned and passed through generations of people. The culture of a society or group has its own non-genetic traits that govern how individuals interact with others and the environment. Just as genetic traits evolve so can a culture, a shift or change in the environment can prompt a transformation on many different levels (Park, p.33,406). For instance, when the Spanish introduced horses to Native Americans

  • Nigerian American Culture

    818 Words  | 2 Pages

    Culture is the perfect way of life shared by members of society. It includes not only, language, values, and symbolic meanings but also technology and material objects. Culture is exceptional, although it may have other things in common with other cultures. Culture is all about religion, food, dressing, our language, and music, our beliefs, greetings, and how we behave with loved ones. According to People & Culture, within its vast area, Nigeria has over 250 different ethnic groups, all with their

  • Comparative Culture Vs American Culture

    813 Words  | 2 Pages

    Culture (from the Latin cultura stemming from colere, meaning "to cultivate")[1] generally refers to patterns of human activity and the symbolic structures that give such activities significance and importance. Cultures can be "understood as systems of symbols and meanings that even their creators contest, that lack fixed boundaries, that are constantly in flux, and that interact and compete with one another"[2] Culture can be defined as all the ways of life including arts, beliefs and institutions

  • African American Culture

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    safe to assume that all human beings desire peace. What is not always very clear is what each person means by peace and how it can be attained and maintained. Religion and peace in an African culture have been almost natural companions in the minds of humans in different periods of history and in different cultures of the world. This is because, although far too many adherents and leaders of the different religions in the world have disrupted the peace in the society by promoting violence and wars, the