Amendment Rights Essays

  • The Equal Rights Amendment

    1106 Words  | 3 Pages

    The Equal Rights Amendment "Equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of sex." In 1923, this statement was admitted to Congress under the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA). The ERA was a proposed amendment to the United States Constitution granting equality between men and women under the law. If the Era was passed, it would have made unconstitutional any laws that grant one sex different rights than the other. However

  • Equal Rights Amendment

    831 Words  | 2 Pages

    event that has impacted our society in a major way and had its challenges is the Equal Rights Amendment. So the article I chose is titled The Equal Rights Amendment Passes Congress, but Fails to Be Ratified. In 1923, the equal rights amendment was introduced into the United States. This happened after women were granted the right to vote by the Nineteenth Amendment. However, the challenge of the equal rights amendment had gained very little support, to which labor unions were not in support of it for

  • Equal Rights Amendment Pros And Cons

    1348 Words  | 3 Pages

    Equal Rights amendment isn’t as serious as a debate as it was back in the 1900s, but there is still reason for this debate today. Some amendments similar to this already exist protecting the rights of U.S citizens, however not all rights are protected in the constitution. An amendment protecting all rights of each race, gender, and ethnicity would be a step in a new direction for everyone. As of now, without the equal right amendment, women are faced with pay inequality, legal impacts, and their

  • The Future of the Equal Rights Amendment

    3627 Words  | 8 Pages

    justice, and to have that right in our constitution," stated former First Lady Lady Bird Johnson (Eisler and Hixson 419). Presently, half of our nation is not protected under the Constitution (Eisler and Hixson 419). The Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) was proposed in 1923 when Alice Paul concluded that women, although they had the right to vote, were not specifically protected from sexual discrimination by the Constitution. Seventy-five years have passed since the amendment was first introduced, and

  • Essay On The Equal Rights Amendment

    1064 Words  | 3 Pages

    for many decades to receive the same rights as men. The feminist movement in the 1970’s was accelerated by women who were tired of being second rate citizens. Women took many strides during the 1970’s including the push for the approval of the equal rights amendment, protests, and workplace strikes just to name a few. Despite the failure of the equal rights amendment’s passing, women were not deterred and continued their struggle to receive the same rights as men. The persistent fight for equality

  • First Amendment Rights, Privacy and the Paparazzi

    666 Words  | 2 Pages

    First Amendment Rights, Privacy and the Paparazzi The question of paparazzi threatening privacy and First Amendment rights is often to situational to argue in a conventional manner, but certainly there are many facets of the issue which can be addressed in a quite straightforward manner. Celebrities who feel they have the right to privacy in public places often muddy the waters of this issue. Oddly enough, those celebrities who have chosen to speak out against what they feel are violations of

  • Synthesis Of The Equal Rights Amendment

    1019 Words  | 3 Pages

    When the Equal Rights Amendment was first introduced, in 1923, it was just a few years after the 19th amendment had been passed. It continued to be reintroduced every year for the next 48 years without any success. The ERA had no major union backing it until the 1970’s, it lacked the support of the President’s Commission on the Status of Women, and even the National Organization for Women did not endorse the ERA at its founding. In The fact that the Equal Rights Amendment was introduced every year

  • Pros and Cons of the Equal Rights Amendment

    1284 Words  | 3 Pages

    Pros and Cons of the Equal Rights Amendment The Equal Rights Amendment began its earliest discussions in 1920. These discussions took place immediately after two-thirds of the states approved women's suffrage. The nineteenth century was intertwined with several feminist movements such as abortion, temperance, birth control and equality. Many lobbyists and political education groups formed in these times. One such organization is the Eagle Forum, who claims to lead the pro-family movement. On the

  • How important was Phyllis Schlafly’s role in the defeat of the U.S. Equal Rights Amendment?

    2097 Words  | 5 Pages

    Plan of Investigation This investigation addresses the following question: How important was Phyllis Schlafly’s role in the defeat of the U.S. Equal Rights Amendment? In order to evaluate her importance, this investigation will address several factors that contributed to the defeat of the ERA, such as the negative portrayal of women by the press, the decriminalization of abortion, the split between feminists who wanted the ERA to pass and those who believed that its passage would lead to the deterioration

  • The Second Amendment: Americans Have the Right to Bear Arms!

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    says that U.S. Citizens have the right to bear arms.  Even though this guarantee was written with no constraints,  there are now laws that limit certain aspects of gun ownership.  The reasons for gun control fall under the flag of public safety.  Though there are many safety reasons why private ownership of firearms should be banned, these arguments are outweighed not only by the need for protection, but because the limitation of ownership rights could become dangerous to personal

  • Analysis Of Brochure On The Equal Rights Amendment

    914 Words  | 2 Pages

    180. Brochure on the Equal Rights Amendment(1970s) This document is a Brochure on Equal Right released by Historical Society of Pennsylvania. This Brochure was created to bring awareness and bring equal rights amendment to the constitution for women. At this time it is the second wave of feminists. Their goals were to give women equal right, but others wanted women to stay in their stereotypes of being mothers, and housewives. The first half document points to all of the issues where women aren’t

  • The 19th Amendment: Women's Rights To Equality, The Rights Of Equality

    960 Words  | 2 Pages

    The 19th Amendment In August 18, 1920, the U.S. Constitution Granted U.S. women a right. That was the right of vote. In American history women had no right to vote or be part of government. They were born to be at home and do the house choir and motherhood. They had no right to educate or go out, thus the 19th amendment was approved that gave the women the right to vote (Matthew, 2017). Having the right of votes for women was not easy. It was given to them after years of fighting and struggling

  • Paparazzi Should Not Use Their First Amendment Rights

    1625 Words  | 4 Pages

    The paparazzi should not use their first amendment rights to justify targeting the children of celebrities. There has to be a line where the right to privacy isn’t overtaken by the freedom of the press. With an expanding market for pictures of celebrities’ children, the paparazzi have grown cruel, forceful, and dangerous, doing whatever is necessary to get the photographs. With the growth of technology and social media, these children are prime targets every day, which makes them open to ridicule

  • First Amendment Rights In School Essay

    1139 Words  | 3 Pages

    First Amendment Rights in Schools Students’ rights in schools are limited or just taken away. Kids are forced to do whatever the officials at their school, either the principal or the teachers, tell the students to do. One of the main right that gets taken away or limited is students’ first amendment rights, which is the freedom of expression. Students can gets suspended by just doing things the staff at the school does not like, including saying things that they don 't like or supporting

  • The Second Amendment - The Right To Bear Arms

    2184 Words  | 5 Pages

    The Second Amendment And The Right To Bear Arms Throughout the years there has been an ongoing debate over the Second Amendment and how it should be interpreted. The issue that is being debated is whether our government has the right to regulate guns. The answer of who has which rights lies within how one interprets the Second Amendment. With this being the case, one must also think about what circumstances the Framers were under when this Amendment was written. There are two major sides to

  • Book Banning and First Amendment Right

    1699 Words  | 4 Pages

    inappropriate. When someone bans a book they ban it for everyone else too. The First Amendment states that "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people to peaceably assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances" (First Amendment Oct. 20, 2013). But "the First Amendment does not protect all speech from government censorship, and it does not prevent

  • Analysis Of The Bill Of Rights: The Ten Amendments

    691 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Bill of Rights is ten amendments that are listed in the Constitution. The purpose of The Bill of Rights is to protect the liberties of each citizen and preserve the freedoms of each American. The intent of this document is to defend each citizen from the government taking too much control. The forefathers of our country battled the control of England and it was their desire to create a document that would forever protect the rights and freedoms of each American. “Some Congressional delegates

  • Informative Essay: The First Amendment Rights

    747 Words  | 2 Pages

    The First Amendment is what we chose because it covers good areas (topics) that are occurring in the world on a daily basis. Many people like the items that The First Amendment covers, and some people don't like them. Either way there are many other amendments that have been ratified by the two-thirds of the House and Senate. There are ten amendments in the constitution, but there are 17 other amendments that aren't in the constitution. Therefore, in total there are 27 amendments. The First Amendment

  • The 19th Amendment: Equal Rights to Vote

    1335 Words  | 3 Pages

    The 19th amendment states that the United States Constitution prohibits any United States citizen from being denied the right to vote on the basis of sex. The 19th amendment was a significant turning point for many women in America. It gave women freedom that they didn’t have before. Before this amendment was passed many women had no self portrayal, something they couldn’t reach with a male figure ruling next to them. That was until 1920 when the 19th amendment was passed. The amendment let women

  • The Fourth Amendment Of A Citizen's Right To Privacy

    1522 Words  | 4 Pages

    Every citizen has a fundamental right to privacy. No citizen should have the government looking at his or her information without his or her permission. The amendments in the constitution should be enough to protect citizen’s privacy. The government should not have the right to collect people’s personal information. The fourth amendment gives every citizen a right to privacy. In the fourth amendment it clearly states that police or the government do not have the right to search citizens or their