Alternative Schools Essays

  • Pros And Cons Of Alternative Schools

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    assumptions that this study will be based on. a) referrals to alternative schools may be used as a mechanism to rid the class of problem students b) many referrals could be eliminated with extensive classroom management training of teachers. c) teacher's stereotyped perception of students in traditional and alternative classroom environments may have a negative effect on the learning success of some students d) alternative schools are not successful in modifying disruptive behavior and improving

  • Definition and History of Alternative Schools

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    Definition and History of Alternative Schools The first thing one should know is what alternative schools are and how they came about. The World Book Encyclopedia (2003) defines an alternative school as, “… any public or private school that differs from traditional schools in curriculum, purpose, or teaching methods.” This definition can be traced back to the 1960’s, when free schools were created. These types of schools usually consisted of a small number of students and staff. During this

  • Stakeholders In Alternative Schools

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    psychologically, emotionally and physically. Alternative Education is different from a comprehensive school and though a broad term, it is composed of many types of pedagogical approaches. Alternative education can be found in charter, state, home based learning, as well as independent schools. Alternative schools in my school district, emphasize smaller classroom sizes, on site counselors, advocacy groups, and the implementation of restorative justice. The schools are primarily for students with behavioral

  • Alternative Schools: Video Analysis

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    but it does. It exists in the workplace, neighborhoods, and especially in schools. Kids who have problems with behavior are usually sent to alternative schools and separated from the kids at the regular school. This is not necessarily a negative. The awful part is how the alternative schools receive the leftovers and are forgotten, but we can change this. What alternative schools are - We are researching alternative schools to learn what goes on inside of them and why they should be funded by Sidekick

  • Stereotypes Concerning Alternative Schools

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    stereotypes concerning alternative schools. Many people believe the work done at alternative schools is not the same curriculum and is all around easier for the students. However, research shows this is not the case. In the U.S., 7,000 students drop out each day. Every year that adds up to 1.2 million students without degrees (Alliance 10). In some cases, the students who “drop out” from public schools are acutally transfering to alternative schools. The reason kids leave public schools is because of the

  • The Alternative to College: Trade Schools

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    A hard choice many people face in today’s society is whether to attend a university or to go to a trade school. With the economy America has right now it is clear that the best way to get an actual paying job is to go to a trade school and receive a certificate, rather than a college degree. It is proven that you can be just as successful in life with a job that requires technical skill over a college degree. Sadly, the culture we live in today brainwashes people into thinking technical degrees are

  • Federal Way's Alternative High School Programs

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    Many of Federal Way's alternative high schools or high school programs are actually schools within the Federal Way Public School System. The city also has private schools, special education schools and religious schools but they are not designated as alternative schools. Students in Federal Way have many options when it comes to education. Truman High School Career Academy Truman High School has two programs, one online and one face-to-face, both operating within a modern 12 classroom facility

  • Are Charter Schools Good Alternatives For Students?

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    companies. Charter schools are public schools funded by state money, but not unionized; they also can be in the form of a traditional brick and mortar schoolhouse or an online school (Ravitch)(Molnar)(“Preface to 'Are Charter and Magnet Schools Good Alternatives for Students?’”). According to their proponents, charter schools allow parents more sway over their child’s education (Jacoby 77). A charter school proponent Jeff Jacoby states, “Their goal: to build the kind of school that used to be commonplace

  • Homeschooling: A Viable Alternative to Public Schools

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    Homeschool is a Good Option Parents withdraw children from school for concerns that are not being managed to their satisfaction. Bullying manifest, basic skills being reinforced poorly, and no one on one interaction, consequently, dissatisfaction within the public school system exists. Under those circumstances, homeschooling in some cases is necessary. Children who are homeschooled apprehend various social settings, maintain the offbeat school scheduling, and acquire knowledge from diverse sources other

  • Alternatives to the old fashion school boards across America

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    confront the problem we need to tackle it at the center. We need to target school boards; they control funds, education, and more or less the community. With school boards these days being counter-productive, there seems only one way to solve the problem. Get rid of school boards across the nation and provide each school with its individual power much like private schools, or initiate the creation of a nation-wide school board. With the whole nation on the same page, maybe together we can help save

  • Reflection on Alternative Assessments

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    Reflection on Alternative Assessments Traditional and alternative assessments share some key elements, yet differ as well. All assessments, whether given as a test after a unit or alternative, should be measurable and be reliable and valid by having clear criteria to measure the learning targets. Traditional and alternative assessments generally differ in timing, feedback, student's involvement, and how the teacher uses the information. The time in which traditional assessments such as after

  • Dissection Alternatives

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    Dissection Alternatives Dissection in science classrooms is an experience that almost every student has to go through, but one that many will regret. It is estimated that six million vertebrate animals are dissected in high schools each year, and another 5.7 million are used in college laboratories. The issue of educational dissection has become a national concern. Many groups such as PETA and The Humane Society have been lobbying for years to outlaw such practices, and implement new and safe

  • Home Confinement: An Alternative to Incarceration

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    Home Confinement: An Alternative to Incarceration West Virginia state prisons have a maximum capacity of 2,154 inmates; currently they house 2,363 inmates, and more remain in City and County lockups to manage the overflow (West Virginia Blue Book). Home Confinement solves this problem. Reduction of the prison population should be reason enough to institute home confinement, but other reasons do exist. Would you like lower taxes? Home confinement costs much less than incarceration. Do you favor

  • Drinking and the Dive Bouteille in Antonine Maillet's play Panurge

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    Drinking and the Dive Bouteille in Antonine Maillet's play Panurge In her play, Les drôlatiques, horrifiques et épouvantables aventures de Panurge, ami de Pantagruel d'après Rabelais, Antonine Maillet recreates beautifully the fantastic and incredible atmosphere present in the original works of Rabelais. She cuts and pastes together the most well known and exceptional selections of Rabelais' original text and creates a new story, adding along the way some finishing touches which give the play

  • A Feminist Alternative to Fetterley's Criticism of A Farewell to Arms

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    A Feminist Alternative to Fetterley's Criticism of A Farewell to Arms After finishing A Farewell to Arms, I found it difficult to reconcile Judith Fetterley's feminist attack of the novel with my own personal opinions. I agree that Hemingway does kick women to the curb in his portrayal of Catherine, but my reasons for pinning this crime on Hemingway are different from hers'. Although she means well, Fetterley makes the ridiculous claim that by portraying Catherine as an angelic, selflessly loving

  • Transcendental Meditation: Alternative Therapy for Alcohol Abuse

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    Transcendental Meditation: Alternative Therapy for Alcohol Abuse Proponents of the Transcendental Meditation program initiated by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi have expressed their ideas in various web sites on the World Wide Web, through pages such as The Transcendental Meditation Program at and the Scientific Research on Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi program of the Maharishi University of Management at In these sites positive messages are

  • Douglas Coupland’s Generation X: Tales for an Accelerated Culture: an alternative voice

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    Douglas Coupland’s Generation X: Tales for an Accelerated Culture: an alternative voice On production of his first novel, Coupland was labelled by critics spokesman for a new lost generation - “Generation X” - those individuals aged between mid-twenties and mid-thirties who have come of age in an increasingly technological and materialistic bureaucratic society. As a consequence, they are emotionally scarred and alienated, reject conformity and search for some kind of meaning to life. When asked

  • Making Decisions Making Decisions

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    few effective techniques, will help produce better decisions. What is Decision Making? Some Definitions A good place to start is with some standard definitions of decision making. 1. Decision making is the study of identifying and choosing alternatives based on the values and

  • Adoption, the Moral Alternative to Abortion

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    Adoption, the Moral Alternative to Abortion It was only three days after being born that I was flown to my new family in Illinois. If I had not been for a one woman’s unselfish decision, I would not be writing the words on this page right now. Abortion is an ethically wrong decision and option for a parent. It is illegal to take the life of another human being; by choosing to have an abortion, legally a parent is not willingly killing a human life. However, this choice is still seen as a murder

  • Alternatives to Building More Dams

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    I was intimidated. Actually, let me be honest, I feared a thrashing at the hands of the River God. Trembling muscles warned me to just shoulder my boat and walk. I couldn't. I traveled all the way from Pennsylvania to run these rivers, how could I back out now? I had to run Sunshine Falls...the largest rapid on the Royal Gorge section of the Arkansas River. When would I make it back to Colorado to run this river? I considered the the portage again; it's an impressive drop with no shame in walking