Altair Essays

  • Essay On Aquila

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    major stars (“Aquila Constellation”). Altair (Alpha Aquilae) is the brightest star in Aquila and the 12th brightest star in the sky. Its name is derived from the Arabic phrase an-nasr at-ta’ir, meaning “the flying eagle.” Altair is the southern star of the Summer Triangle asterism, which also consists of the star Deneb, from the constellation Cygnus, as the northeastern vertex of the triangle and the star Vega, in Lyra (the harp), as the northwestern vertex. Altair is a white star roughly seventeen light

  • Bill Gates Research Paper

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    William Henry Gates also known as Bill Gates is the founder of Microsoft Corporation. At age 13 Bill Gates started showing interest in computer programming. In time he and his partner, Paul Allen had created one of the largest business in the world. William (Bill) Henry Gates III was born in Seattle, Washington on October 28, 1955. Bill Gates grew up in Seattle, Washington along with two sisters, Kristianne and Libby. Their father, William Henry Gates Sr. was a Seattle Attorney and their mother,

  • The Life and Accomplishments of Bill Gates

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    Bill Gates People, nowadays, spend many of their time with technology, working or having fun. One of those people who has contributed to technology is Steve Jobs, who created Apple Inc. which revolutionized the computer and mainly tablet industry with its amazing features. As equal as important as Steve Jobs, Marc Andreessen lead the creation of NCSA Mosaic, the web browser that transformed how we think about the World Wide Web. Additional to that, Tim Berners-Lee created the World Wide Web, which

  • bill gates

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    William H. Gates III Biographical Essay Uploaded by surfchick (2074) on Jan 5, 2005 William H. Gates III (Bill Gates) Biography On October 28, 1955 William H. Gates III (nicknamed "trey") was born in Seattle. His father was a lawyer (William H. Gates II) and his mother was a schoolteacher. He also had two older sisters who were in high school when Bill was born. Bill attended a public elementary school before he moved to a private school in North Seattle named Lakeside. Lakeside's strong academics

  • How Did Bill Gates Achieve The American Dream

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    Bill Gates once said, “To win big, you sometimes have to take big risks” (Mohan). Gates dropped out of Harvard during his junior year because he saw incredible potential in the personal computer industry. He wasn’t afraid to take some chances in life, even though there’s no guarantee of success. The American Dream is to live with freedom, have a comfortable life, be successful, have a financial security, and feel contented with what you have. Bill Gates pursued what he loves to do, and worked hard

  • Development of the Personal Computer in the 1970’s

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    Development of the Personal Computer in the 1970’s Personal Computers (PC’s) are everywhere. I am sitting at my desk right now writing this report on my PC. It seems like these days we take computers for granted. Almost everyone has one. Teachers assign projects that almost completely require the use of a computer. Where did this explosion of PC’s come from, though? Just a few short years ago you were lucky to have a computer. About 25 years ago people would have called you crazy if you said you

  • Essay On Personal Computer

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    It was January of 1975 when the first personal computer Altair 8800 was invented by an ex air force officer from Georgia, Ed Roberts. His motivation was his interest of having a personal computer to play with, since computer back then was scarce and was difficult to come across. The Altair 8800 was invented in Albuquerque New Mexico where Ed Roberts was running his calculator business called MITS. It was believed that Ed Robert’s Altair was the spark that started the fire, and gave personal computer

  • Triumph Of The Nerds Analysis

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    Triumph of the Nerds is a documentary which delves into the rise of the personal computer; technology that we take for granted but didn’t exist several decades ago. Computers are an inexcusable part of our daily lives, we use them all the time: to assist in our work, connect with someone else perhaps across the globe, or as a distraction to squander time. In today’s society, computers run extensive systems (ex. traffic, Skytrain, satellites); but not long before even the notion that machines performing

  • A Brief History of Personal Computers

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    A Brief History of Personal Computers The electronic computer is a relatively modern invention; the first fully operable computer was developed about 50 years ago, at the end of World War II, by a team at the University of Pennsylvania's Moore School of Engineering. This team was headed by John Mauchly and J. Presper Eckert, who named the new machine ENIAC, for Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator. ENIAC was hardly a personal computer, occupying a large room and weighing about 33 tons

  • Bill Gates Case Study

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    Allen decided to drop the hyphen to just Microsoft (B., 2017). In the beginning everything was running smoothly, but only about 10 percent actually paid to use BASIC (B., 2017; Driscoll, 2015). The Altair computer was not meeting their overhead, even though Microsoft’s BASIC software program for the Altair computer, they collected the company fee and the royalties. Computer hobbyists were obtaining pre-market copies and reproducing and distributing them for free, so they felt that with the reproduction

  • Bill Gates

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    company in Albuquerque, NM, known as MITS made the first home computer. The computer was useless because it had no monitor or keyboard. In place, it had switches to input data and a device similar to a printer to display data. This computer was called Altair and when Bill and Paul heard about it, they were a-twitter.

  • Bill Gates Accomplishments

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    computers. In the 1960s, while he and Paul were still in school, in the computer lab they learned the BASIC programming language. While BASIC was for beginners and created in 1963, it didn’t really fly until Allen and Gates produced a version for the Altair 8800. BASIC started the want for home computers in the 1980s and the computer software was used in many computers ranging from IBM, PC, and the Apple II to name just a few. When you look at Bill Gate’s career, its was all centered around Windows,

  • Bill Gates Research Paper

    1881 Words  | 4 Pages

    Bill Gates Introduction A man with a degree from Harvard University would not only impress potential employers but would also place him among the worlds most intelligent elite. But what about a man who decided to drop out of this renown university to devote his energies elsewhere? You may think this man has a few screws loose. Needless to say, Bill Gates has never been thought of as having a few screws loose. This multibillionaire, not only engineered Microsoft Software, his business strategy

  • The Microcomputer

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    In a sense computers have been around for centuries. The abacus, a counting machine, was invented by the Chinese sometime between 500 and 400 BC. The numeral zero was first recognized and written by Hindu’s in 650 AD, without which written calculations would be impossible. In 1623 the great grandfather of the processor was born, the calculating clock. Wilhelm Schickard of Germany invented this adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing machine based on the principle of algorithms. For the next

  • Management and Change, Bill Gates

    1978 Words  | 4 Pages

    December of 1974, his partner Allen was on his way to visit Gates when along the way he stopped to browse a magazine. After he saw that, it changed his and Bill Gates's lives forever. On the cover of Popular Electronics was a picture of the Altair 8080 and the headline "World's First Microcomputer Kit to Rival Commercial Models." He bought the issue and rushed to Gates's room. They both recognized it was a great opportunity for business and their business brain started to work.

  • The Contribution Of Bill Gates, Technology And Technology

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    William Gates III, commonly known as Bill Gates, is a major figure in the field of computing and has been since the 1970’s. Gates’ most well-known contribution is the founding and continuation of Microsoft, a major player in the software industry. Gates founded Microsoft in 1975 with long time friend Paul Allen. Since then, Microsoft has grown to a 49 building campus in Redmond, Washington, with thousands of employees (Sherman 31). Bill Gates has had a tremendous part in the personal computing development

  • Bill Gates

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    Early life Gates was born in Seattle, Washington, to William H. Gates, Sr. and Mary Maxwell Gates. His family was wealthy; his father was a prominent lawyer, his mother served on the board of directors for First Interstate BancSystem and the United Way, and her father, J. W. Maxwell, was a national bank president. Gates has one older sister, Kristi (Kristianne), and one younger sister, Libby. He was the fourth of his name in his family, but was known as William Gates III or "Trey" because his father

  • Bill Gates Hero Essay

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    were working on a software name Basic that would run their new computer Altair. However in reality neither of them had began to code anything for the computer company. They did not have an Altair computer that would allow them to test their codes. Gates and Allen spent “the next two months writing the software at Harvard 's computer lab. Allen traveled to Albuquerque for a test run at MITS, never having tried it out on an Altair computer. It worked perfectly.” ( Gates’ and Allen’s gamble

  • Bill Gates and Microsoft

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    Bill Gates and Microsoft Just past 9 PM on October 28, 1955, the man who would revolutionize the computer industry as we know it, was born. The son of Bill Jr. and Mary Gates was named William Henry Gates III. The computer super-genius was soon to take his place in history. Within the last fifteen years the company that he and Paul Allan started, Microsoft, has become the largest software corporation in the computer industry. What is Bill Gates’ background, and how did he preserve his place

  • Biography of Steve Wozniak

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    You see he was bored with school because he was so intelligent. At least that is what he tells everyone. Returning to California the Woz still was interested in computers even after his fall from college life. One of his early interests was the Altair 8800. It was costly when it came out so he and a friend began research on it. In the garage of a neighbor Steve Wozniak created what would be called the cream soda computer. Named that after all the cream soda he drank while building it. While