Alley Essays

  • Midaq Alley

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    Naguib Mahfouz is the author of the book Midaq Alley that was translated from Arabic by Trevor Le Gassick. First published in 1966, Midaq Alley displays a historical period of Egypt in the most intimate sense as it is presented through the lives of the characters that inhabit the alley. Although the book is set in the early forties it possesses a taste of eternity as the reader watches the characters struggle through questions of morality, ethics, and traditions. (The answer of which shape their

  • The Modernist Attributes of C.L.R. James’s Minty Alley

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    The Modernist Attributes of C.L.R. James’s Minty Alley Born in Trinidad and later expatriating himself first to London and then the United States, C.L.R. James was a key figure of the West Indian literary scene during the 1930s. Today he is primarily associated with his nonliterary writings in sociology and politics, and his fiction seems to have dropped from critical attention. Part of this shortsightedness stems from the fact that little of his fiction is readily available to a reading public

  • Naguib Mahfouz's Midaq Alley

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    Midaq Alley, by Naguib Mahfouz, is a narrative told from the third person omniscient point of view. Normally, this means that the reader gets to view the happenings of each of the character’s lives from the same vantage point as God. No one in particular is telling the story, and the reader sees the story from the view of an invisible person always present at the scene. Midaq Alley is decidedly different. Mahfouz creates an impartial character that is able to observe everything that happens in

  • Tin Pan Alley Research Paper

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    New York City during the twentieth century was the core for publishing and writing music. Tin Pan Alley in the 1900’s of New York City was the place where many artists came together to create and publish music. The street was filled with a cacophony of diverse instruments playing which sounded like tin pans banging together, hence the catchy name, Tin Pan Alley. Tin Pan Alley was made up of a collection of various musical concoctions. Many different styles of music encompassed the collection

  • Tin Pan Alley: Artists' Contribution to World War II

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    American evolution. Tin Pan Alley, one street among hundreds, and a piece of tragically overlooked American History; dating back to the late 1880's to past World War II, Tin Pan Alley played a critical role in peoples lives and attitudes throughout the early part of the 20th century. Built in the period of about 1852 to 1853, the buildings that stand to this day along 28th Street in New York City harbor incredible American history (A Brief-ish History of Tin Pan Alley). The first music publishers

  • Contradiction In James Baldwin's Another Country Analysis

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    feels free to live his or her own life and not adhere to the rules that society establishes. Homosexuals have the liberty to walk down the street, sit in public parks and show affection towards their partner free of worry, without the fear of "alley cats". The people of Paris condone and support Eric's happiness, as seen in this passage: "I see that. You seem much happier. There's a kind of light around you. She said this very

  • Holden Caulfield in The Catcher in the Rye

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    reasoning. The basis of his reasoning comes from his thoughts. Holden thinks the world is full of a bunch of phonies. All his toughs about people he meets are negative. The only good thoughts he has are about his sister Phoebe and his dead brother Alley. Holden, perhaps, wishes that everyone, including himself, should be like his brother and sister. That is to be intelligent, real and loving. Holden’s problem is with his heart. It was broken when his brother died. Now Holden goes around the world

  • jazz concert review

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    I have got this quote) For my concert review, I went to see the performance of Maynard Ferguson and his big band at Jazz Alley on Jan. 12th 2015. I asked some of my friends to join and they gladly agreed. Since two of my friends were a musician themselves and loved seeing live music whenever possible. They even went ahead and made a reservation. First time in Jazz Alley, the place was filled with various groups of people eating, drinking, and chatting. Our table was in good position, plus I was

  • Music Today Is Being Controlled By Pop Culture

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    An acoustic guitar strums softly in the back alley of a rock concert.Thousands of people stampede by. They flood the streets like hungry animals.It starts to rain; slowly the guitar raises and smashes into the concrete-ridden ground over and over until it is screaming,raging-a guitar madness! It breaks and cracks into millions of tiny pieces. Another dream is broken. The people don't notice. They crowd the street, standing on someone else's misery. They kick the pieces aside and enter a world where

  • Naguib Mahfouz' Fountain and Tomb

    1586 Words  | 4 Pages

    In the novel Fountain and Tomb by Naguib Mahfouz, the reader is thrown into a small alley in Cairo, Egypt in the 1920s. The narrator is an adult reliving his childhood through many random, interesting vignettes of his youth. We learn about many different aspects of Egyptian life from political rebellion, to arranged marriages, to religious devotion, to gang warfare. We are led to conclude that one of the major themes of the book is Truth. We come to question whether Truth is something that always

  • The Search for Self and Identity in Jack Kerouac’s On The Road

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    who says in order to get money, follow a man down an alley and rob him, or Dean, who never feels remorse for beating Mary Lou after a fight. These along with other characters display such actions that show that everyone is morally deceitful. In Part 1, Chapter 4, Sal tells Montana Slim that he only has enough money to buy some whiskey. Slim says to Sal, "I know where you can get some." "Where?" "Anywhere. You can always folly a man down an alley, can't you? ...I ain't beyond doing it when I really

  • Learning From Grandfather (Grandpa)

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    Learning From Grandfather My brother and I are playing on the porch steps, and are being watched intently by my grandmother. She gently rocks on the old cream colored swing, which proclaims of its lack of oil with every movement of its chains. The green indoor-outdoor carpeting that covers the steps too shows its age, with concrete poking through the edges. It scratches my legs as I sit and build things with my legos, but I have gotten used to the feeling. Today isn’t too hot, but the cool

  • Harry Potter And The Sorcerors Stone

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    1. Harry Potter’s parents are killed, but the person who killed his parents doesn’t kill him. 2. He is sent to live with his aunt uncle, and cousin, Dudley, who make him sleep in a cupboard underneath the basement stairs. 3. Harry Potter gets many letters from the same person, but his Uncle Vernon will not let him see the letters. Uncle Vernon begins to act a little awkward. 4. Uncle Vernon gives Harry Dudley’s second room, which is huge, and where Dudley used to keep all of his toys. More letters

  • Power And Control In Maggie: A Girl Of The Streets

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    different groups of boys are engaged in a bloody scuffle. Crane writes, “A very little boy stood upon a heap of gravel for the honor of Rum Alley. He was throwing stones at howling urchins from Devil’s Row who were circling madly about the heap and pelting at him'; (Crane 3). That the kids are battling for the so-called “honor of Rum Alley'; (Crane 3) shows that the kids are trying to gain a position of power through battle. If they can injure those who stand in their way in front

  • Botany

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    microscopy, you would probably find plant structure interesting. If microscopic organisms appeal to you, you should look into microbiology, phycology, or mycology. If you are artistic, ornamental horticulture and landscape design might be right up your alley. If you worry about feeding the hungry, you should study plant pathology or plant breeding. At some larger universities, you can even study specific types of botany, each with its own department. These departments include argonomy (field crops), microbiology

  • Far From Heaven

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    bar for the first time, Frank displays many of the motivational theories listed in the book. Frank enters the bar in order to find a place for his homosexual preferences to be shown. Instinctually he prefers men to women and is driven into the dark alley and the bar by this biologically determined need. We learn from his wife’s reaction when the girls are having daiquiris that she and Frank are not having sex very often which according to the book is a basic need, so Frank according to the drive-reduction

  • Bowling: A Growing Sport

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    seventeen, replacing the single kegel. From here evidence of bowling could be found in many places around the world. In 1650, the Dutch in Amsterdam were bowling ninepins. The pins were arranged in a diamond pattern of one-two-three-two-one. The “alley” was a plank about one and a half feet wide and ninety feet long. Once ninepins hit America it took off and developed into ten pins and the game that it is today (History-Bowling). Currently, bowling is one of the oldest and most popular indoor sports

  • The Alley Gangsterism

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    Improvements and regressions are always a natural cause in the development of a community, psychologically and socially. Children of the Alley demonstrate a cycle of improvement and regression throughout the community with each messenger that Gabalawi is sending to the population. The alley brought gangsterism and gangsterism broke the alley, the messengers were bringing the people together again, but all failed to re-organise it and leave peace in the community forever. Throughout the novel, it

  • The Effect of Gangs in There Are No Children Here

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    (31). What Lafeyette refers to is frighteningly true. In the inner city, gangs often recruit young children to do their dirty work. Shortly after joining, a fourteen-year-old friend of Lafayette's allegedly shoots and kills an older man in an alley half a block north of Lafayette's building (31). Acording to Kotlowitz, life in the Henry Horner Homes is controlled to a great extent by gangs, particularly the Conservative Vice Lords. Residents so fear and respect the Vice Lords' control that

  • A Destructive Society Exposed in Steven Crane’s Maggie A Girl Of The Streets

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    picks up the remnants of her life despite being "in a worn and sorry state." Jimmie is seen both in a good light, like his sister, as well as an evil and cruel person. In the beginning of the story, he is portrayed as the "little champion" of Rum Alley. However, that description merely cloaked the brutal fight that he was engaged in and the beating he later gave his sister. Later in the story, Jimmie buys some beer for an old leathery woman, but it is taken by his father. Jimmie protests in the name