Allendale, Michigan Essays

  • Commuting Vs. On-Campus Living

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    and walk out the door and into my car by 9:50. I am blasting the radio to Taylor Swift and Luke Bryan and I have the windows rolled down enjoying the fresh air while I am on my way to my college classes. I am driving the back roads from Holland to Allendale for close to twenty-five minutes in order to get to my first of three classes at GVSU, beginning at 11:00 AM. I go through this routine day in and day out because I am a college commuter student. There are a lot of different experiences available

  • Management of a 40 Acre Sugar Maple (Acer saccharum) Stand in Southern Michigan for Sustained Production of Sawtimber.

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    Management of a 40 Acre Sugar Maple (Acer saccharum) Stand in Southern Michigan for Sustained Production of Sawtimber Sugar maple (Acer saccharum) is a hard maple used primarily for its lumber and sap. In fact, 9% of the hardwood sawtimber volume in the U.S. comes from this species (5). My client would like to begin extracting sawtimber from her 40 acre maple-dominated stand that has been unmanaged to this point. She sees a market for her sawtimber in the regional flooring industry, but would

  • An Analysis of Up in Michigan

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    An Analysis of Up in Michigan My choosing this story for an analysis is based on what I think is the very American feeling there is to this short story. The title alone has this American ring to it: Up in Michigan. From the start settling the story deep into the soil of the country. The title seems like the beginning of an old tale, once upon a time up in Michigan…it ends there and propels the "unfinished", never settled way of the story along. And at the same time it signifies that this is just

  • White Hurricane: The Great Storm

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    ships. On Nov 11, 1940 (Armistice Day Storm) a storm wrecked 12 vessels. The giant bulk carrier Edmund Fitzgerald sank during a November gale in 1975. The Great Lakes have nearly 5,000 recorded shipwrecks, beginning with Le Griffin in 1679 on Lake Michigan. In November, it is a common occurrence for two storms to converge over the Great Lakes. When this happens, one storm travels southeastward from Alberta; the other brings weather from the Rocky Mountains. This convergence is commonly referred to

  • Raoul Wallenberg

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    of fifteen and became a steam boat captain not long after. Raoul dreamed of being one of the "Big Men" like the men in his family. He looked at them as fearless Vikings (Linne'a 7,8). 	Raoul studied architecture at the university of Michigan in Arbor, Michigan U.S.A. He could learn about banking after collage. He wasn't good in math this isn't good for a future banker (Linne'a 15,18). He finished his architecture course in three and a half years which is a four and a half year class. He won a

  • Oneida Tribe Research Paper

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    With a tribe of 16,567 members the Oneida tribe is one of many tribes in the state of Wisconsin. The Oneida tribe is primarily in Brown and Outagamie counties. With a total of 65,400 acres there is 23,122 acres are tribally owned, 12,208 acres are considered fee land, and 10,904 acres are considered tribal trust land. The Oneida tribe is the 5th largest employer in Brown County and 14th in Outagamie County. There is a committee that composed of nine members including a chairperson, vice-chair, secretary

  • Detroit Public Schools Case Study

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    On a large scale, the city of Detroit is encompassed by an eclectic mix of houses, people, and businesses. It is a city known for its resiliency and its ability to always rise from the ashes of adversity. Within its neighborhoods, lies a series of interconnected communities. These communities are better known as Detroit Public Schools. For the purposes of this report I will focus on three schools, Mason Elementary, WestSide Academy, and Mackenzie Elementary-Middle School, located on the city’s west

  • Who Is Marion Jones A Liar Or A Role Model?

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    Who is Marion Jones? Is she a liar or a role model? What is the true story? Marion Jones was born October 12, 1975. Jones was one of the fastest women on the planet. She was a role model for so many. She has a picture perfect smile- kind of like Tiger Woods for golf. She was the one everybody loved. She was the crowd favorite. Jones was a phenomenal athlete and her family moved several times while she was a little kid, so she could compete in junior high and high school teams and competitions/races

  • Civilian Conservation Corps and the Great Depression

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    “Civilian Conservation Corps Museum.” Michigan Historical Center, Michigan Department of State. 26 April 2000 Moyryla, Uno B. Personal Interview. 20 April 2000. Pictorial Review: Fort Brady District, Company 3613. 1940 ed. Wetmore, MI. Rosentreter, Roger L. “Roosevelt’s Tree Army: The Civilian Conservation Corps in Michigan.” Michigan History Magazine May/June 1986: 14-23. Smith, Clyde. “Youth Needed Corps Jobs Badly.” The Daily

  • The Pros and Cons of Affirmative Action

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    in 1997, involving the University of Michigan, it is clear to see that the process of recruitment is in need of reform. Many problems arose from this lawsuit. A college that is as well known as Michigan, to have such problems as alleged preference to minorities, opened the eyes of many administrative officers at other colleges. The problems that surfaced from that ordeal were clearly brought to the public’s attention. The problems exhibited in Michigan were based on the university’s point admission

  • Similarities Between Henry Ford And Michael Jackson

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    Change is inevitable and many times the smallest decisions can change your life forever. From how we mobilize to what we listen to. Henry Ford and Michael Jackson both revolutionized our era to create what we have today. Henry Ford did not invent a car, but he made it a utility everyone could and wanted to use, eventually leading to the modernized world we live in today, As well as Henry Ford, Michael Jackson changed our world. He is known worldwide as the king of pop and also known for the impact

  • Great Lakes Directional Drilling

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    Around the mitten shaped state of Michigan, five gigantic lakes encompass the coast. Providing a spot for vacationers, fisherman, and much wildlife, the Great Lakes are the pride and joy of Michigan. The history of the lakes stretches back thousands of years, where glaciers carved the lakes out of bedrock. These lakes provided a surplus of food and access to easy travel for settlers hundreds of years ago. People around the Great Lakes area appreciate the diversity of wildlife, scenery, and rarity

  • Life in the Ottawa Tribe

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    or “Odawa” came from, and Michigan. There are multiple Ottawa tribes, but there is one here in Manistee, Michigan, they are The Little River Band of Ottawa Indians. According to, there are 2,750 Ottawa-Ojibwe members in Michigan, which is two-thirds ... ... middle of paper ... ...higan, they are The Little River Band of Ottawa Indians. The Little River Band is full and rich in culture. Some people don’t acknowledge the Ottawa tribe here in Manistee Michigan, or really even know who

  • Is Penn State tuition too expensive?

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    those Midwestern colleges. Let’s consider Michigan State University, with an enrollment of nearly 35,000. The in-state tuition for Michigan State University is about $6,700, while the out-of-state tuition is close to $16,700 (Michigan 2004). On the other hand, Penn State—University Park, has a student population of nearly 34,000 students. The in-state and out-of-state tuitions at Penn State are at least $2,000 more than the tuitions for attending Michigan State (PSU Registrar 2004). Penn State’s annual

  • Gateway Arch: The Gateway To The Midwest

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    Gateway to the Midwest The most iconic monument in the Midwest is the Gateway Arch. Located in Downtown St. Louis, it is a source of pride for many local residents and something that makes our city well known. Built in 1963 the Arch’s unique design has always stood out in the minds of many people. The Arch was built during a time of changes and unrest in the country and in the summer of 1964 civil rights activist Percy Green led a protest, climbing the partially completed Arch to call attention to

  • Louis Chevrolet: The Frontenac Motor Company

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    Chevrolet Company Louis Chevrolet was born on December 25, 1878 in La Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland. He growth around people who liked to repair things, his dad was one of them, a watchmaker, from him he learned all that he knew. Louis also enjoyed racing cars and bicycles. Chevrolet made a world speed record that made him famous. He invented Chevrolet’s company with his partner William C. Durant. On specific Louis Chevrolet invented a six cylinder automobile. He wanted to make a powerful engine

  • Classroom Management and the Instrumental Music Classroom

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    What comes to mind when you hear the words “classroom management”? Many people think of a school classroom in utter chaos: students socializing during work time, projectiles flying across the room, a fight breaking out in the corner, and a helpless teacher wondering, “where did I go wrong?”. Eggen and Kauchak (2007) cite classroom management as the primary concern of preservice teachers (p. 369), and I am no exception to this citation. I am very excited to teach in a classroom someday, but confess

  • The Pros and Cons of Technology

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    change, whether or not this change is good is yet to be determined. When I talk about technology I am making reference to computers, automation, and most “new age” technology. My first exposure to computers was at my dad’s lab at the University of Michigan Dearborn. The computer was ancient by today’s standards, but at the time it was a marvel of technological triumph. When I was five we bought a home personal computer (pc) for my mother to write papers and utilize the Internet. I became increasingly

  • "Middlesex" by Jeffrey Eugenides

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    are paralleled with each setting. Taking place in the twentieth century each setting plays a significant role in explaining a theme in the novel. Fleeing Greece in a time of war and entering Detroit Michigan as immigrants parallel later events to the next generation of kin fleeing Grosse Pointe Michigan to San Francisco. These settings compliment a major theme of the novel, society has always believed to be missing something in their life and attempted to fill the missing piece. Desdemona and Lefty’s

  • Nurse Anesthetist Personal Statement

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    In my upcoming years at Michigan State University I have intentions on applying to the Nursing school, completing nursing school and in the end continuing my academic career by becoming a CRNA- Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist. The reasons I crave to pursue this career are ample: opportunities to aid others on a daily basis, work on a team with other medical professionals and be able to alter people's lives in a positive way consistently. This profession suits me well due to the fact that this