Alexandra Essays

  • Alexandra Pelosi's Changes In San Francisco

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    Francisco for twenty years with their family? Changes in San Francisco is a constant recurring event. There was the gold rush much later were hippies then the gay movement and finally now the technology advancements. San Francisco community such as Alexandra Pelosi wants San Francisco to finally stop changing. The question that is raised is, is progress worth

  • Analysis Of Alexandra Konontai's 'New Woman'

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    New Woman was written by Alexandra Kollontai in 1918. She was born in 1872 to an aristocratic family. Kollontai is sort of an unsung hero of feminism in Russia. In this time, feminism was not what it is today; especially in Russia. She begins the work by describing what the “new woman” is and what the “new woman” is not. She uses this phrasing throughout to describe Russia’s past and future. To Kollontai, the “old woman” is a woman’s role in Russian in the past and the “new woman” is the future of

  • Essay About Field Trip

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    I attended the sociological field trip to Alexandra. The field trip was insightful, as it provided me the opportunity to see what the living conditions within Alexandra actually resembled, as well as relate the course material I have learned to a community that incorporates social concepts and theory. On the field trip, my group visited two facilities - the Main Clinic and the Mveledzo Community Centre - which I will speak about. On the way to Alexandra (or Alex), the environment and surroundings

  • Queen Alexandra Analysis

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    The motivation for this study was trying to establish a different view on Queen Alexandra through the examination of her wardrobe and tailer made garments. Using clothing as a source to add a deeper understanding to her known biographical facts, and potentially find out new facets of her life. Research question: As it has not been done before, what new biographical facts can we uncover about Queen Alexandra through the details of her style and wardrobe. The time period covered in this study was

  • Anastasia

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    the throne in 1894, he was easily influenced by others and quickly became a poor leader (Pipes 12). Right after Nicholas took the throne he married Princess Alix of Hesse-Darmstadt. Alix became the Grand Duchess of Russia. Her name was changed to Alexandra. Her religion was also changed to Russian Orthodox (King 77). The Czar and Czarina had 5 children. The youngest, Alexis had hemophilia. He was to be the next ruler of Russia, but unfortunately, the day never came (McGuire 31). During the late 1800’s

  • Scarlett by Alexandra Ripley

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    Scarlett Scarlett by Alexandra Ripley "Scarlett" is about a southern woman who had survived the Civil War, had been widowed twice with two children. She got married again to Rhett Butler, and they had a daughter who was killed when she fell off a horse. Since the death of the child, her husband did not want anything to do with Scarlett. Rhett gave Scarlett all the money she needed, but she wanted him. Heartbroken, she went to Ireland where her father came from. She did not tell anyone in America

  • The Overachievers, by Alexandra Robbins

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    The Overachievers by Alexandra Robbins is a non- fiction book that follows the lives of nine high school/ college overachieving students. On the outside they look healthy, happy, and perfect, but upon closer look the reader realizes just how manic their lives and the lives of many other high scholars are. It is no secret that high school and college has become more competitive, but the public doesn’t realize just out of control this world is. “Overachieverism” has become a way of life, a social norm

  • Alexandra Road Case Study

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    How had this come about? With 520 dwellings, Alexandra Road was by no means the largest of the social housing projects constructed in the 1970s; other local authorities built housing schemes that contained a lot more dwellings.8 Nor was Alexandra Road the only one which took much longer to build, and cost far more, than originally projected; its near-contemporary, Kensington and Chelsea’s World’s End estate (1969–1977), took eight years to build and cost £15 million instead of the original tender

  • Alexandra Bergon Research Paper

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    Alexandra Bergson acts more of a biographical character than everyone gives her credit for. Cather saw herself as a strong, intelligent, young women trying to carve a path through the world that did not seem to appreciate her. Cather had three different philosophies in the book and they are Naturalistic, Realism, and Romanticism. Realism appears to be the way of life. Realism deals with the social problems of real people in real places and in the present. She used it in the story by using the characters

  • Summary Of In The Afterlight By Alexandra Bracken

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    In the Afterlight by Alexandra Bracken was published in December of 2015 by Demco Media. It is 400 pages long and within the young adult genre. More specifically, it is the third book of The Darkest Minds trilogy. In this series you follow a young girl named Ruby, who lives in a dystopian society and is trying to find a way out of the unprivileged life she was wrongly put into. It keeps the reader wanting more after each chapter, with action, mystery, and a little romance. In this story

  • Alexandra Marchuk V. Faruq

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    Alexandra Marchuk v. Faruqi, is a recent high profile sexual harassment case in the media. On February 2015, “Ms. Marchuk won on her hostile work environment claim under the New York City Human Rights Law. However, the jury found in favor of the defendants on her hostile environment claims under Title VII (federal) law and the New York state Human Rights Law.” This case sends unclear messages about acceptable and unacceptable workplace behaviors. Ms. Marchuk and Mr. Faruqi seemed to have had a romantic

  • Suspicion By Alexandra Monir Analysis

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    As the mysterious story, “Suspicion”, by Alexandra Monir, began with a dreadful fire that swept the beautiful garden of Rockford Manor, ten-year-old Imogen was pronounced orphan. It left a permanent scar in her heart that forced her to leave her life in England behind and move to New York with her new guardians. Nevertheless, seven years later, the co-agent of Rockford Manor had brought the news that Imogen’s cousin died several months ago, leaving Imogen the last heiress. A sense of responsibility

  • The Transformation of Aunt Alexandra in To Kill a Mockingbird

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    novel To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee, characters are constantly being influenced by family members. Aunt Alexandra, started off as a rude and bossy woman, but as she became closer to Atticus, Jem, and Scout, she changed into a more loving and compassionate person. In To Kill a Mockingbird, Aunt Alexandra is influenced by the Finches during her stay at their home. When Aunt Alexandra first arrived at the Finch house, she took over as if she had been living there her whole life. When arriving

  • The Journey Of A Trans Woman, By Alexandra Acevedo

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    Abstract A woman named Alexandra Acevedo who identifies herself as a Trans woman, talks about her journey of not being accepted from her father, to everyone in town. Alex first came out as “gay” to her family in 2009, and everyone in her family accepted her for who she was, except her father. After a few months of dealing with her father verbally abusing her and threatening to kill  her, Alex moved out and moved in with a close friend of hers. At the age of sixteen, she started identifying herself

  • Essay

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    still written through Scout’s eyes, but instead of passing by them on the sidewalk, Scout is in their home sitting with them, or hearing personal stories about them. Three of these characters that Scout points out specifically are Jem Finch, Aunt Alexandra, and Tom Robinson. The reader acknowledges Jem Finch as Scout’s older brother from the start of this novel. He is brave and strong. “When he was nearly thirteen, my brother Jem got his arm badly broken at the elbow. When it healed, and Jem’s fears

  • Living In Alexandra During The 1980's

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    Living in Alexandra during the 1980’s was nothing short of paradise. The rebellion during this decade was a good representation of good vs. evil. The township of Alexandria was located within the suburbs of Johannesburg, an enclosed black enclave within white suburbia (1). The people of Alexandra were proud to be where they were from, regardless of the situations they were dealing with. The residents of Alexandra were treated with the short end of the stick; living in ghettos and getting paid rubbish

  • Alexandra Minna Stern's Eugenics Nation

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    1. How does the text circulate? 
 The material analyzed by Alexandra Minna Stern circulates in the form of a book titled “Eugenics Nation: Faults and Frontiers of Better Breeding in Modern America,” that was originally published in November 2007. The book is chronologically sequenced in order to provide the reader with detailed accounts of social eugenic practices throughout different periods in America History. In her book, Stern seeks to examine the connection between eugenics and the emergence

  • Lagging Alexandra Salas: Perfunctory Empathy

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    Alexandra Salas: It is important to understand challenging children’s lagging skills because if we don’t we won’t understand which skills the child needs to learn. But if we do, we will be better prepared to handle situations in which his challenging behaviors are most likely to occur. When we realize that the lagging skills contribute to challenging behaviors don’t always come naturally to all kids we have made a big breakthrough because most adults think that all children are created equal with

  • The Legend of Colton H Bryant

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    I very much enjoyed The Legend of Colton H. Bryant by Alexandra Fuller. It captured me right away in the beginning scene of Colton racing away from the Kmart Kids on his bicycle. I loved how Colton could take a sad event and turn it into a lighter topic. For example, in the first chapter, Colton was being bullied and harassed. Even though he was crying, he made it lighter by chanting his mantra “‘Mind over matter. I don’t mind so it don’t matter.’” (Fuller 7) There are other examples of Colton behaving

  • Alexandra Forest Borderline Personality Disorder

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    Identifying specific characters that possess psychological disorder(s) and the symptoms of the disorder(s) The character Alexandra Forest shows a Borderline Personality Disorder, which is a disorder characterized by a pervasive pattern of instability of self-image, interpersonal relationships, and it affects dramatic mood changes, and the movie makes the impulsivity present. Alexandra has self-injurious behavior and suicidal behaviors. (448) Also I think she tends to have a profile of Antisocial Personality