Alexander McCall Smith Essays

  • The No.1 Ladies’ Detective Agency By Alexander Mccall Smith

    1393 Words  | 3 Pages

    Alexander McCall Smith, the author of the award winning novel The No. 1 Ladies’ Detective Agency spoke in a recent interview in The Sydney Morning Herald (December 2006) about his famously optimistic views of Africa and its people. The works of many African authors express rather grim and bleak views in comparison to McCall Smith’s view. In a “Foreign Correspondent” interview McCall Smith says Botswana is a very beautiful country and that Africa transformed him into a best selling novelist and made

  • Prejudice And Racism In The 1800's

    525 Words  | 2 Pages

    This famous quote by James Baldwin begins and ends with the everlasting, controversial and much heated topic of racism, stating every structure that is intricate in the process of withholding and promoting the system of racism. Racism is a system that functions inherently in people’s activities economically, educationally, in form of labor, law, politics, religion, sex and gender and other existing systems within our society. An inescapable system that draws distinction on the basis of color and

  • Medical Technology During World War I

    905 Words  | 2 Pages

    Surgeries at the time of WWI were a direct result of the Industrial Revolution’s new technology; these surgical advances struggled to fix the horrible injuries sustained by soldiers from the new sophisticated weaponry. "Every war stimulates medical research. It’s sad, but true," said Frank Freemon. Although many soldiers died during attempts at things like reconstructive surgery and Caesarian sections, experimenting in the surgical fields improved conditions and advanced the science, as well as develop

  • My Writing Process Essay

    1129 Words  | 3 Pages

    I have always been a pretty good writer. Throughout my educational career, especially in high school, I have written a lot of papers. This has provided an immense amount of practice, and has adapted my writing process through the years. The central idea to my writing process has always been to just sit down, get out a pen and paper or computer, and let it flow. Usually this works, but when it doesn’t, especially for papers that are about more complex ideas, I have to adapt my writing process to make

  • Children Killing Children

    2500 Words  | 5 Pages

    Children . September 1998. 3 February 2011 . Sereny, Gitta. Unheard Cries. Ed. Helen Nickas. New York: Owl Books, 2000. Wainwright, Martin. Hadrian's Wall child murder: estimated time of death pre-367AD. 10 September 2010. . Wolff, Sula and Alexander McCall Smith. Children who kill: They can and should be reclaimed. 13 Jaunary 2001. 3 February 2011 .