Alexander Graham Bell Essays

  • Alexander Graham Bell

    794 Words  | 2 Pages

    the great inventor Alexander Graham Bell was born. His father was Professor Alexander Melville Bell, and his mother was Eliza Grace. Alexander Bell had two brothers, Edward Charles Bell and Melville James Bell. When Alexander was ten he begged his father to give him a middle name like his brothers. For his eleventh birthday Alexander’s gave him the middle name Graham, after their family friend Alexander Graham. Both of his brothers died of tuberculosis. As a child, young Alexander was very curious

  • Alexander Graham Bell

    811 Words  | 2 Pages

    Alexander Graham Bell Alexander Graham Bell is a name of great significance in American history today. A skillful inventor and generous philanthropist, he astounded the world with his intuitive ideas that proved to be both innovative and extremely practical in the latter half of the 19th century. Most notable, of course, are Bell's work in developing the telephone and his venerable life-long endeavor to educate the deaf. Originally, his only wish was to help deaf people overcome their difficulty

  • Alexander Graham Bell

    1576 Words  | 4 Pages

    Alexander Graham Bell, a man who best known for inventing the telephone. Most people don’t know he spent the majority of his life teaching and helping the deaf. Educating the hearing impaired is what he wished to be remembered for. Bell was born on March 3, 1847, in Edinburgh, Scotland. His mother was a painter of miniature portraits and also loved to play the piano even though she was nearly deaf. Aleck’s mother knew that he had a talent for music and always encouraged him to play (Matthews 12)

  • Alexander Graham Bell: A Short Biography Of Alexander Graham Bell

    597 Words  | 2 Pages

    Moseley Communication Arts May 13, 2014 Alexander Graham Bell Has the question of “who even thought to invent the telephone or metal detector?” ever came into your head? Or been going through the internet and came across the name Alexander Graham Bell and wondered who it was? Well Alexander was the inventor of many things like the telephone, and the metal detector. Bell was a very smart man who came from a very smart family. On March 3rd, 1847, Alexander Bell was born in Edinburgh, Scotland. He had

  • Alexander Graham Bell

    1353 Words  | 3 Pages

    Alexander Graham bell was a very important man, not only to Canada but to the whole world as well, and it was not an easy road to success. His contributions to the world of communication were unmatched by any one. This essay will be arguing the facts about Bell that have been stated through 3 main topics, which are, Bell’s contribution to deaf people. Graham Bell made a contribution to the communication world. Finally he ran into many problems while in innovations were occurring. Alexander

  • Alexander Graham Bell and The Telephone

    558 Words  | 2 Pages

    Ninety-one percent of Americans would not be able to call, send text, set alarms, or check social media on the go. When he invented the telephone in 1876, Alexander Graham Bell pioneered the way for future inventors to further advance the telephone making communication and life easier for us and generations to come. As a young boy growing up in the 1850’s, Bell was ambitious and headstrong, often observing his fathers, Melville Bell’s, teaching of correct speech and elocution. He followed his father’s footsteps

  • The influence Of Alexander Graham Bell

    680 Words  | 2 Pages

    Alexander Graham Bell the son of Alexander Melville Bell, and Eliza Grace was born on march 3, 1847 in Edinburgh, Scotland. Alexander was born with two brothers Edward Charles Bell and Melville James Bell. Both Edward and Melville died from tuberculosis. As a child Alexander was home schooled by his father. He enrolled at Royal High School. At age 15 he completed his courses and left RHS. After leaving the school he went to live with his grandfather in London. When Alexander was 16 he became a student

  • Alexander Graham Bell And The Telephone

    637 Words  | 2 Pages

    Alexander Graham Bell had one of the largest impacts of communication in history with his invention, the telephone. In 1879, at the age of 29, he created the telephone with the assistance of Thomas Watson. Bell had a background with hearing impaired parents, which caused him to drive toward his goal of the invention. Bell held 18 patents in his name alone and 12 that he shared with his collaborators. (Alexander Graham Bell Bio) Alexander’s most popular and most well-known invention was the telephone

  • Alexander Graham Bell Accomplishments

    1495 Words  | 3 Pages

    of the last sentence. Speech by telegraph, Watson! This will change the world!” -Alexander Graham Bell (qtd. in Ross 7). Moments after the first telephone call, it was clear that Bell knew his work would have a monumental impact. Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone in 1876 at the remarkably young age of age 29, and his efforts made immeasurable changes to the telecommunications industry. Alexander Graham Bell was a valued teacher of the deaf, a tremendous invento, that produced the audacious

  • Alexander Graham Bell: A Short Biography

    1634 Words  | 4 Pages

    Alexander Graham Bell: A Short Biography Upon hearing the name Alexander Graham Bell, we remember the inventor of the telephone. However, Alexander was much more than just the inventor of the telephone. As a matter of fact he was an audiologist. His family was the leading authorities in elocution and speech correction. He had improved and carried on his families business, along with his brothers. Alexander had created the phone at an early age among inventors- only 29. Later in his career Bell

  • AT&T and Alexander Graham Bell

    1528 Words  | 4 Pages

    its company, which was invented by Alexander Graham Bell. Graham had help in forming this global company from two men, Gardiner Hubbard and Thomas Sanders financially. Bell being the inventor tried and successfully invented a talking telegraph. In the few years to follow, Bell earned patents and in 1877 the three men formed the Bell Telephone Company to display the new invention, the telephone. In 1878 the first telephone exchange took place under license from Bell Telephone in New Haven, CT. Within

  • Why Is Alexander Graham Bell Important

    506 Words  | 2 Pages

    Alexander Graham Bell “The day will come when the man at the telephone will be able to see the distant person to whom he is speaking. ” Alexander Graham Bell was a great person and did whole to help the world. He did some huge things and some little things around the world. Alexander Graham Bell was a special person in history during that time. This will tell you what he did,why he is important,and how he changed things in history. Alexander Graham Bell did whole when he was alive.

  • Alexander Graham Bell Research Paper

    1600 Words  | 4 Pages

    telephone refused to have the telephone in his study? Alexander Graham Bell was the one who invented the telephone, which is mostly used every day around the world. The telephone would transport sound by electric wires. Later on, he went through some years of lawful objections, resulting in history’s greatest patent battles. Although Alexander Graham Bell began his legacy by following the hard to live up to teaching example set by his father, Bell guided deaf students to become teachers, and eventually

  • Alexander Graham Bell Research Paper

    668 Words  | 2 Pages

    Alexander Graham Bell was born on March,3,1847 in Edinburgh, Scotland. Alexanders father wanted him to take over the family business although alexander had other ideas in mind. Trying to find a way out of his situation he decided to take care of his elderly grandfather who became sick in 1862. His grandfather told young Alexander that the way to make it big was to become smart and intellectual. Later at the age of 16 Bell finally took his father's offer and started working with him. Bell's mother

  • Alexander Graham Bell Research Paper

    675 Words  | 2 Pages

    Alexander Graham Bell was one of the primary inventors of the telephone, did important work in communication for the deaf and held more than 18 patents. Alexander Graham Bell was born on March 3, 1847, in Edinburgh, Scotland. The second son of Alexander Melville Bell and Eliza Grace Symonds Bell, he was named for his paternal grandfather. The middle name "Graham" was added when he was 10 years old. He had two brothers, Melville James Bell and Edward Charles Bell, both of whom died from tuberculosis

  • A Brief Biography of Alexander Graham Bell

    1346 Words  | 3 Pages

    and the way we communicate with the world would be entirely different. (Pewresarch) Michael Hart’s book The 100: A Ranking of the Most Influential Persons in History ranks Alexander Graham Bell as the forty second most influential person in history and he is one of the most influential persons in history. Alexander Graham Bell’s influences of his father and grandfather caused him to take interest in the human voice and imitating its sounds. Although he is known for his invention of the telephone

  • Alexander Graham Bell Research Paper

    551 Words  | 2 Pages

    will be telling you about the scientist Alexander Graham Bell, the first sight I will be using is called Primary Facts. He was born on March 3, 1847. He was a scientist, inventor and engineer. When he was just 12 years old (about my age) he invented ‘dehusking’ a machine to remove the husk from wheat. His mother, Eliza, started to lose her hearing when he was a young age. In order for his mother to start hearing again she had go to these gatherings Alexander learned this thing ‘finger language’

  • Alexander Graham Bell, Inventor of the Telephone

    698 Words  | 2 Pages

    Alexander Graham Bell was a notable scientist and engineer that changed the world with his invention of the telephone. Without the telephone, everyone would not have a reliable communication device. Alexander Graham Bell is considered one of the most influential people in human history. Early Life ~ Alexander Graham Bell was born on March 3rd, 1847 at his family home, 16 South Charlotte Street, in Edinburgh, Scotland. He was born to Professor Alexander Melville Bell and Eliza Grace (nee Symonds)

  • Alexander Graham Bell Research Paper

    945 Words  | 2 Pages

    Alexander Graham Bell: Telephone The telephone is one the greatest inventions of all time dating back to 1876. It has made a powerful impact throughout history and changed the way we live today. Now most communication is done over social media and cellular communication. Throughout the first stages of the telephone, Alexander Graham Bell discovered “That a thin metal sheet vibrating in an electromagnetic field produces an electrical waveform.” (The 50) This process allows one to communicate without

  • The Invention of the Telephone: Alexander Graham Bell

    874 Words  | 2 Pages

    Growing up as a child living with his deaf mom, Eliza, Alexander Graham Bell sympathized with the hearing impaired and later devoted his life to teaching speech and liberating deaf children. In 1870, Bell and his family moved to Canada where Melville taught his son Visible Speech and setup teaching jobs for him around New England. One year later Alexander Graham Bell moved to Boston, which was a hotspot for commercial, education, and scientific activity. He began writing articles on deaf education