Alamo Essays

  • The Alamo

    2733 Words  | 6 Pages

    The Alamo The events that began on February 23, 1836 have roots that span as far back as 1808. This exploration into the events and carnage that took place before, during and after the Alamo will only go back to the events immediately leading up to the Alamo. Mainly the frame of mind the Mexican government had regarding the Texas settlers and the reasons leading to the confrontation at the Alamo. In times before the confrontation at the Alamo, the Mexican government welcomed settlers into

  • The Alamo

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    The Alamo "To the people of Texas and all Americans in the World: I shall never surrender or retreat ... I Am determined to sustain myself as long as possible and die like a soldier who never forgets what it is due to his honor and that of his country-VICTORY OR DEATH." This was a letter sent by William Barret Travis during the siege of the Alamo on February 24, 1836. It was a cry for help to anybody and everybody willing to listen. It all started in 1830 with Stephen Austin, a leader of

  • The Alamo

    579 Words  | 2 Pages

    A well made movie about the Alamo is well overdue. In the past there have been many movies that have tried to recreate the events of those unforgettable thirteen days. However, they have all ceased to hit the nail on the head. I have lived in San Antonio my whole life and it wasn’t until recently that I have come to a better understanding of the story that is the Alamo. There are many things to consider when making a movie about the Alamo. Issues concerning racism, authenticity, and historical

  • The Alamo

    561 Words  | 2 Pages

    Originally named Misión San Antonio de Valero, the Alamo served as home to missionaries and their Indian converts for nearly seventy years. Construction began on the present site in 1724. In 1793, Spanish officials sectioned off San Antonio's five missions and distributed their lands to the remaining Indian residents. These men and women continued to farm the fields — once the mission's but now their own — and participated in the growing community of San Antonio. In the early 1800s, the Spanish military

  • The Alamo

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    wound northeastward through San Antonio de Béxar, Bastrop, Nacogdoches, San Augustine, and across the Sabine River into Louisiana. Two forts blocked these approaches into Texas: Presidio La Bahía (Nuestra Señora de Loreto Presidio) at Goliad and the Alamo at San Antonio. Each installation functioned as a frontier picket guard, ready to alert the Texas settlements of an enemy advance. James Clinton Neillqv received command of the Bexar garrison. Some ninety miles to the southeast, James Walker Fannin

  • Alamo Symbolism

    1033 Words  | 3 Pages

    Title The Alamo didn’t become a symbol of Texan Independence because it was a good idea on the Texan’s part. It became a symbol of Texan independence because a lot of brave men made a very, very rash decision. They decided to defend a point they knew they couldn’t defend to the last men. The brave Texan’s willingly laid down their lives to “fight the good fight.” There were three main heroes of the Battle of the Alamo. William Barret Travis was born in Edgefield Co. S.C. He trained to become a lawyer

  • The Battle at the Alamo

    1732 Words  | 4 Pages

    The battle at the Alamo is one of the most significant events in the Texas Revolution, as well as in both Mexican and American history. For Mexican President and General Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna, it was a tale of determination and holding to the principles of a strong, central government. For Americans living in Texas, the Alamo was a venture of small scale Revolutionary ideals; a people should be able to democratically express how they feel their homeland to be governed. As we know, both countries

  • Battle of the Alamo

    2120 Words  | 5 Pages

    Introduction The siege, fall and ensuing massacre of nearly two hundred Alamo defenders at the hands of Mexican General, Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna y Perez de Lebron’s army of over five thousand was a defining moment in both Texan, and American history. For 13 days against insurmountable odds, a small, but very determined Texan garrison force fended off an equally determined Mexican Army ordered to capture it. I’ll discuss the events and political climate leading up to the siege, key historic

  • The Alamo Movie Essay

    1027 Words  | 3 Pages

    In the film The Alamo directed by John Lee Hancock takes place in the early 1800s. During the movie there is a standoff between a group of Texan and Tejano men, led by Davey Crockett and Jim Bowie, and Mexican dictator Santa Anna’s forces at the Alamo in San Antonio, Texas. From watching the movie and doing the research of what actually happened in the Alamo, one has realized that the movie has many inaccuracies and the movie leaves out and changes around what actually happened in real life. The

  • Sleuthing The Alamo Summary

    1139 Words  | 3 Pages

    Sleuthing the Alamo: Davy Crockett’s Last Stand and Other Mysteries of the Texas Revolution by: James E. Crisp Sleuthing the Alamo: Davy Crockett’s Last Stand and Other Mysteries of the Texas Revolution by: James E. Crisp draws the author rich information of the Texas Revolution and his own particular involvement with prejudice and racism. Crisp reveals as of now covered truths, tunes in point-by-point counter with diverse historians, and searches for not to reveal the myths of the Alamo, yet rather

  • Analysis Of The Battle Of The Alamo

    1039 Words  | 3 Pages

    Battle at the Alamo By Catherine Huang San Antonio, Texas-- The Battle of the Alamo, a battle in San Antonio, against the Mexicans broke out, marks the most important of the battles so far during the Texas fight for independence. The battle began on February 23, 1836 and ended two days ago on March 6, 1836, lasting for 13 days. General Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna, leader of the Mexican force, planned to seize the fort with an army of thousands. Unprepared, the Texans had an army of around 200 men

  • Hollywood vs. History: The Alamo

    1556 Words  | 4 Pages

    vs. History: The Alamo The Alamo was one of the most astounding and critical battles of our country. Its men were ruthless in their bravery and love of their country. Their mission for independence lives on in the hearts of all American’s today. Their legacy lives on forever and their courageous souls are still in the heart of the people of the lone star state. This is the story of bravery, love, tyranny, and liberty. This is the story of the Alamo The battle of the Alamo only spanned an approximate

  • Silent Film, Martyrs of the Alamo, Loosely Depicts the Battle of the Alamo

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    Martyrs of the Alamo is a silent film that not only loosely depicts the historical event of the Battle at the Alamo but it perpetuates ethnic stereotypes of Mexicans to build a sense of nationalism in the early 1900’s. Researchers Ford and Harawa argue in their academic journal that ethnicity can be broken down into two dimensions, relational and attributional. The relational dimension pertains to the relationship dynamics between an ethnic group and the society they live in. These relationships

  • Prologue Of Álamo's Alamo

    716 Words  | 2 Pages

    Álamo, located in San Antonio TX, made a mark. A mark in history.But technically it’s not the building, it’s what happened inside. ~Prologue~ An eerie night. 12 men sitting around the fire. Finishing up the stew brought from a recent kill. There was some small chattering going around the group. “Hey, have you heard that there is new land up in the states. And there is promised freedom to all that come. I want to go.” “Now hold up. Us Texans are sitting under the law the the Mexicans. It’s not fair

  • The Alamo Movie Analysis

    624 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Alamo Year: 2004 Directed By: John Lee Hancock Production: Touchstone Pictures & Imagine Entertainment The Alamo portrays the historical battle between Santa Anna controlling the Mexican Army and the Texan Defenders who are defending The Alamo, a mission located in San Antonio, Texas. The film is heavily concentrated on the year 1836, specifically the months February and March, and the year 1835. The film stars Dennis Quaid as Sam Houston, Billy Bob Thornton as David Crockett, Jason Patric as

  • A Short Summary On The Battle Of The Alamo

    1184 Words  | 3 Pages

    The Battle of the Alamo lasted from February 23 to March 6, 1836. Following a 13-day siege, Mexican troops under President General Antonio López de Santa Anna launched an assault on the Alamo Mission near San Antonio de Béxar (modern-day San Antonio, Texas, United States), killing all of the Texian defenders. Santa Anna's cruelty during the battle inspired many Texians—both Texas settlers and adventurers from the United States—to join the Texian Army. Buoyed by a desire for revenge, the Texians

  • Battle Of The Alamo Research Paper

    1532 Words  | 4 Pages

    With only one hundred eighty-seven soldiers and fifteen civilians the Texans were able to hold off the two thousand Mexicans for thirteen days before the Mexican army finally defeated the small Texan force at the Alamo. Even though Texas had lost the Battle of the Alamo, this was just a stepping stone for Texas to be able to gain its independence from Mexico. The state of Texas came under Mexican control after Mexico acquired its freedom from Spain. ( A man by the name of Moses Austin

  • The Alamo: A Symbol of Texan Independence

    1187 Words  | 3 Pages

    “Remember the Alamo” is a phrase that is etched in the American psyche. The Alamo became such a powerful symbol of the struggles of freedom vs. tyranny for several reasons including who died at the battle and the immediate effect it had on the fledgling Texan independence movement. Although the Battle of the Alamo was a military failure, it immediately became a symbol of Texas. The Alamo didn’t become a symbol of Texan independence because it was a good idea on the Texan’s part. It became a symbol

  • Battle Of The Alamo Essay

    1262 Words  | 3 Pages

    The Battle of the Alamo was a focal point in the Texas Revolution. How could the events of the battle been different? In this paper I will discuss the plea from the Alamo’s commander, begging for reinforcements, as the Mexican army enclosed around the Alamo compound. I will recount the events of the morning siege that took place by Santa Anna’s army as they overran the Texan opposition. I will discuss the quick decimation of the Alamo and its tenants as described in history and an alternative ending

  • Battle Of The Alamo Research Paper

    835 Words  | 2 Pages

    legendary status. The Battle of the Alamo holds such a legendary status, even a somewhat mythical status; there are stories of great heroes that gave their lives that continue to echo today. Just twenty three years later the events of the Battle of the Alamo are reverberated in “The World We Live In,” a monthly magazine once sold in New York which tells “The Tale of the Alamo,” an embellished retelling of the events. In the struggle for the claim to Texas, the Alamo became the central knot in the tug