Battle Of The Alamo Research Paper

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With only one hundred eighty-seven soldiers and fifteen civilians the Texans were able to hold off the two thousand Mexicans for thirteen days before the Mexican army finally defeated the small Texan force at the Alamo. Even though Texas had lost the Battle of the Alamo, this was just a stepping stone for Texas to be able to gain its independence from Mexico. The state of Texas came under Mexican control after Mexico acquired its freedom from Spain. ( A man by the name of Moses Austin, an American business man, met with the Spanish authorities in San Antonio to convince them to allow three hundred Anglo-American families to start an American colony in Texas. After being granted permission to bring three hundred families into …show more content…

General Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna, a Mexican military general and statesman, brought a large Mexican force with him and began to enter the city of San Antonio. The few men left behind to defend the city retreated back to the Alamo, a fort near San Antonio. Their forces grew slightly when James Bowie, an American frontiersman, and William B. Travis, a soldier from South Carolina, brought in some reinforcements including David Crockett, a famous frontiersman and former congressman, into the Texan forces. These two men, William B. Travis and James Bowie, would eventually become co-commanders at the battle of the Alamo. The newly appointed commander-in-chief of the Texan army, Sam Houston, said that they should abandon San Antonio because of the insufficient troop numbers and firepower ( James Bowie and William B. Travis decided to stay and fight against the enemies. They thought if they abandoned the city then the Mexican army would take over all of Texas. As Santa Anna and his men pressed on, the battle started to unfold. For thirteen, long days the few Texans held off Santa Anna’s army from taking over the city. Santa Anna had his men surround the Alamo and begin to attack. With each attempt to take over the Alamo the Texan fought off the invaders from taking over the fort. Santa Anna would order his men to move in for another attack, but with each attack he lost more men. During one of the attacks, William B.Travis declared, “I shall never surrender or retreat! I am determined to sustain myself as long as possible and die like a soldier who never forgets what is due to his own honor and that of his country- Victory or Death!” As Santa Anna ordered his remaining troops to attack one last time they breached the Alamo’s walls and began to fight with the Texans. The Texan soldiers began hand-to-hand combat with the Mexican army. Any type of weapon one could find was used, this included

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