AK-47 Essays

  • The 123rd Aviation Battalion of 1968

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    Raven, OH-6 Cayuse, UH-1 Huey, AH-1 Cobra, and even at one point an attachment of CH-47 Chinooks. According to the Resume of the 123rd Aviation Battalion the A Company and B Company delivered over 1,400 tons of cargo, destroyed 575 structures, killed over 700 enemy combatants, and provided medical evacuation to 114 people. All of these accomplishments took place in 1968, prior to receiving an attachment of CH-47 Chinooks. The scout aircraft provided intelligence by either flying over... ... middle

  • American Soldier Interview Essay

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    Interviewing A Subject Korbyn D’Ambrogio College Comp 20161117 American Soldier “Why would you want to interview me when there are plenty of people back home that would be easier to interview in person?” asks John Stout. He is about 5’11, has dark black hair and his eyes are a rich chocolaty brown. He is tan and has a strong muscular body. John is currently deployed in Bagram Afghanistan. He departed on July 7th, 2016 and will not return until April of 2017. He grew up in Fort Ripley, MN and

  • The Contributions of the P-51 Mustang to the Victory of the Allies

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    The Contributions of the P-51 Mustang to the Victory of the Allies This paper deals with the contributions of the P-51 Mustang to the eventual victory of the Allies in Europe during World War II. It describes the war scene in Europe before the P-51 was introduced, traces the development of the fighter, its advantages, and the abilities it was able to contribute to the Allies' arsenal. It concludes with the effect that the P-51 had on German air superiority, and how it led the destruction

  • The Effect of the Air Force in WW II

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    The Effect of the Air Force in World War Two “Off we go into the wild blue yonder, Climbing high into the sun, Here they come zooming to meet our thunder, at em’ boys give er’ the gun, Give er’ the gun.” The previous lines are the first part to the official United States Air Force song. The Air Force has played a huge role in all of our wars past, and current. But World War two was by far one of the first shining moments in Air Force history. The effect the Air Force had on the war was great, “The

  • The P-51 Mustang: The Best Fighter Ever

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    The P-51 Mustang: The Best Fighter Ever The P-51 Mustang is regarded by many sources as the greatest fighter plane ever created. With the technological advancements this plane achieved, to it’s service record, to it’s importance in winning World War Two, the Mustang is truly one of the greats. The Mustang played a key role in long range bomber support and saved countless bomber crew’s lives, and pilots loved to fly it. The P-51 had the most aerial victories of any American fighter in World War Two

  • Red Tails

    636 Words  | 2 Pages

    P-51D Mustangs zooming by and all you can see it the bright red tails of the aircraft. As we all know by now that the Tuskegee Airmen were one of the best if not the best fighter squadron of WWII. I wanted to write some about aviation that interested me and affected the outlook on minorities in aviation. First on wanted to talk about how this whole outfit started also what it took for them to become the red tail as we all know today. Also what other planes the flew during the war and some off the

  • Innovative Milestone: The Douglas DC-3

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    Since 1903, when the Wright Brothers flew the first aircraft, aviation has constantly been advancing. It didn’t matter if it was for military, commercial or private purposes. Ever since airplanes have existed, the main goal has been to produce the fastest, most fuel efficient aircraft. Whether it’s changing the design or using different parts, airline manufacturers are constantly advancing their planes. But there were always certain planes that stood out among the others. One of these was the Douglas

  • World War 2 Aircraft (Ww2)

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    Aircraft of World War II During World War II (WW2) the aeroplane proved to be the military’s greatest asset. It was dominant as it was versatile. Unlike the tank, boat or even the foot soldier the planes can serve in all areas of one countries military, land, sea and of course the air. They could fight where ever needed. Not only did they attack in dog fights or bombing raids they could go for a surveillance or reconnaissance to assist their forces. They destroyed many enemies industrial plants and

  • The Battle of Takur Ghar

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    Introduction The Battle of Takur Ghar, or Roberts Ridge, as it’s more affectionately called by members of the US military, occurred on March 3-4th 2002. Takur Ghar translates from Pashto as “Tall Mountain”. The battle became the most memorable part of a much larger operation called Anaconda. The battle started when Navy SEAL, Petty Officer First Class Neil Roberts fell from a MH-47E Chinook, on an attempted landing to an unknowingly hot LZ, when he lost his footing due to a combination of RPG

  • Zombie Apocalypse Papers

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    Weigh just 3.5kilo and low recoil, it is the suitable weapon for all ages in the situation where we all need to be able to defend ourselves individually. AK-47 can also be shot onehandedly as the need may

  • Louisiana Needs Gun Control Laws!

    1263 Words  | 3 Pages

    Wall St.”). This statistic places Louisiana in one of the top spots for gun related crime, thus reminding us that gun-control is necessary. Gun-control measures can include restricting weapons such as the AK-47; a gun designed for battle-like encounters. Why would ordinary citizens need AK-47's anyway? Of the few restrictions that exist, laws such as “RS 14:95” defines the kind of weapons illegal to carry in the general public. Weapons such as the “switchblade knife and spring knife” are among

  • A Noble Sacrifice For The Right To Kill Mike Ryoko Analysis

    590 Words  | 2 Pages

    Finally, “A Noble Sacrifice for the right to bear AK-47s,” is the worst article of the four. Mike Ryoko, the author, deserves maybe a $500 bonus, if that. His essay is loaded with fallacies that undermine every point he tries to make. Not only that, but his examples are absurd and the central argument has no concrete evidence to back it up. His article is possibly satire. He has no sympathy for the victims of the California shooting and is opinionated throughout the entire article. In paragraph

  • The Guillotine: Prior To The Reign Of Terror

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    The guillotine itself was used prior to the reign of terror and is documented being used after the reign of terror as well (Symbol of Revolution). In light of this it was not the invention of the guillotine that proves Mead’s theory but rather the idea the guillotine championed that proves her ideas. The guillotine was a representation of an idea to show more compassion and humanity in the treatment of all humans. Even those who had been convicted of a serious crime. The French did this by enacting

  • The Justification of Andy Lopez's Death

    1242 Words  | 3 Pages

    before the outskirts of Santa Rosa. Gelhaus who was sitting in the passenger side of the police vehicle, then spotted an individual (now known to be Andy Lopez) with his back facing towards them walking down the street holding what appeared to be an AK-47 assault rifle (Johnson). The trainee officer then stopped the vehicle just a mere 20 to 30 feet away, allowing for Gelhaus to quickly step out and order Lopez to drop the weapon (Chea). Many community members argue that the trainee officer should have

  • North Vietnam Guerilla War Essay

    3103 Words  | 7 Pages

    From 1965 to 1973, the United States military sent over 536,000 combat troops into the jungles, villages, and swamps of Vietnam. Of these 536,000, over 58,000 men would never return. Despite air superiority, artillery, and the most technologically advanced armed forces in the world, the United States slumped to defeat by the hands of both their enemy and themselves. Unpreventably so, the United States of America was defeated in Vietnam due egregious errors in political and military judgment, lack

  • Operation Rock Avalanche Case Study

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    Between ten to fifteen Taliban found a ocation that abled them to set up from a distance and allowed them to fire from behind cover. During the ambush the Taliban fired AK-47s, RPGs (Rocket Propelled Grenades) and PKM machine guns. U. S. forces were able to successfully able to launch a counter-attack and get out of the “killzone”, only after two Americans were killed and five were wounded. The Taliban had a high ratio

  • Encouraging Gun Ownership

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    at fault, it's the gun's fault! 10. The 2nd is a collective right and not an "Individual Right." C. My rebuttal to gun control advocates. 1. Vehicle control saves more lives than gun control. 2. The musket was an assault rifle, like the AK-47 is today. 3. If you don't want criminals to have guns, keep them behind bars. 4. As a child I had guns, and I came out ok. 5. Law enforcement is often the problem, remember Rodney King. 6. Crime has gone down in States with right to carry

  • A Long Way Gone Quotes

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    In the book A Long Way Gone written by Ishmael Beah, Ishmael survives and describes his journey while at war. Ishmael was a 13 year old who is forced to become a child soldier. He struggles through a variety of problems. In his journey, he was separated from his family and mostly running for his life. Later on, he has no problem killing people and picking up his gun. In fact, anyone can be evil at any certain time with kids changing, getting drugged, and going back to war. Ishmael kills people

  • Essay on the Use of Third Person and Innocence of Language in Ake

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    Use of Third Person and Innocence of Language in Aké The Nigerian novelist Wole Soyinka's memoir, Aké, is a story told through the eyes of a child. Many incidents and the dialogues within these incidents are written in a tone which is suggestive of the innocence and actions which would only be performed by someone in a child-like state of mind. Soyinka's masterful use of this tone, and the primary use of first person in story telling combine to form a realistic childhood picture. In the third chapter

  • Mark Owen's No Hero

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    mission that was only the First Floor, Mark and his team still had to clear the second floor. As mark approached the stairs a terrorist began unleashing rounds of AK-47 bullets. The barrage only lasted so long and the terrorist ran out of ammo attempting to hide. Once Mark and his team got to the second floor all they found was an AK-47 lying on a bed. Mark couldn't figure out where the terrorist had gone at first but Just as they were about to give up mark spotted the terrorist tucked in a windowsill