Acid Concentration Essays

  • The Effect of Acid Concentration on the Rate of Reaction

    3510 Words  | 8 Pages

    The Effect of Acid Concentration on the Rate of Reaction Introduction: We are going to investigate the effect of Acid Concentration on the Rate of Chemical Reaction. We are going to use the combination of Hydrochloric Acid and Calcium Carbonate as the reactants: [IMAGE][IMAGE] [IMAGE]Calcium Carbonate + Hydrochloric Acid Calcium Chloride + Water + Carbon Dioxide Prediction I predict that the greater the concentration of acid the greater the rate of chemical reaction i.e. the

  • Investigating the Concentration of Citric Acid

    1229 Words  | 3 Pages

    Investigating the Concentration of Citric Acid Problem ------- I have been set the task of determining the concentration of a sample of citric acid, using only a 1.0 M solution of sodium hydroxide and any laboratory glassware that is required. I have also been given the RMM of citric acid as 210g and I have been told that one mole of citric acid will react with 3 moles of sodium hydroxide. My Experiment ------------- Using this information I have determined that the best way

  • Determining the Concentration of Sulphuric Acid

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    Determining the Concentration of Sulphuric Acid Risk assessment · CorrosiveAs sulphuric acid and sodium hydroxide are both corrosive, I will wear gloves, goggles and lab coat when performing the experiment · Eye protection must be wornIf any breakages occur I will carefully dispose of the glass in a suitable bin. · If any spillages occur during my experiments I will clean them promptly. Dilution of H2SO4 As the concentration of the sulphuric acid~10moldm-3, it is too concentrated

  • An experiment to find out how changing the concentration of acid

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    An experiment to find out how changing the concentration of acid affects the rate of reaction Planning Aim: I am to find out how changing the concentration of the hydrochloric acid (HCL) affects the rate of reaction. The hydrochloric acid will be reacting with marble chips (small, medium, large). During my experiment I will be changing one variable. This will be the concentration of the acid. I will use the concentration of HCL from 0.5 molar/dm3 to 3.0 molar/dm3. I will use 3grams

  • An experiment to investigate whether concentration of acid has an

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    experiment to investigate whether concentration of acid has an effect on the reaction rate of the reaction between Calcium Carbonate and Hydrochloric Acid. 1. The key factor I plan to investigate and what I will do to make my experiment a fair test The factor that I plan to investigate is whether the concentration of acid (the acid being HCl) has any effect on the rate of reaction between Calcium carbonate and Hydrochloric acid. I will vary the concentration and calculate rate of reaction

  • Investigating the Effect of Acid Concentration on Marble Chips

    1635 Words  | 4 Pages

    Investigating the Effect of Acid Concentration on Marble Chips Planning: The aim of this practical is to investigate the effect of varying acid concentrations on marble chips (CaCO3) 2HCL + CaCO3 à CaCl2 + CO2 + H20 Hydrochloric Acid + Calcium Carbonate à Calcium Chloride + Carbon Dioxide + Water Increasing the concentration of an acid increases the number of collisions between particles, therefore, the rate of reaction increases. The reaction will start faster in comparison

  • Concentration Of Ascorbic Acid In Apple Juice

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    role in the concentration of apple juice, as it will directly affect the concentration number. If an average of 5.00mL of NaOH were added, the concentration of ascorbic acid would have been 4.27g/L which is closer to the actual value (.360g/L). If an average of 15.00mL pf NaOH were added, the concentration

  • The Effect of the Concentration of Hydrochloric Acid on the Amount of Hydrogen

    550 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Effect of the Concentration of Hydrochloric Acid on the Amount of Hydrogen AIM === I want to find out how the concentration of Hydrochloric acid affects the amount of hydrogen or the time it takes to produce 30cm3 of gas, when the Hydrochloric acid reacts with the magnesium powder. Prediction ========== I predict that the amount of hydrogen in the measuring cylinder will increase as the concentration increases; this is because if there is more concentration there shall be more

  • The Effect of Concentration of Acid on the Rate of Reaction With Calcium Carbonate

    1229 Words  | 3 Pages

    The Effect of Concentration of Acid on the Rate of Reaction With Calcium Carbonate Calcium + Hydrochloric ð Calcium + Carbon + Water Carbonate Acid Chloride Dioxide CaCO3 (s) + 2HCl (aq) ð CaCl2 (aq) + CO2 (g) + H2O (l) Introduction I will be using the reaction between calcium carbonate and hydrochloric acid to see how the concentration of acid affects the rate of a reaction. By doing the above experiment I will prove that the higher the concentration of acid, the faster a reaction

  • Analysis Of Determining The Concentration Of Citric Acid

    1365 Words  | 3 Pages

    Determining the Concentration of Citric Acid Introduction Titrations are performed to calculate the unknown concentration of solutions using standard solutions. A solution of known concentration and volume is added to a solution of known volume and unknown concentration, a burette is used to find the exact amount of the known solution is required for the reaction to come to completion. A pH indicator is used to determine when a reaction has completed. Aim To determine the concentration of Citric acid in both

  • Investigating How Concentration of Acid Affects the Reaction Between Calcium Carbonate and Hydrochloric Acid

    3026 Words  | 7 Pages

    Investigating How Concentration of Acid Affects the Reaction Between Calcium Carbonate and Hydrochloric Acid Introduction ============ According to the collision theory temperature, concentration, surface area and catalysts all affect rates of reaction as shown in the diagrams below. Increasing any of these should increase the number of collisions and so increase the reaction rate up to an optimum point. Increasing the temperature causes the particles to collide with more energy and

  • Finding the Concentration of Calcium Hydroxide by Titration with Hydrochloric Acid.

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    Finding the Concentration of Calcium Hydroxide by Titration with Hydrochloric Acid. The Problem Perform a titration upon Calcium Hydroxide to find the concentration by using Hydrochloric Acid of 3 different concentrations as following 2 molar, 0.5 molar and 0.1 molar. In order to calculate the results must be within 0.05cm3 of each other. Apparatus Burette Volumetric Pipette Beakers Conical Flasks Volumetric Flasks Funnel Clamp Stand White Tile Fair Test

  • How the change of Hydrochloric Acid concentration affects the rate of reaction with Marble Chips

    2292 Words  | 5 Pages

    How the change of Hydrochloric Acid concentration affects the rate of reaction with Marble Chips Aim To find if changing the concentration of an acid will increase or decrease the rate of the reaction when marble is dissolved in hydrochloric acid. With the equation CaCO3 + 2HCl CaCl2 +H2O + CO2. The rate of the reaction affects how quickly the CO2 is produced. Background Knowledge ==================== The rate of reaction depends on how often and how hard the reacting particles collide with each

  • Investigation: How does the concentration of acid affect the rate of reaction?

    1397 Words  | 3 Pages

    Investigation: How does the concentration of acid affect the rate of reaction? The aim of this investigation is to test how concentration affects the rate of reaction. My prediction for my investigation is that the higher the concentration, the faster the reaction will be. My reason behind my prediction is: · The higher the concentration, the more particles there are which will collide with enough energy to overcome activation energy, which is explained as the collision theory. Collision theory

  • Investigation to find out if changes in concentration of acid affect the rate of a chemical reaction

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    Investigation to find out if changes in concentration of acid affect the rate of a chemical reaction PLANNING – Title – Investigation to find out if changes in concentration of acid affect the rate of a chemical reaction. Introduction – The rate of reaction can be defined as the speed at which a reaction takes place. The rate of reaction tells us how quickly a chemical reaction has happened. There are many things that can affect the rate of reaction, (some of these are shown in figure 1 below

  • The Effect of Changing Concentration of Hydrochloric Acid on Its Reaction with Carbon Dioxide

    1123 Words  | 3 Pages

    The Effect of Changing Concentration of Hydrochloric Acid on Its Reaction with Carbon Dioxide Plan Carbonates, including all forms of limestone, react with hydrochloric acid to produce Carbon Dioxide: Calcium ┼ Hydrochloric → Calcium ┼ Water ┼ Carbon Carbonate Acid Chloride Dioxide I'm going to experiment with changing the concentration of the hydrochloric acid in this reaction and seeing how it affects the amount of Carbon Dioxide that is produced. I predict that the amount

  • how the concentration of acid affects the rate of reaction between hydrochloric acid and calcium carbonate (magnesium ribbon)

    3452 Words  | 7 Pages

    how the concentration of acid affects the rate of reaction between hydrochloric acid and calcium carbonate (magnesium ribbon) Planning -------- The aim of my investigation is to find out how changing the concentration of acid affects the rate of the reaction between CaCO3 and HCl. To make my experiments fair tests, I will only change one variable: the concentration of the acid. I will have to keep the volume of the acid, the mass and size of the marble chips and the temperature of the acid the same

  • The Effect of Concentration of Hydrochloric Acid on the Rate of Reaction with Magnesium

    777 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Effect of Concentration of Hydrochloric Acid on the Rate of Reaction with Magnesium Aim: To investigate the effect of concentration of hydrochloric acid on the rate of reaction with magnesium Prediction: As the concentration of the hydrochloric acid increases, so will the rate of reaction Hypothesis: In a reaction, particles of two different reactants react together to form a product. The reaction only takes place on account of two things, if the particles collide, and if

  • Analysing the Ethanoic Acid Concentration in Different Types of Vinegars

    3747 Words  | 8 Pages

    Analysing the Ethanoic Acid Concentration in Different Types of Vinegars Vinegar is a mixture of various acids, ethanoic acid being the most abundant. Most vinegars are made from a sugary liquid, this liquid is fermented to produce ethanol and then oxidised to form ethanoic acid. Different vinegars use different sugary liquids and this could lead to variation between the vinegars. My aim in this investigation is to discover whether the concentration of ethanoic acid varies between vinegars

  • Investigating How the Concentration of Hydrochloric Acid Affects the Speed of the Reaction with Marble Chips

    719 Words  | 2 Pages

    Investigating How the Concentration of Hydrochloric Acid Affects the Speed of the Reaction with Marble Chips Introduction ============ There are many factors that will affect the rate of reaction between hydrochloric acid and calcium carbonate. Some of them are as follows: * Temperature - If the temperature is higher, then the molecules in the solution have more energy, causing them to move around more which would mean they would react faster. * The surface area of the calcium