Acid-Base Titration Essays

  • Chemistry: Acid-base Titration

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    Chemistry: Acid-Base Titration Purpose: The objective of this experiment were: a) to review the concept of simple acid-base reactions; b) to review the stoichiometric calculations involved in chemical reactions; c) to review the basic lab procedure of a titration and introduce the student to the concept of a primary standard and the process of standardization; d) to review the calculations involving chemical solutions; e) to help the student improve his/her lab technique. Theory: Titration was used

  • Acid Base Titration Experiment

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    Introduction: Acids and bases are everywhere. From things you drink to things you wash your laundry with, that item is probably an acid or a base. An Arrhenius acid is a molecular substance that when reacted with water will produce hydrogen ions(H+) as the only cations. An Arrhenius base is another molecular substance that when reacted with water will produce hydroxide ions((OH-) as the only anions. Acids and bases have different pH ranges so it isn’t hard to differentiate them. The pH of an acid will always

  • Acid-Base Titration Lab Report

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    Madison Guido Determination of Ka : Titration of Weak Acid Introduction/Theory: The purposed of this experiment is to use a LoggerPro and LabPro to follow the pH changes during an acid-base titration, and ultimately determine the Ka, through calculation, of the weak-acid (acetic acid or vinegar, HC2H3O2) being titrated. Ka can be defined as a constant for a given acid at any temperature. Generally, in water solutions, weak acids react with water to establish equilibrium, for example: HA + H2O

  • Experiment on Titrimetry

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    In this experiment we are trying to identify an unknown acid or base and its concentration by using the method of titration. The pKa values and the titration curve help aid in identifying of the unknown. In our case we had a base as our unknown (analyte). The use of a certain amount of sodium hydroxide and hydrochloric acid will be used to titrate the unknown solution that is given. This is the tirant. We used hydrochloric acid as our titrant. We achieved a pH of 5.56 at an end point of 10 milliliters

  • Acid Reaction Essay

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    them where: what is the difference between an acid and a base; what is pH; what is equilibrium, what is Le Châtelier’s principle; and what is oxidation. Here are some of the things that I learned in lesson 07.01 (Acids and Bases) and lesson 07.02 (Acid-Base Reactions). An acid is a substance that produces hydrogen ions, H+ or hydrodium ionsH3O+ in solution. There are three “kinds of acids”: Arrhenius, BrØnsted-Lowry, and Lewis Acid. An Arrhenius acid is a substance the increases the concentration

  • Understanding and Managing Acid-Base Imbalance

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    Acid-base Imbalance Case Study Acid-base imbalances are seen in the emergency room daily. The ability to diagnose and treat depends on determining the patients underlying cause and understanding how to treat it. A 22 year old women has been presented in the emergency room with flu-like symptoms, excessive vomiting, unable to tolerate food, and taking high doses of antacids for eight days (GCU, 2010). Arterial blood gases and IV fluid have been started. The following paper will analyze the blood

  • Titration Experiment

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    suitability of indicators and instrumental detection of equivalence points in acid – base titrations. Objectives To determine the pH titration curve for both strong acid – base titration and weak – acid base titration. To determine the suitability of phenolphthalein and screened methyl orange as acid base indicators for detecting the end points of acid-base titrations. Materials Chemicals 0.1M Hydrochloric acid, 0.1M Acetic acid, 0.1M Sodium hydroxide, 0.1M Ammonium hydroxide, phenolphthalein, screened

  • Titration

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    What is titration? Titration is used in chemistry to measure the amount of a solution with an unknown concentration which is added to a volume where the concentration is known until the experiment is completed the results of the unknown calculation can be calculated. Timeline of titration Titration began in the eighteenth century; it was first founded in France by a German chemist named Karl Fischer where the first burette was created by Francois Antoine Henri Descroizilles. This was the time where

  • Titration Essay

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    Titration is a technological process in which a solution, known as a titrant, is slowly and carefully added from a burrette into a fixed volume of another solution (known as the sample). In an acid-base titration an acid neutralizes a base or vice versa. This process is maintained untill the reaction between the titrant and the sample (acid and the base) is judged to be complete. The reaction is judged to be complete when the endpoint is reached. An endpoint in a titration analysis is referred to

  • Analysis Of Back Titration In Toothpaste

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    The objective of this experiment is to familiarise with back titration for the determination of calcium carbonate in toothpaste and to determine the percentage of CaCO3 in toothpaste. For this experiment, an excess of HCl was added to a weighed quantity of toothpaste containing calcium carbonate. Back titration is used in this case instead of direct or forward titration as calcium carbonate is insoluble. From the two repeated back titrations that I’ve done, I’ve got an average of 23.73% of calcium carbonate

  • Method Of Titration Method

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    A titration method is conducted by the addition of a standard solution from a burette until reaction is completed. The volume of reagent needed for the completion of titration can be determine from the difference between the initial and final volume readings. When an analyte reacts with a reagent of known concentration, it is called as titration. Analyte is a chemical substance that is a chemical analysis subject 1. Titrant is the standard solution added from the burette. The volume of required titrant

  • Importance Of Molar Mass

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    substance’s molar mass is by using its chemical formula. Another way is to use a sample of that substance and calculate from the mass and the amount of substance. However, not many people would think of using titration and back titration to calculate the molar mass of a substance. Titration is the addition of a known-concentration solution, or the titrant, to a known-volume of a solution of unknown concentration, or the analyte, until the reaction reaches the equivalence point, which would be indicated

  • The Differences Between Strong Acid And Weak Acid Titration

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    The Differences between Strong acid and Weak Acid Titration Introduction: This experiment is to explore the certain properties of strong acid (HCl) and weak acid (HCOOH) and how these properties make effects on titrations. The first is to find out the properties and differences of strong acid using phenolphthalein measurement and curve measurement. The second step is to find out the properties and differences of weak acid using phenolphthalein measurement and curve. The final step is to compare the

  • Titration Curve Essay

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    A titration curve is a plot of pH of the analyte solution versus volume of titrant added, as the titration progresses. 9,12 The equivalence point is the inflection point of a titration curve.9 Titration Curve showing a Strong Base being added to a Strong Acid The pH of the analyte, in this case a strong acid like HCl, is plotted against the volume of the strong base, NaOH, that is being added. The titration of a strong acid with a strong base produces a titration curve

  • Volumetric Analysis practical

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    Hydrochloric acid solution. Investigative question Can the pH of an acid which is Hydrochloric acid be calculated by using titration with a standardized base solution of Sodium Hydroxide? Hypothesis That the pH of the hydrochloric acid solution can be calculated using titration with a standardised sodium hydroxide base solution as long as concentration and temperature of base solution remain constant. Variables Independent variable Volume of base (sodium hydroxide) needed to titrate the acid solution

  • Arrhenius Theory Of Acids And Bases

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    would be classified into two different substances. These two substances are acids and bases. The Arrhenius Theory of acids and bases states that acids are substances that dissociate to form charged atoms known as ions. Bases ionize to produce hydroxide ions while acids produce hydrogen ions. HCl is an example of an Arrhenius acid because it dissociate into an H+ ion. The reaction involving NaOH is an example of an Arrhenius base because it is increasing the concentration of (OH-) ions. The reaction

  • Analysis Of Volumetric Analysis On Vinegar

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    Vinegar is liquid with main component acetic acid (also known as ethanoic acid) and as well as some other chemicals compound. The estimation of the acetic acid concentration in a sample of vinegar was determined based on the stoichiometric reaction between sodium hydroxide (NaOH) and acetic acid that form sodium acetate (CH3COONa) and water (H2O) as follow. CH3COOH (aq) + NaOH (aq) CH3COONa (aq) + H2O (l) However, the method of volumetric analysis is highly dependent on a pure standard

  • Titration Essay

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    A titration is used to determine the amount of acid in a given solution. This is done by titrating a measured volume of acid (in this instance, acetic acid (CH3COOH)) with a solution of a strong base (usually sodium hydroxide (NaOH)), of a known concentration. The NaOH is added in small aliquots until the acid has been neutralised, and this can be determined with an indicator dye, such as phenolphthalein, or a pH meter (Nelson & Cox, 2008 pg58). In this practical, a pH meter was used and this allows

  • Anion And Scientific Discussion Essay

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    not turn the flame any color, we determined it was acetic acid, as none of the ions in acetic acid would turn a flame any color. Once we identified our substances, we began our titrations. This ... ... middle of paper ... ...for the original titration, shown in Table 5. This could be due to perhaps usage of the wrong indicator, or of not stopping the titration exactly when the color changed. The next week was dedicated to the titration of household supplies. For this, we used two sodas, Cheerwine

  • Titration Investigation

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    Titration Investigation Aim: The aim of my investigation is to determine the solubility of calcium Hydroxide solution with the aid of the titration process. Titration can be defined as the method of determining the concentration of a substance in solution by adding to it a standard reagent of known concentration in carefully measured amounts until a reaction of definite and known proportion is completed, as shown by a color change or by electrical measurement, and then calculating the