Aborigines Essays

  • A Brief on Australian Aborigines

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    Australian Aborigines Australian Aborigines are thought to have the longest continuous cultural history in the world. Yet, within a hundred years, the near extinction of the Aboriginal culture almost occurred. This single event, the invasion of the Australian continent by European settlers, changed the lifestyle, the culture, and the fate of Australian Aborigines. Their entire lives were essentially taken away and they were forced into a white, European world where the lifestyle change could

  • Exposure of Mistreatment of Australian Aborigines in 'No Sugar' by Jack Davis

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    Today, in the 20th Century, it is a commonly known fact in Australia, and throughout the rest of the world, that Aborigines were mistreated from since western culture first settled, and for many years after that. It is the main purpose of stage dramas to bring issues, such as the one mentioned above, and ideas about these issues to life through dramatic performances and the use of a number of various techniques. No Sugar, a revisionist text written by Jack Davis in 1985, is one of these stage dramas

  • The Last Wave

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    in the film is the white members of society living in Australia. The subculture in the film is the Aborigines who were natives to the land before the white people settled in Australia. The natives sustained their cultural beliefs and ideologies while living in largely populated cities. The dominant white culture imposes their laws , ideas of societal values and moral beliefs on the native Aborigines. Forcing them to abide by a different law system and way of life than what their peoples have practiced

  • Should the Australian flag be changed?

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    of other countries. The current Australian flag does not represent all Australians, in particular, Aborigines. As a nation, Australia is heading towards Aboriginal reconciliation and by changing our flag to include Aboriginal elements, we would take reconciliation a major step further. By acknowledging publicly that Aborigines are a part of our nation, not only are we making it clear to Aborigines that we want to reconcile, but we are also sending out a message to other countries that we are proud

  • Australian Government Policy

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    Australia was established in 1788. Before this the Aborigines lived in the land in harmony. However, after the English arrived, the two different cultures were in close contact and had to determine how to coexist. White Europeans did not respect the Aborigines’ right to the land and it’s resources. With brutal force, they took control of the land and claimed it as their own. Australians then developed their own policies on how to deal with the Aborigines, which, as you can expect, bettered their own way

  • Divine Wind - Racism

    540 Words  | 2 Pages

    The novel is set during a World War. The tension and separation of races during a war seemed evident in Australia. As a multicultural country including Japanese and Aborigine population, conflicting attitudes towards these races had to be imminent. I entirely agree with the above statement due to the unequal treatment of the aborigines, tension between the Japanese population and characters such as Hart showing lack of trust over his lover Mitsy With a war against the Japanese was the trigger for

  • The Effects of European Immigration on Australian Aboriginal Culture

    2744 Words  | 6 Pages

    Introduction The Aborigines are the indigenous people of Australia. According to their traditional beliefs, the Aborigines have inhabited Australia since the beginning of time, but most modern dating techniques have placed the first native Australians at closer to 60,000 years ago, based on carbon dating of fossils and knowledge of geological changes in the region. Sea levels have fluctuated throughout history and were 200 meters lower at the time the ancestors of the Aborigines were thought to have

  • Medicine in the Pre-Historic Times

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    pre - history. The first one is through archaeological evidence such as left over bones, or preserved bones and cave paintings. The other way of finding information on pre - history is life style evidence. Life style evidence is things like Aborigines and African tribes. A type of archaeological evidence found is a skull with a hole in the top. This is called Trepanning or trephining. [IMAGE] Trepanning: an ancient human skull viewed from above. Note the large hole! What is trepanning

  • Aboriginal History and Culture

    722 Words  | 2 Pages

    Aboriginal History and Culture Aborigines are believed to have lived in Australia for between 60,000 and 40,000 years, their early ancestors coming from South-East Asia. Precise population details for the period before European colonisation are unavailable, but it is estimated that there were between 300,000 and 1,000,000 Aborigines in Australia when European settlers first arrived in 1788. These natives formed approximately 500 tribes, each associated with its own language and stretch of territory

  • John Pilger's film The Secret Country

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    John Pilger's film The Secret Country 1. Australia was regarded as empty land by the British because when the Europeans came to Australia they believed that because Aborigines didn't cultivate the land and were not seen to use the land in a normal, proprietarial sense and also because the Aborigines believed that they didn't own the land and they belonged to the land, the land therefore regarded as void. The law also states that Aboriginals didn't exist in 1788 and therefore no treaties could exist

  • Didgeridoo Essay

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    bamboo. Most researchers believe that the first ones were made from bamboo sticks although they are now made from eucalyptus trees. “According to Prof. Trevor Jones there are at least 45 different synonyms for the didgeridoo” (What is 1). Most of the Aborigine tribes came up with their own name for it. Some of the names are, artawin, garnbak, djibolu and yirtakki.      It is considered a male instrument in the Aboriginal society, however females are allowed to play it in some areas

  • Dougy

    741 Words  | 2 Pages

    Before we look at whether James Moloney effectively uses characterisation to convey Aboriginal issues we must look at the issues themselves. In Dougy, the issue of black and white prejudice is strongly present in the plot. The stereotyping of Aborigines and white Europeans play an important role in the events and the outcome of the story, as is individuality and the breaking of the stereotypes. The book also touches on the old Aboriginal superstitions that are still believed in by some today, though

  • Judith Wrights Poetry

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    The sense of fear she felt at invasion enabled her to understand, at some level, how the Aborigines would have felt. Judith Wright wrote about many things in her poems, which are necessary for Australian students to be taught which apply to learning about Australia. Australian culture is something Judith wrote about very strongly and this shows through her poem Bora Ring. Bora Ring is about the Aborigine culture and how it has been lost by the invasion of Europeans. ‘The hunter is gone: the spear

  • Aborigines Essay

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    also referred to as Aborigines, are people whose ancestors were indigenous to the Australian continent (the smallest continent in the world)—that is, to mainland Australia or to the island of Tasmania. British colonization of the continent began in 1788 when caption cook landed and claimed the land for Britain. Essentially from the first time that Europeans started settling in Australia they have ahead, mistreated, enslaved, and law and policies to limit the rights of aborigines with a goal of total

  • Aboriginal Beliefs

    1754 Words  | 4 Pages

    The Aborigines had, and still have, a complex belief in creation, spirits and culture, that gives a definite distinctiveness from any other religion in the world. Thousands of years ago, Australian Aboriginal people were living in accordance with their dreamtime beliefs- today, a majority of the Aboriginal community profess allegiance to Christianity, and only 3% still adhere to traditional beliefs. These beliefs have provided the Aboriginal people with guidance and perspective on all aspects of

  • Circumcision To Be Or Not To Be

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    exposing the glans (head or tip of the penis)”(Love) The procedure is usually done on infants in the first few days of their life. A doctor does the procedure. Circumcision is an ancient and widespread practice. Some cultures as wide spread as the aborigines of Australia, to the Kazakh of Russia circumcises their male children. “An Egyptian inscription from around 4000 BC refers to the procedure. Male mummies have been found to be circumcised.” (Encyclopedia of Human Sexuality 118) According to the

  • Types of Societies

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    must be nomadic, and have little or no division of labor. All societies began as hunting and gathering societies. These societies were still common until a few hundred years ago. Today only a few remain, including pygmies in central Africa and aborigines in Australia. Most of the rest have had their territory overrun by other forms of society. Hunter-gatherer societies also tend to have non-hierarchical social structures. There is rarely surplus food, and since they are nomadic little ability to

  • Early Humans and their Environment

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    show that seasons determine where humans can survive. For example, the Bushmen of Southwest Africa live in a consistent climate. They move five or six times a year, but never travel more then ten to twelve miles. On the other hand, the Gidjingali Aborigines in northern Australia eat water lilies from full swamps during the wet season, but move to another area during dry season to hunt yam and geese. The Netsilik Inuit living in Canada use their environmental surroundings for all the necessities of

  • Aborigines in Australia

    878 Words  | 2 Pages

    Aborigines in Australia Aborigines are believed to have lived in Australia for between 60,000 and 40,000 years, their early ancestors coming from South-East Asia. Precise population details for the period before European colonization are unavailable, but it is estimated that there were between 300,000 and 1,000,000 Aborigines in Australia when European settlers first arrived in 1788. The relationship

  • Understanding Indigenism: Building A Different Future for Us All

    549 Words  | 2 Pages

    sufferings under political oppression, deracination and racism and are, as in the case of Australian Aborigines, the “poorest of the poor.” Destroyed by a “rhetoric of hate,” genocide and mass murder are the tools of nation states to control the unwanted obstacles in economic development (Niezen 55). Colonialism transformed the indigenous life of the Yanomami, the Maasai, the Hawai’ians, the Aborigines and hundreds of other indigenous peoples. Industrialization moved humanity beyond the “world in which