1940’s Essays

  • Progression Of Music From The 1940s To The Present

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    Progression of Music From the 1940's To the Present The progression of music from the 1940's to the present has seen extremes, it has been controversial at times, traditional at times and inspirational at times, but never have the American people turned away music in its entirety. There have been times when parents did not approve of the music that their children chose to listen to, but the parents had never turned away music. Music has been criticized and promoted. Since the 40's music has progressed from

  • The Personal Strife of Tennessee Williams

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    Tennessee Williams Tennessee Williams was a well renowned playwright, who highlighted his personal experiences in his plays and stories. He had a colorful life and he enjoyed writing about what was considered taboo subjects in the 1940's, 1950's and the 1960's. Williams explored homosexuality, alcoholism, violence, greed and sex. He also infused humor into his work. Williams dissected the traditional American family, and he penned many stories about dysfunctional and volatile families

  • Diary Of Anne Frank

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    The story Diary of Anne Frank was a very interesting book which showed the ways a group of Jewish people during the 1940's went about trying to conceal their identity and themselves. This story was a true story taken from a diary of a young girl during the incident. This was made into a play during 1955. This was praised as Frances Goodrich's and her husband Albert Hackett's most famous work as it was performed.The play was started in November of 1945. As Mr. Frank began to read the diary, it flashed

  • Trucks Now and Then

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    As we look back over the last sixty-five years, the needfulness for trucks has changed significantly. When we explore the use of trucks in the 1940's, they were considered to have an important value in their demand as well as an indispensable tool. The uses of trucks have changed dramatically in today's society when compared to the 1940's. They are no longer considered a just an essential part of transporting goods, however, we now use them as a necessity for life. Trucks were very different

  • Free Essays - Depression in The Catcher in the Rye

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    Holden the narrative in the story.  The setting of the novel takes place in the 1940's early 1950's.  Holden is sixteen years old and he has a lot of problems in his life.  He becomes seriously depressed to the point he cannot deal with people and life around him. The 1940's were different from today.  However, Holden Caulfield is similar to many other teenagers who go through the same problems. The 1940's were a time of nationalism.  Men had to have an appearance of a tough attitude. 

  • Sophie's Choice: William Styron

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    a young writer named Stingo and tells of his interactions with the couple. Grief and depression are a lot more complicated than anyone would like to imagine, and the difficulties victims of those conditions endure need to be dealt with, but in the 1940's people were encouraged to "live the good life" rather than deal with the problems echoing continuously in the backs of their minds. Coming out of the Great Depression, this generation was encouraged to be anything but depressed. In this book these

  • Modern-day Witch Hunts

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    death by hanging. In the end, many are hanged for imaginary crimes, for which no actual proof is ever presented, the only evidence being the word of a handful of girls. Miller wrote The Crucible as a parallel to the anticommunist hysteria in the 1940's. It may also be seen as a mirror to Hitler's Germany, and the pseudo-science of the time which dictated "purity". Today, however, The Crucible shows a resemblance to an entirely different kind of social hysteria. Accusations of sexual-abuse against

  • Lord Of The Flies: Chapter 9-12 Notes

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    societies, such as Nazi Germany. Today Hitler is credited with most of the responsibility for World War II. We do not like to blame German society for it because that would mean that we are also capable of this if we had to endure the circumstances of 1940's Germany. We cannot blame the German race for these problems, as they are a characteristic of humanity. We fought World War II against the forces of racism, but we ourselves treated the Japanese very poorly while all of this was going on. Although

  • Langston Hughes

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    actually win and get his home fixed up, until he threatens the landlord in fifth stanza. That’s when it all turns around. The landlord uses that threat to get the speaker, who we now find out, is black, thrown in jail. Richard K. Barksdale wrote "in 1940, ['Ballad of the Landlord'] was a rather innocuous rendering of an imaginary dialogue between a disgruntled tenant and a tight-fisted landlord." He then goes on to comment about the literature having once again pitted the haves against the have-nots

  • Ernest Hemingway's The Old Man and the Sea

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    of Havana. The Spanish names, Santiago and Manolin, are typical in Cuba. Cuba is mostly Catholic so this accounted for Santiago's devotion to Jesus Christ. The year seems to be around the 1930's and 1940's because Santiago is a big fan of Joe DiMaggio who played during these years. In the 1930's and '40's, the city of Havana was booming with population and business. Seafood is one of the most popular foods in Havana so to meet the rising demand of fish, many young boys learned how to be fishermen

  • The Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison

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    brings. Specifically the collapse of Pecola Breedlove, due to her belief that she did not hold beauty. The media in the 1940's as well as today imposes standards in which beauty is measured up to; but in reality beauty dwells within us all whether it's visible or not there's beauty in all; that beauty is unworthy if society brands you with the label of being ugly. In the 1940's as well as present day, the media pushed on society an image of perfection and beauty. This image is many times fake, but

  • The Leisure and Recreation Industry

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    == In this industry society has seen technological developments along side the changing consumer needs over the past forty years to produce today's huge consumer needs demands for leisure and recreation products and services. However in the 1940's people were restricted to what was available due to the war so people just undertook home based leisure activities such as reading play games listening to the radio at this time all of these activities where very popular, after the war the leisure

  • Labor Unions

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    topic in negotiations, but could be. Working conditions could be discussed. If workers in the factory have no heat, no lunch breaks or they are not allowed to speak, (which was the case in many sweatshops for immigrants and children in the 1920's through 1940's), then the labor unions will obviously want something done. These differences are usually settled fairly quickly, and a new contract featuring these agreements will be realized . Most contracts are in operation for about 3 to 5 years. Then, negotiations

  • Comparing My Two Grandmothers

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    above the tips of her fingers for as long as I can recall, and the roots revealing her true hair color have never shown. The family has tried to update her wardrobe many times through Christmas and birthday gifts, but she still maintains that 1940's look. This rebellion against fashion truly reflects her incredible personality. Nana has a knack for creating big scenes and is often a little too outspoken. I will never forget one incident in a Denny's restaurant. Nana, her sister, and I had

  • The Godfather

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    The Godfather Directed by Francis Ford Coppola Based on Mario Puzo's novel The Godfather was based in the late 1940's in New York City. The story is about the Corleone family, which is headed by Vito Corleone. He had four sons. The quick to act older son is Santino, also known as Sunny. The next son is Fredo and the youngest son is Mechael which was in the military at the start of the movie and later stepped up to be the head of the family business. Finally, there is the adopted son Tom who Sunny

  • The Advantage Of Commercials

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    The Advantage of Commercials It began in the early 1940's and to this day still is in many of our lives, even more so then before. It's the TV that I'm referring to. The TV started only as only musicals on it,. But eventually proceeded up to today's oriented world, with movies, sports, and violence. Today more than 98% of all households have a TV. Over 75,000,000 of TV sets are color. To how haw our lives depend on TV; according to A.C. Nielsen, America watches more than 7 hours per day. Many people

  • Disney

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    and losing things in the foreground when the camera zoomed. The solution ... a multiplane camera. In this camera, instead of many layers of artwork, there would be two, the foreground and the background. This made zooming in and out easier. In the 1940's there were four classical Disney feature animated movies to come out: Pinocchio, Dumbo, Fantasia, and, Bambi. Little did Walt Disney know that the five movies that he made would be the base for many more Disney movies. In the movie Pinocchio for example

  • Cry The Beloved Country and Apartheid

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    The novel Cry the Beloved Country was a prophecy for the future of South Africa. It alludes to and sometimes even blatantly states the conditions necessary for the end of apartheid and the beginning of peace. South Africa in the 1940's was in trouble. Kumalo, a priest, was able to see through the prejudices of the world and assess the situation. When inconvenient to involve Kumalo in the investigation, the depth of South Africa's disparity was illustrated directly through the stories of horrifying

  • Flirting In The 1940's

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    distinct to those looking back. The fashion, ideas, historical events and lives of people in the past vary between the decades. The 1940’s mark a decade where peace was declared and old norms and values were shed. Finding a soulmate was more important then than ever as a new world rose up and pop culture gained traction. Dating was part of the rise of pop culture in the 1940’s. Women and girls were given more roles in society outside of roles in the home. As a result of this combined with the newfound

  • Women In The 1940's

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    In the early 1900’s, women who were married main jobs were to care for her family, manage their houses, and do housework. That is where the word housewife was come from. During the 1940's, women's roles and expectations in society were changing quickly and a lot. Before, women had very limited say in society. Since unemployment was so high during the Great Depression, most people were against women working because they saw it as women taking jobs from men that needed to work. Women were often stereotyped