13th Century Essays

  • Comparison of Severan copy of Athena Parthenos and 13th century

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    Comparison of Severan copy of Athena Parthenos and 13th century                                          Virgin and Mary The Severan copy of Athena Parthenos and an early 13th century Virgin child are two pieces at the Boston Museum of Fine Arts that compare and contrast in several ways. Their historical importance as symbols, their sculptural mediums, styles and dimensions, and their functions make them historically relevant. The Reduced Replica of Athena Parthenos - at the MFA in Boston is a marble

  • Adam De La Halle And Ars Antiqua Time Period

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    Period Ars Antiqua is Medieval Latin for "ancient art". Ars Antiqua was the period of musical activity in 13th century France. The music was characterized by the increasing sophistication of counterpoint (the art of combining simultaneous voice parts). Modern music historians classify the whole 13th century as Ars Antiqua where as older historians classified only the later half of the 13th century as Ars Antiqua. This was the time period when music started to become more formal. In this time period

  • Spurs

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    also grew more and more elaborate during the medieval ages, velvet straps, intricate designs and wheels that made the spur more of a showpiece than a tool. Before the period of the 13th century the spur was that of the “prick” style, where it is basically just a point that urged the horse. However during the 14th century the “rowel” type spur gained its popularity. This type of spur looked as though it had a wheel on the end of it. Spurs at its earliest times were made of bone and wood, then later

  • Timeline of Wars and Reasons for Wars

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    Each wanted power and more territorial possession. Crusades (11th Century-13th Century) in the Holy Land The emperor of the Byzantine Emperor was upset with Turks encroaching on his empire. He went to the Pope Urban II and complained. He made up atrocities about the Turks. In 1096, The Pope Urban II promoted the Crusade to reclaim the Holy Land from the barbaric Turks. These crusades lasted till the 13th century. In the process, Jews were persecuted and lots of looting took place.

  • A Comparison of Barna di Siena’s Mystic Marriage of Saint Catherine and Rogier van der Weyden’s Saint Luke Drawing the Virgin and Child

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    and Rogier van der Weyden’s Saint Luke Drawing the Virgin and Child. Originating in Italy, the Renaissance began in the mid to late 13th century. Barna da Siena was one of the early Renaissance artists influenced by Duccio di Buoninsegna and Simone Martini. Barna di Siena’s painting is dated around 1340 and Rogier van der Weyden’s painting was painted nearly a century later around 1435. Rogier van der Weyden had the advantage of development in perspective and modeling that developed over time, but

  • Margaret Atwood's The Handmaid's Tale

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    Inquisition. Starting in the 13th century, monarchs from all around Europe, with approval from the Popes during their reigns, anointed inquisitors to track down a certain group of he... ... middle of paper ... ...omen than men and more stories of women succeeding in business and government, one might think that society has evolved from the mediaeval, torturous times of the Inquisition. However, we mustn't forget that the Inquisition did not end until the early 19th century, and that most Western Civilizations

  • Asylum In The 13th Century

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    forced movement of people as refugees away from the Kingdom or State of their nationality or residence to another has been an ages old problem. The practice of asylum can be spotted in ancient history. The Kadesh Peace Treaty - concluded in the 13th century BC - between Ramses II and Hatusil III, king of the Hitittas, constitutes the first international treaty that we have evidence of and it contains protection clauses. In nine provisions, the treaty establishes that the exchange of population between

  • Medieval Torture

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    torture was frequently inflicted even on freemen to obtain evidence of the crime of laesa majestas (“injured majesty,” or crime against a sovereign power). The statesman Cicero and other enlightened Romans condemned the use of torture. Until the 13th century torture was apparently not sanctioned by the canon law of the Christian church; about that time, however, the Roman treason law began to be adapted to heresy as crimen laesae majestatis Divinae (“crime of injury to Divine majesty”). Soon after

  • Character-defined Destiny

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    fate in the Homeric epics was largely determined by providence, and a person’s individual actions had little bearing on what became of him or her. We see a new understanding of fate begin to take form in the two primary heroic epics of thirteenth century German literature. The story of Parzival introduces the role of individual maturation in the fulfillment of one’s destiny, notwithstanding its predetermination by God through birthright. The Nibelungenlied, on the other hand, suggests that predestination

  • Sir Gawain and the Green Knight

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    Women, Courtly Love and the Creation Myth in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, a great epic written in fourteenth century Europe by the Pearl poet, emphasizes the opposition of Christian love to Courtly love in the 13th century through the dilemma of Sir Gawain, one of the great knights of the Arthurian round table. By examining the women in the poem, Gawain's dilemma becomes a metaphor for the contrast of these two distinct types of love. The poem looks upon the Virgin

  • Passover and Easter

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    many hidden representational art and iconography that are reflected in the historical stories behind Judaism and Christianity. For Jewish people, the Exodus story narrated the Israelite’s liberation from slavery in Egypt which dates back to the 13th century BC. The story begins with a Shepard named Moses who hears God calling his name in the form of a burning bush. God tells Moses to return to Egypt and demand Pharaoh to let his people go. Many Jews believed that the burning bush represented the Israelite

  • Saladin

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    age. Saladin, or Salah al - Din, was born in 1138 into a Kurdish military family at Takrit in present - day Iraq. Saladin's origins were fodder for many Europeans chroniclers of the Crusades. The Latin Itinerarium regis Ricardi compiled in the 13th Century described Saladin as a pimp, the king of the brothels, who campaigned in the taverns, and devoted his time to gaming and the like. Far from these conjectures we now know with a fair amount of certainty that Saladin grew up at Baalbak and various

  • The Medieval Gothic Cathedral

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    cathedral was in many ways a civic building as well as a religious one. This particularly was the case with the famous cathedral Notre-Dame de Chartres (Our Lady of Chartres) in the town of the same name, 80km south-east of Paris, built in the 13th century. Chartres cathedral was planned not only as a place of worship, but also developed as the centre of the town's economy and way of life, as the place that housed the relic of the cloak of the Virgin Mary. The local citizens assisted the building

  • Anasazi

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    solstices and even the 19 year cycles of the moon. “..an astronomical refinement Europeans had not even achieved yet.” (Liberty Equality Power pg.31) The whole civilization disappeared off the face of the earth with hardly a trace. In the late 13th century the once growing civilization of he Ansazis disappeared. Many historians, anthropologists, and archeologists have come up with possible evidence of why or how the Anasazis disappeared. There are many possible theories that could explain their disappearance

  • Christian Influence in Italian Culture

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    in Rome undoubtedly has an immense effect on the nation. The presence of Catholicism has led to profound influences on Italian society. The piety of Francis of Assisi in the 13th Century, the politics of the Christian Democrats party during the 20th Century, and the role the Catholic Church continues to play in the 21st Century demonstrate how Christianity has impacted Italy in various ways ... ... middle of paper ... ...ch, a political party, an individual, or anything else.? Any of those can

  • Herbal Medicine

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    they are translated into Arabic. Monks in Europe studied and grew plants for medicinal use. They translated the Arabic and that helped them with the plants. The first drugstores were in Baghdad (which is present day Iraq) in the 9th century (Smith 1). In the 13th century, major trade of herbs and spices occurred in London. Since there were no standards, bad quality herbs and wrong substitutes were often sold. Carolus Linneaus introduced the binomial system of plant nomenclature in 1753 (O’Sullivan

  • Trespass In The 13th Century

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    Courtroom experiences between 1200 and 1535 varied greatly. By the thirteenth century much has begun to evolve in the judicial process with the division of courts and evolving ideas about justice. Judges and juries appear to be somewhat evenhanded, and in cases in which one party felt wronged they could file an appeal. One can see myriad influences from the early legal codes like those found in the early Anglo Saxon records, especially within the legal concept of trespass. Trespass is one issue

  • Gothic Literature In The 13th Century

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    The 13th Century Gothic Literature has been around since the 13th century and was a huge part of literature then as it still is today. When gothic literature came about in was mainly focused on decay, death, and terror. Then later on in the eighteenth-nineteenth century it started to grow more into more of historical, sociological and psychological contexts. Gothic Literature is able to be explained in many different ways using different elements such as: violence, death, monsters, ghosts

  • European History in the 13th and 14th Centuries

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    The thirteenth and fourteenth centuries were very hard times for Europe. New ideas were being brought and spread into Europe. Education became essential to ones life in order to be successful. Trade was flourishing and medieval cities began to grow. New political standards were being established, and power struggles existed between the church and monarchy. Soon, the plague hit Europe and destroyed 25-50% of its population. With this, Europe went into a state devastation. Religion was changed, social

  • Water Problems In Paris In The 13th Century

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    In the 13th century, Paris' main water supply was the Seine river, but in the summer the Seine river would dry up, leaving Paris with a water problem. To fix this, engineering monks built aqueducts under the city of Paris. These aqueducts would transfer clean spring