Top 10 Reasons to Oppose Uranium Mining

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This article outlines the top ten reasons to oppose uranium mining in Australia because this industry does not have significant benefits to environment and economic. The author notes that nuclear power is not a solution for global warming and majority of Australian people are not supported the uranium mining because of there are no substantial economic benefits from uranium industry. Nuclear Free QLD focus on three big issues to oppose the mining of uranium

Firstly, Nuclear Free QLD notes that the uranium mining and nuclear power produce a large amount of radioactive waste. Now, it is about 250.000 tonnes nuclear waste all over world. The growing of uranium industry will increase pressure on Australia to have responsibility about nuclear waste because some people argue that Australia has appropriate location to storage the waste.

Secondly, Nuclear Free QLD reports that nuclear power as electricity generation does not have significant impact on reducing greenhouse emission because it is only reduced 5 per cent compared to 30 per cent should be. The article ...

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