Realism Theory Of Polarism

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The theory of Realism key actor is the state. The view of the state in Realism is power seeking and to make judgments based on the significant of national interests. Each state acts in a unitary way to increase its power by war, balance of powers, or through economy. The International System believes in anarchy. The distribution of power among states can be judged by its economy and military capabilities. However, the Realist theory does take in consideration that change can occur in the International System. Realism incorporate change due to future leader’s position on policies and the progression of economies and military capabilities of states which can be caused by wars or the way a state responds to economic, political, and technological …show more content…

The disagreement among Realist focuses on polarity and stability. Polarity can be described as ways power can be distributed in an International System. Polarity systems consist of multipolar, bipolar, and unipolar. The focus point of polarity is how much autonomy does a states has in the International System. For instants, in today’s society the United States commands majority of the capabilities in the International System. Will the United States hegemony influence the outcome of other states power and military capabilities such as the nuclear deal with …show more content…

Constructivism mainly focuses on constant change. Many people argued for change which started interests groups and nongovernmental organizations. Constructivism wouldn’t work in an International System due to the fact that the International System is anarchic. Anarchy is the only International System that will never change in my opinion. Economies and military capabilities can change. States seeks its national interest and looks to empower itself my any means necessary. In the current contemporary system of the United States hegemony, soft power can influence the United States abilities to use constructivism. The only thing that constructivism has in commons with the International System is that nothing will always stay the

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