The Power of Peer Pressure

1975 Words4 Pages


Why is Peer pressure so great to people especially to teenagers? Why do young people smoke cigarettes,

drink alcohol or even use drugs? People enjoy being in a group of people who sees eye to eye about

things, Whether it is kind of clothing to wear, the kind of food to eat, that way our own opinions whether

they are wise or foolish appears to be valid for the people around you. It creates an environment of social

acceptance. It is a wonderful research topic to study because it has significance to teenagers like me. I

want to know what influence us and how to avoid them. Negative influence can change our lifestyle. Peer

pressure is responsible for sudden social change that influences some people to do thing they’ve never

done before in positive or negative way. Teenagers experience peer pressure every day from their friends,

their classmates, their coworkers, and many others. While positive influence is something to be

encouraged, negative peer pressure can cause many problems in your daughter or son’s life parents,

friends and other peer group can help you teens resist negative peer pressure by talking the time to talk

with them about it and helping them develop the tools and skills needed. Peer pressure leads to some

disturbing negative behavior in some teenagers. Almost half of teenagers were feeling pressured by their

friend about sexual activity. In a survey conducted by Survelum Public Data Bank, students feel pressured

by their friends between 35 and 49 percent of the time. Psychiatrist attribute the power of peer influence

to a group particularly if the group has social status within that area. Peer Pressure can be positive. For

example, wanting to join an athletic group of friends may compel and be forced otherwise sedentary

student to try out for soccer team. In Survelum Public Data Bank survey on peer pressure, 51% of

teenagers felt that peer pressure or the influence was sometimes positive.

The Advantages

Peer Study Group

Children are influenced by their group, just as adults are. It can help children do better in school. A study

group is a functional group composed of two or more students. The study group atmosphere offers the

students the opportunity to learn more broad discussions, sharing their opinions and knowledge about a

certain topic or in a course. It also helps them avoid procrastination. Many students tend to cram for

test/exams on the night before or begin projects with very limited time. When in study group scheduled

days can avoid participants to procrastination. Students tend to learn efficiently within a group versus

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