FAPE Essay

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FAPE , also known as Free Appropriate Public Education is a law that was passed in during the 1970s, a time in which civil rights for all people were being pushed. FAPE states that special education services and general education services are to be delivered without charge of the family, but of that of the public expense. It is important to recognize that the services should be mandated given by public education and if is is unavailable private services can be provided (Gartin, Murdick & Fowler, p. 54, 2003)
Least Restrictive Environment is the principle that to the greatest extent, as pssible and appropriate, students with and without disabilities should be educated in the same setting. This law was passed with 5 key principles. These principles …show more content…

The plan includes details like short-term and long-term goals, levels of achievement, transition services, assessments, and steps in order to achieve the specific goals that have been determined. The importance of an IEP for a student with a disability is that they are individualized based upon the student’s needs, based upon the work and meeting between parents, educators, skills trainers and more. It is crucial and federally required that that an IEP be reviewed in a metting annually in order that the services are adequate for the child at that …show more content…

Response to Intervention is a means by which an entire school works to prevent academic difficulties and promote academic success for all based upon that supports that will be necessary for each student. Response to Intervention involves 3 Tiers that vary on the frequency and intensity of each tier. The approach involves a universal screening and progress monitoring for all students. Based upon the data here, decisions can be made to determine which of the 3 tiers in which a student should be in if extra supports are

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