The Negative Effects Of Television Violence And Its Effects On Children

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“There are certain clues at a crime scene which, by their very nature, do not lend themselves to being collected or examined. How does one collect love, rage, hatred, fear…? These are things that we’re trained to look for," (Criminal Minds). Intriguing, isn 't it. "I object to violence because when it appears to do good, the good is only temporary. The evil it does is permanent," (Criminal Minds). Television gives us easy access to the stories of life 's struggles that seem to pull us in. Much research has been done on television viewing such as: the amount of time spent viewing, the amount of violence, nudity, drug and alcohol use portrayed. Many of the shows on television today portray violence. In today 's culture, violence …show more content…

Studies have found that children may become "immune" to the horror of violence, and accept it as a way to solve problems (American Academy of Children). Extensive viewing of television violence causes greater aggressiveness. Children with emotional, behavioral, learning or impulse control problems may be more easily influenced by television violence (American Academy of Children). Experts from the US Surgeon General 's Office, the National Institute Of Mental Health, and many more have concluded that repeated exposure to violence can lead children to view violence as an acceptable way of settling conflicts, become emotionally desensitized to violence and be more likely to exhibit violent behavior themselves (Media Violence). Television is the single most significant factor contributing to violence in America (Violence On The Screen). "Violence has always been a part of the human condition. But modern families are exposed to even more violence than previous generations because of the media. Any night of the week, the average viewer can see levels of violence approaching and even exceeding that of the Roman gladiator games," said Kerby Anderson ( Violence On The Screen). The more violence a child views, the more likely they are to express themselves in the same way that they viewed the on the television

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