Causes Of Teen Pregnancy

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A teen pregnancy is a pregnancy and girls under the age of 20. When teens become pregnant and can lead to different health problems. Risk factors include young age, for school performance, and other disadvantages. Pregnancy is the leading cause of the teams to drop out of school. Girls born to teenage mothers are 22% more likely to become teenage mothers themselves.

One and twenty two teenage girls in West Virginia will have a baby. One in a West Virginia babies are born to teen mothers. Sexually active teen who doesn 't use protection has a 90% chance of becoming pregnant with him as a year. Eight out ten of the fathers do you not marry the mother of their child. Teenage girls and their mothers need to be talking about this not only privately but also with health care providers. Even those three out of 10 teams will get pregnant at least once before the age of 20 adolescent pregnancy is in teen girls of 19 years and younger.
The issues with becoming a teen mother can have many health risks on the mother as well as the baby. A teen mother will have problems emotionally and physically. Most teenages that get pregnant are caused by the lack of knowledge. Having children is not easy and has many preparations. Most teen …show more content…

Adolescent pregnancy is an issue with many reasons. Adolescent pregnancy isn 't pregnant see in young ladies age 19 and younger. There are several issues that teens face today and some of those may be the cause of the rise in teen pregnancy. The most common is pressure from young boys wanting to prove to the girls that they can have whatever they want. Many girls are pressured at school by their so-called friends. Every child is a blessing from God they are not a mistake they are only a result of a bad choice. Up to two thirds of teen pregnancy occur in teens 18 and 19. Most teams have older male partners and be poor in

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