Teen Mothers Experiences

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Most people think of pregnancy as being an exciting moment in life to experience the joy of parenthood. Parenthood is something that all committed married couples look forward to and hope for. This concept is usually thought of by adults that can manage to support a family and acquires a strong partnership with a lifetime companion. Commitment is one of the key concepts to successfully raising a child. However, this exciting news turns into a tragedy for an unexperienced teenager undergoing pregnancy. Teens are unstable for providing an adequate environment for a newborn and lack the skill of being a caretaker. It makes it challenging for teens to incorporate a baby in their life while going through school, experiencing maturity, and dealing with relationship difficulties. Most teen parents have to cope with raising a newborn on their own because of the other parent still being too immature to take on a parent role. Adolescents are not use to having the responsibility of looking after another human being because they only had themselves to take care of. At this age, teens are planning to have a bright future that includes college and other amazing opportunities instead of preparing for parenthood. The experiences of raising a child are unusual to teens and changes occur that effects not only their life but society as well.
Admittedly, adolescents face difficult experiences when they are declared pregnant. Pregnancy not only puts a strain on the teen but it also effects the family. Families have a hard time accepting the fact that when their teenager becomes pregnant their life goals are postponed. According to Corcoran in Benson’s article, prior research illustrates that pregnant teens perceive high levels of family dysfunctional...

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