What Is The Importance Of Technology In Education Essay

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There is no doubt that technology has changed the world in which we live. The world has been transformed with new advances in technology. This is why it is so important to educate elementary students on technology education. The use of technology in education provides students with technology literacy, information literacy, capacity for life-long learning and other skills necessary for the 21st century workplace. If students are taught how to use laptops to help them in their career now than it can increase productivity in the future. “America is falling from its once prominent position as the world’s leader in technology and science. Technology helps prepare students for a world where they will compete with the best and brightest individuals …show more content…

students prefer technology because they believe that it makes learning more interesting and fun. They especially like laptops and tablets. Subjects that students deem challenging or boring can become more interesting with virtual lessons, through a video, or when using a tablet. Technology occupies an important place within students’ lives. When they are not in school, just about everything that they do is connected in some way to technology. By integrating technology into the classroom, teachers are changing the way they used to teach (lectures six hours a day) and providing students with the tools that will take them into the 21st century. One of the characteristics of the modern classroom is collaboration and technology helps to empower it. With classroom technology students can collaborate with other students and their teachers in and outside of the classroom quickly and easily. Objectionable or Inappropriate Material: Sites devoted to pornography (however that might be defined), hate groups, and other inappropriate subject matter contain content that’s unsuitable for children at various stages of maturity. The following "solutions" to the problem are not ranked in any …show more content…

A good idea would be to have students visit Cyberethics for Kids, at the Web site of the Computer Crime and Intellectual Property Section (CCIPS) of the Criminal Division of the U.S. Department of Justice. Teachers are charged with maintaining a safe environment in their classroom. Students (and parents) expect the teacher to provide protection from exposure to danger of any kind. While students are working online in a classroom/lab environment, the teacher should be alert and always in a position to know what students are up to at their stations. Students won 't try to get away with things if they know they 're likely to get caught. Filtering, which involves blocking Web sites that have been deemed unacceptable for children, is not by any means a completely effective solution to the problem of objectionable material on the Web. Not only are filters vulnerable to being circumvented -- accidentally or on purpose "got around" -- filters also too often block Web sites that are perfectly acceptable, leaving teachers frustrated when they plan to use such sites for

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