Critical Analysis Of Tartuffe

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The play begins with Orgon’s mother, Madame Pernelle, unleashing her unsolicited and shameless opinions upon her grandchildren as she prepares to take her leave. She begins with her grandson Damis, who she claims is a dunce, unworthy of his noble father’s love and affection. She then turns her attentions to his sister Mariane, who she believes to be a manipulative and mysterious girl who plays at being wholesome and shy. To her daughter-in-law Elmire, Madame Pernelle offers up her thoughts on Elmire’s bad examples for her children, stating that she is too free with her expenses and that her brother Cleante is much too experienced in the ways of the world to be considered decent company to keep. In fact, the only words of kindness she has to offer are to Tartuffe, a religious man who has found his way into the good graces of her son Orgon. …show more content…

She believes that their distaste for Tartuffe stems from his ability to condemn their sins and point out their moral flaws. At Dorines’ intimation that Madame only spends her time so harshly criticizing the world around her due to her fear of abandonment, Madame Pernelle takes her leave, reminding them that they should count themselves fortunate to have such a holy and blessed man such as Tartuffe present among them. Upon her departure, the remaining family puzzles at how their grandmother, as well as their father, could be so blind to Tartuffe’s insincerity, recounting the many instances in which Tartuffe deceived Orgon and Madame Pernelle with his charms. As Cleante leaves to rest, Damis asks her if she would inquire as to the status of Mariane’s marriage to Valere because, should they not wed, Damis would then not be able to marry Valere’s

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