Taking a Look at Non-Lethal Weapons

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Non Lethal Weapons

There is more to no lethal weapons than just pepper spray and tasers. No lethal weapons have a reason, but are more lethal than they are said to be. This is happening the more they advance. No lethal weapons help to calm rioters by the improvements that are made. There are also injuries that come with no lethal weapons.

There are many advancements in the development of no lethal weapons. These advances have increased the interest of no lethal weapons. Lethal landmines were banned with the Ottawa treaty; however, new mines are being enhanced to use rubber balls, electric wires, and chemicals (SV; however, SV.) (Nick Lewer). For example, there is a no lethal weapon that uses three no lethal weapons in one; it uses pepper spray, electric shock, and video surveillance (SV; SV.). Another no lethal weapon uses microwaves; it penetrates through skin; it uses water molecules to vibrate inside the body (SV; SV; SV.). These are only a few of the many developments of no lethal technology.

No lethal weapons are used for a number of reasons. When dealing with civilians, military forces and policy makers are looking for an alternative to lethal force. Police and prison services are also interested in no lethal arrest and restraint techniques (Nick Lewer). For example, the use of no lethal weapons on an aircraft could be used to take down hijackers. When dealing with civilians, law enforcement doesn’t want to kill the citizen, but slightly injure them. These are a few of the many examples to use no lethal weapons.

People have their own reasons for the use of no lethal weapons. According to Sgt. Crispin Castillo, “If we simply kill a criminal, we will not know why he did what he did and we will not be able to gain kn...

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... a challenge for medics to treat.

There are advances happening with non lethal weapons that could change the future. The reasons for the use of non lethal weapons grow with every day. Effects or injuries of these so called “non lethal weapons” is making them more lethal than non lethal. Non lethal weapons are advancing and by this advancement it is making them more lethal than non lethal, but these weapons are also serving a purpose.

Works Cited

Lewer, Nick. “Non-lethal weapons: operational and policy developments.” Lancet (2003): S20. eLibrary. Web. 29 Oct. 2013.

Starr, Amory, and Luis Social Justice Fernadez. "Legal Control and Resistance Post-Seattle." eLibrary. Bigchalk.com, 1 Jan. 2009. Web. 29 Oct. 2013.Hlavac, Cpl.

Tyler. "It's the Option Between Doing Nothing and Deadly Force." eLibrary. Bigchalk.com, 9 Mar. 2011. Web. 29 Oct. 2013.

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