Symbolic Interaction Theory, Structure Function Theory, and Conflict Theory

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The three sociology paradigms are Symbolic Interaction Theory, Structure – Function Theory, Conflict Theory. Paradigms are a models or frameworks for observation and understanding which shapes both what we see and how we understand it. Meaning that these three theories are how we understand sociology. These three theories work on macro or micro level. Micro level or local level meaning the research population typically is an individual in their social setting. Marco-level or global level refers to interactions on an economic scale.

Symbolic Interaction
Symbolic Interaction is Micro level theory that states that people use symbols to interact. This theory comes from Max Weber who believed that religion, was a major force of social change not just economics. But it was George H. Mead introduced it to American sociology in the 1920’s. And Erving Goffman that explained face - to – face interactions and relationships are a part of Symbolic Interaction. In deaf this theory means people become attached to meanings and symbols and with those attachments people they act according...

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