Theme Of The Giver

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In the giver, society doesn’t have a choice for what they want to do in the future. At age twelve, every member is given a job by the giver based on your abilities and interest that they learned about you. In this community, release means death, however, the people in this society don’t realize the true meaning behind the word “release”. They think that when someone is released, they go Elsewhere. Also, for those who break any rules have to be released because in this community, this is something to be ashamed of. Everything is planned out and organized for you so that you can go through life without struggling. The author implies dialogue to help the readers understand that in the giver, you don’t experience any pain to know the true beauty
Jonas was questioning the Giver as to why he can’t share any memories to other people in the community to release some pain. The Giver said to Jonas, “ Everyone would be burdened and pained. They don’t want that. And that’s the real reason why The Receiver is so vital to them, and so honored. They selected me - and you - to lift that burden from themselves.” (Lowry 142). Jonas had then suggested to change that! The Receiver knew that nothing could be changed since the decision has been made long ago. In the next training, the Giver had given Jonas the memory of Love. Jonas loved this feeling and understands that if everyone in the community knew what love meant that it would be dangerous. So then Jonas went home with this family in which he then asked his parents if they loved him. The mother responded with, “ Our community cannot function smoothly if people don’t use precise language. You could ask, ‘Do you enjoy me?’ The answer is ‘Yes’.” (Lowry 160). Jonas was able to lie because he was going to become the new Receiver. On this day, it was his first lie. He had to lie to his parents that he understood why he couldn’t use the word Love. The Receiver had told Jonas that he could watch anything he would like to watch. Earlier that day, his father had told him that there were twins and one of them had to be released. Jonas had watched the film and that is when he found out what Release actually meant. He was so devastated that he saw his own father kill someone. He knew that soon Gabriel was going to be release. Gabriel was the new child that his father had brought into the house and Jonas had built a relationship with him. Jonas was so fed up with everything there that he wanted to leave the community and take Gabriel with him. He told the Receiver about it and he was even willing to help him escape. Jonas said, “ It’s no use. They’ll find someone to take my place. They’ll choose a

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