Professional Activity Summary

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On October 1, 2013 I attended an informational workshop on a program called Faith Community Support Circle Program. The purpose of this information workshop is to bring light upon the increasing number of those who are literally homeless. Support Circle Program defines literally homeless as the state or condition of having no home (especially the state of living in the streets). Support Circle is a program where different churches house a family in order to relieve them of homelessness. The Support Circle Program was Raleigh/Wake 10 year plan to send homelessness. This program was designed to help families living in shelters in Wake County transition into permanent housing. The goal of this program is to engage members of congregations to end homelessness by partnering with individuals and families to assist them in their transition from Wake County shelters to stabilized housing.
Every year Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Raleigh, Inc. conducts a point-in-time where volunteers will go downtown or other parts of Raleigh and count the homeless people. On January 25, 2012 the Nor...

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