Integumentary System Essay

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The Integumentary System happens to be one of the most fascinating systems of the body which contains the largest organ,the skin itself. Three layers make up the skin which are the epidermis (epi meaning upon or above) the outermost layer, the dermis which is the middle layer and lastly, the subcutaneous or the hypodermis (hypo meaning below). Several items that make up the system are hair,nails,and our glands. Our hair helps with the regulation of body temperature. Our nails help protect the end of the fingers and toes because if they weren 't present there would be exposed skin. Lastly, we have the glands which are the sudoriferous (eecrine and apocrine) or the sweat glands and sebaceous or the oil glands. The glands help with the protection and the regulation of body temperature in the Integumentary System, which truly when you
One you may not think of or pay too much attention to is the Integumentary System, especially on how everything is formed or grown within it. Skin, hair, nails and the sweat and oil glands are accessories of this system. When laid out the skin is the largest organ that makes up the outer shell of the human body. The Integumentary system is always growing and making new cells and tissue. The skin itself is made up of several layers and is important for several reasons. Some functions of the skin are the protection from bacteria and not letting anything harmful into the skin or body, regulation of body temperature, production of vitamin D which is needed to maintain the absorption or making of calcium. Sensations,which is the sense of touch, like when someone softly brushes up against your cheek or arm. Our hair helps with this also,the excretion of waste products from the body are excreted out through sweat. Epidermis, dermis and the hypodermis or subcutaneous layers are all the working staples of these functions in this

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