Staying at My New House

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The building appeared daunting. Cold, grey, stone walls towered before

me to a roof of gables and tall chimneys. The dank, green, lifeless

ivy swept across the walls. Clumps of withered plants straggled along

the path, everything was grey or black or dull, shrivelled brown. I

made my way cautiously to the front door.

I unlocked the large, creaking door and stepped into the chilly hall.

The house had a cave-like smell of mould. For some unknown reason a

feeling of dread gripped the pit of my stomach.

Only a few weeks ago I learned that I had inherited a country house

from a distant relative and the keys had been handed to me that


I continued down the hallway into the kitchen which was at the end of

the corridor. It was a large room and, after putting down my bags,...

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